For Yas Forumsacks who were raised Christian, are you still practicing believers or did you leave the faith?
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I have difficulty differentiating between the juvenile understanding of God I was given at a young age, and the new understanding I have now. In Sunday school no one tells you the complexities of the Trinity or Predestination. Once you get there, you're left with a lot of ambiguity that faith can't answer. It poses the question within me whether or not God has as much power in my life as I originally believed. Either faith can't answer it or my faith isn't strong enough.
Either way, I feel the Holy Spirit with me as I walk through this land of sin. As much as I doubt, I still feel a personal relationship with all 3 aspects of God. While I do not pray deliberately or go to church, I see His light stretching into this realm of darkness begging to be noticed. I ultimately am disappointed with myself for not holding strong in my faith. I wish I was a bolder Christian.
I went to a Christian school. I didn't take it too seriously and thought the teachers were just strict. In retrospective it was pretty much just a indoctrination camp. I am neutral towards Christianity and think all the liberals taking pot shots at it was attacking low hanging fruit. Lately I've been much more interested in learning about the pagan roots of the Christian traditions rather than Christianity itself.
checked based lauren rose poster
Interesting user, thanks for your response. Hopefully you carry on with resolve.
>no option to say it's kike religion
>no option to say you're only christian because kikes seethe
I'm Christian in the sense I follow the teachings of Christ and that's about it
I believe he is the Son of God and redemption is his gift to us but I also don't believe in Christians go to hell simply for not being Christian
Lots of what the bible contains is cultural things at the time which don't need to be taken as 100% serious because they aren't relevant anymore
I also don't really care what others do, it makes me sad to see people deny Christ but it's their choice to make.
How do I start believing? I'd like to go to mass or something but feel like a fraud asshole
Also I completely ignore the old testament aside from genesis and the ten Commandments
The old testament is a history lesson on the people who killed my Messiah, I don't care to know their history because they were made irellevant when Christ came
I was raised in nonbelief, but becane christian. I simply saw no other white group with somewhat close to healthy birth rate. Whatever other baggage I thought would be worth it. So far it's about 5% baggage and 95% uplifting and valuable. Far better than expected. Yes, some people believe in a way that seems to me untrue. But then in the cathedral of scientism I also encountered things that were untrue, yet accepted by many, especially the historiography of gaschambers, the whole sexual revolution of kinsey, trans stuff from money and all suppression of circumcision research. Not to mention the whole industry of using aborted baby tissue to inject into us all with mandatory vaccines in a year from now.
Only people who give even a hint of fight against this around me are christians.
It's is not an european religion so i left it early.
I was raised Catholic. CCD classes and my advisor (nice neighbor lady) wanted me to become an altar boy because I scored well on the CCD tests. When I told her that I just memorized the stuff but didn't actually believe any of it, she began weeping. I felt really bad, but what was I supposed to do. I never believed any of it. I sometimes wish I could though, because I've seen faith really help people through tough times. And I don't criticize or look down on the faithful because of their faith. The arrogant atheists don't realize how completely infuriating they are. Don't be one of them.
No. I realized in my 20's that all religions are complete bullshit, fabricated mind control techniques. Still waiting for the rest of the world to come to that same obvious conclusion so we can move on to bigger and better things.
Lauren Rose had something off with her. From her duration on JF's show she moved like twice. She was desperate to be a public figure no matter what. Also she studied in NY
Imagine her ass getting fucked by 10 KFCs
Having faith isn't like flipping a light switch
You don't need to go to church if you don't think it will help. For some it helps them stay on the right path, a weekly reminder of sorts
Not everyone needs that, worship can be a group thing or a solo thing, God doesnt care how you do it.
Also be very careful and study the sects of Christianity before making a decision on a church, a bad experience at a weak church may turn you off entirely
My advice is look for churches of denominations that you think may be a good fit and speak directly to the pastor/priest/reverend and get a feeling for who they are, it's generally a pretty good indicator of the congregation as a whole
NYC, she was probably subletting someone's broom closet
u don't have to be a christian in order to go to heaven
for those who didn't get to know christianity its possible if they find the God by themselves by use of philosophy
>I also don't really care what others do, it makes me sad to see people deny Christ but it's their choice to make.
