Are you afraid of getting COVID-19?

Are you afraid of getting COVID-19?

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I'm afraid of getting it and spreading it to my parents since they're seniors.

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No, but I am afraid of my loved ones getting it.

over 1,200 US deaths from COVID-19 today.

Die, trash!



Honestly couldn't give less of a fuck.
I rarely leave the house though anyway.

you should be. it is very unpleasant and the're the longer term effects that fucking suck.

Godspeed to you all.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 2 rolls per day. If you have a family of 17, that's 603 rolls a week. Over 8459 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it

No, may allah fulfil his destiny for me

Yeah bro fuck that china coof

First post, "worst" post
I'm afraid of doing that too

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only about giving it to my parents who are high risk

Already have it

I do because my lungs are shit after smoking so much
But I just got let go from my job so I probably wont put up too much of a fight.

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No but I don't want to accidentally kill anyone else.

No, why would I be afraid of something I cannot see?

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Brought to you by the


Canadian Cuck Post

Already had it and it fucking sucks, still weak now after 3 weeks

Not at all. I'm healthy. I've got asthma, but control it well through drugs and an anti-inflammatory diet, and have never had pneumonia from other respiratory issues.

My life has not changed one bit. If they try telling me I can't leave my house fuck it they will have to catch me because life is too short to worry about the fukn flu.

what does it feel like assuming you arent larping

Yes. Of course its butting people in intensive care, damaging their hearts livers, lungs, killing people of all ages even the healthy. Half of the people in hospital here are under 40 and half of them 20% are teens and in their 20s. I have only spoken to one person who had it in Italy who I know, he is 28 and fit and he said he thought he was going to die, constantly vomiting weird coloured watery stuff from his lungs and when the oxygen he was on stopped for changing he would have panic attacks. Its fucking nasty. Really bad.

I think I have it. But its cool i am young and will be recovered by the time shit hits the fan

World wide death rate is 5% and the younger you are the better your chances.

I mean not insignificant chance of dying if you get it, but not high enough that I’m going to worry about it while I’m healthy.

What’s is
>a rag that can be re washed
>a bidet
>literally any paper product after your tp runs out
>a fucking old sock
When shtf people are gonna make do. Puns intended.

>But its cool i am young
>alf of the people in hospital here are under 40 and half of them 20% are teens and in their 20s. I have only spoken to one person who had it in Italy who I know, he is 28 and fit and he said he thought he was going to die, constantly vomiting weird coloured watery stuff from his lungs and when the oxygen he was on stopped for changing he would have panic attacks. Its fucking nasty. Really bad.

I am, not in any risc group but still...

No, I am afraid of not finding a job again.

Hey that's the same model of mask I got

not afraid of myself but I live with my 75 year old obese grandma so if she gets it she's pretty much guaranteed fucked

Nope. French Canadian brah.

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No not really, I don’t want the pandemic to ever end though, I’m enjoying this ride

I do not want the chinese flu at all. My girlfriend works at a senior home and my parents are old as well. I dont prep at all but I do try my best to keep clean.

I always wash my hands after a good fap and porn hub premium is free so I wash every 20 minutes.

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I think i already have it. I always wanted to die in war but would take global plague too.

>muh respirator
>eyes uncovered
HAHAHAHAHAHA what retard

Not even remotely.

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As they say bad vase dont breaks

No, it's a literal nothingburger, I've gone back to work already because I have bills to pay, commie shills. Fuck off and go back to work and MAGA bitches!

I’m genuinely not worrying too much about the virus... I am relatively young though.

I’m more worried about the economic calamity that awaits after the virus is gone.

it doesn't exist, so no..
I am, however, afraid of the effects of all you faggot normies following like sheep, though.

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.

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What's your anti inflammatory diet composed of

Bi Canadian