It's a popular attitude unfortunately
If you re to follow Christ teachings you're supposed to treat the other like urself
Now imagine ur a clueless fedora that christians ignore destined to go to hell
This is one of the most interesting responses I've seen in a long time. Based, as the kids seem to say.
OT is more of history of YHWH’s interactions with humanity and the family line that led up to the messiah. What are you talking about? Also, God’s word is timeless. There is nothing in there that “isn’t really relevant anymore”. That is Luciferian doctrine you’re pushing
I had the same issue months ago. I listened to the godcast, on libsyn. They said "it's okay to fake it at first and try to not feel too self conscious about it. Just the try will be appreciated."
I found this to be true. I also went to a very tiny church where there were a handful of people and each was called on to pray out loud if they wished for something. I joined in the first time and they were surprised. Now I've been going for months and have gotten better. I've received nothing but supportiveness and someone complimented me that he liked that I just tried even if I mumbled/ stumbled as it helped lower the bar for others. I can't speak for churches around you, but I found people that worry more about being welcoming and laid back enough to help new people come back than I was worried about doing everything "right".
Some churches I went to were more focused on people who had been christians a long time so those were harder. Some are simply better for people who are first considering christianity and some are better for long time christians. If you find one that is good for new christians, they'll help explain the basics, or they might even offer free courses on it that help. I'd say, don't worry, try a couple.
Built for Huge Horse Cocks
Left because modern Christianity is cucked. Even if I still believe in it I would never associate with Christianity or call myself a Christian.
I pray you find the light, brother.
I sunk into 20 years of life destroying degeneracy until Yas Forums brought me back to the truth. Once you get a glimpse of evil, there's no going back.
Thanks. They seem to want to shorttrack me for a leadership role, but I'm not sure if I should. At the moment I'm just giving advice, sharing research on homosexuality / satanic cults, and giving tips on how to better reach zoomers. Any thoughts on how to evaluate whether I should learn for a leadership role?
Raised Anglican, went every sunday, sunday school from a young age. Always enjoyed it. I was actually more into it than my parents were. They saw it as more of an excuse to be part of a community. Had an edgy athiest phase prior to and throughout some of highschool (catholic school), but only because I thought I was cool because of it. Grew out of that as I started to realize that I don't infact know the answers to everything just because I read a book by some fag with cerebral palsy. Been rebuilding my relationship with God ever since.
Having said that, fuck modern Christianity in a lot of ways. The whole idea of "well I'm Christian so I can't judge anyone, or ever stand up for myself, or be against the proliferation of immoral behavior". People seem to have forgotten how and when to start flipping tables, as the story goes.
Also I wouldn't have gotten there without either Yas Forums or americans. The former for all of the political research breadcrumbs. The latter because a friend who stayed in US for a couple of years became very sympathetic to right wing christian americans (despite being a nonbeliever) and he gave me the final push.
Thank you Yas Forums, thank you americans.
Flag checks out
They also don't use + in math in israel and instead made a new symbol. Best redpill for many christians.
no, but I would do Lauren anal styles
Wash the cum off your keyboard and go outside.
>Born a Protestant
>Became an atheist when I found out that Protestantism is a manmade religion
>Became a Catholic when I started reading history and realized why I hated Protestantism so much
If u 'believed' you wouldn't leave
Those who renounce Jesus in life will be renounced from heaven by him in afterlife
Anyway it's better to tell that in meantime you don't agree w/ christianity on everything
>Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
>Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard
>If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people.
>If a priest’s daughter defiles herself by becoming a prostitute, she disgraces her father; she must be burned in the fire.
Plenty of it is irrelevant.
>For Yas Forumsacks who were raised Christian, are you still practicing believers or did you leave the faith
You do realise that the answer will depend entirely on if you are an edgy stupid teen or not? People grow out of that
where is she now bros?
>If u 'believed' you wouldn't leave
Sure you can. The way you describe makes it sound too cultish.
God bless you and may you seek Christ in prayer
this guy doesnt realize he is going to hell for wearing that cotton blend shirt
Now this is BASED
"Raised Christian" means nothing in America. Going to church quarterly is normal, and people would consider that being "raised Christian."
Protip: if you homeschool, there's statistically a 95% chance your child will stay Christian.
my mom was raised very catholic but she never pushed it on to me. weirdly enough i became more devout while my brother went agnostic. my friends who were raised to be christians became atheist, one pretty radical.
The only thing on my keyboard is chicken grease
she has nice eyes
>Being Israel
Nigga what? You need to reread.
Intensely religious and Christian as a kid, then I read the Bible and felt like it didn't mesh with my values whatsoever. Became a deist, then an atheist. Remained that way most of my teenage years. Came back to the faith last year, but it hasn't stuck. I kind of lean more Norse pagan than anything else. It feels like that at least reflects my values more than Christianity does.
I'd be very careful about sharing your thoughts on these topics out IRL. I've been to Holland only a couple times, but it seemed like the folks I know there would not take kindly to such talk. Either way, it's risky.
>he doesn't know
If u rly believe commandments 1-3 apply to u
This means u commit a heavy sin by not going to church on Sundays
I believe cult is imperative for spreading faith
>People seem to have forgotten how and when to start flipping tables
Yeah but that was Jesus, he can act with authority. It's angels that will act as executioners when Armageddon happens, not humans
I have a far greater understanding of what it means to be truly Christian than I ever did growing up in a Catholic family. This was accomplished by actually reading the Bible from Genesis all the way to Revelation and every book in between. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is barely touched on in the Catholic church. If you want to learn about Christianity in America today, you basically have to do it yourself.
church is made for sinnners, you shouldn't feel bad for going. Most people who go to church are already frauds for thinking that going everyday makes them saved and is essentially playing house without any of the content
I left in my teens because I thought it was anti intellectual and I wanted to fornicate.
Then returned a few years later
I do not go to church regularly but I was raised as a christian, I mean the whole point of this life is pretty meaningless, youre on a big rock in space you dont really matter in the grand scheme of things but as I grew older I began to realize that even though our experience is pretty meaningless that the christian teachings like 10 commandments, etc all are in place to help you make the best of your life on earth all these "rules" help you see that all you can do in this life is speak, listen, and be connected with your "tribe" (human race) the more you commit acts of morally bad behavior life begins to weed you out to the bottom where people dont want to communicate with you, you may you say you dont like talking to people now but realize that once you get older you will long for the missed experiences that you could have had if you werent so cynical and tried to break the social construct to get what you want for the now but not what you need for the future ( a tribe that cares), besides all the people that dont believe in a God (higher power) because they cant perceive what a higher being might be. Look to your consciousness where does it come from
>For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.
>Deuteronomy 30:11-14
Why do you go and seek some type of hidden truth? What else is there to know? Know that we are fallen is a sufficient explanation for all ills, and in seeking secret truths we fall victim to charlatans, cultists, and kikery. You will be accepted, and the truth shall fill you. You were made to worship, that is why you feel longing. Come home.
Inshallah, Mohammed
fucking lol @ all you christian nerds. if you had one minutae of critical thinking you would not religious, let alone a fucking christian whose book is a compilation of other mythical stories and couldn't predict the next day, and doesnt make note of fucking dinosaurs.
but 'muh god is challenging us in different ways!!111!!'
'of course earth wasnt made in 7 days, its just a metaphor for a long long time!!111'
'everything that doesnt make sense in there is a challenge from god!!!'
holy shit i find it incredible people who find this website can still believe in childhood stories with evidence equitable to that of santa claus, or the tooth fairy, and let it permeate into all avenues of their lives and fill the cracks in their personalities, and even worse, imbue it into children and fill their minds with falsehoods at a susceptible age.
Listen to God's Word and the Holy Spirit will create faith in Christ in your heart
fuking lol. Its okay all that makes you happy, but none of it makes it real.
nice irish eyes, i agree ausbro
ritual laws no longer apply
I'm actually a seminarian now, training to clean up the Church from all of the fags who invaded.
Btw look what happened to the world as a result of ignoring OT
The God clearly stated not to eat snakes and bats among other animals
Was raised Orthodox in a country that used to take religion very seriously until recently. Every major event had a priest attending, we were taught Religion at school for almost 10 years, events such as Easter attracted most of the population at their local churches to celebrate the resurrection of Christ and so forth. Everybody has an icon of Christ or Saint Mary in their cars, and pictures of Archangels in their homes. Baptism, marriage, funeral - all of these significant events were always done in close proximity to a priest or a church. It's quite amazing and ironic to witness all of this - 85%+ of the population proudly identifies itself as Orthodox, but they follow all of the above not because they are overtly religious, no, they do it because it's part of the tradition here, it's what our forefathers used to do and it was passed down to us.
Sadly, all of this has changed in the last couple of years. The younger generations do not give a damn about the importance of the Church, which is now an institution that despite having a lot of power, is slowly fading away into obscurity. Moreover, there's a systematic and planned attack on the Orthodox Church coordinated by foreign NGOs and local progressive MSM outlets, who wish to marginalize the institution from the general public.
You have to be 18 to post here
based. God bless
so your values are pillage, human sacrifice, and blood eagles? Good to know...
Also, I posted this in another thread already today, but if anyone wants to hear the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, I recommend watching this video. It's 1 hour, but just watch the entire thing if you have time. Do it in bits and pieces if you have to.
Hahaha - the irony of your posts and saying that.
I can guarantee you without a shadow of a doubt if you 'became' a catholic - you are as stupid as it gets. But hey, if it answers the hard questions in your life and gives you a sense of belonging - keep it up!
Mine path was about the same, except for me being Orthodox.
I know how to navigate non-christian world. I've been to the most pozzed places and I've been offered a breakthrough and national fame if I would but suck the right jew producer cock. I know when to hide my thoughts and when to speak them. I appreciate the warning though.
I wanna start going to church for the trad cuties. Is that a realistic expectation?
>OT is more of history of YHWH’s interactions with humanity and the family line that led up to the messiah
Yes and mh spiritual beliefs are based in the teaching of the Messiah, not what happened before him
Why should I trust those who killed the Messiah? Why should I believe anything they claim as the "word of God?"
The only word of God comes from his Son.
>There is nothing in there that “isn’t really relevant anymore”.
There is plenty, wearing mixed fabric and not shaving are pretty damn irellevant.
There's no reason to believe anything in the old testament is the actual word of God. They killed the one who actually spoke for God because he told them they were wrong
You'll find them intellectually uninteresting because of how much Yas Forums shit you've polluted your mind with, and they'll find you strangely weird because you can't just "shed" your degeneracy.
You should know that the typical places tourists come, like amsterdam, is the most jewed and least native dutch place there is in this country. Netherlands also has white commies in the north, a bible belt, and slightly misguided right wingers in the southeast. Every 30 minutes driving is a new accent. And many dutch are closet conservatives.
Nice bro! Epic career evangelical you posted there. He literally makes millions from doing this shit. Fuck me. Stop filling your head with insanity because it makes you feel good.
How is sacrificing babies working out for you?
"The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, and become abominable in their devices; there is none that does goodness, there is not even so much as one."
I said nothing of Israel, I said jews. The teachings of the Pharisees became a good part of the foundation of Judaism.
I understand the need to shift the blame, it must be hard to accept your people are damned
Her looks are 10/10.
i had my period of apostasy in early teens thru early 20s. Came back to my faith after reading up on aquinas and aristotle. have further defined it now close to 40. It's a journey, not a destination. Seek and you shall find. Hubris has always been the main antagonist of the "man vs nature" narrative.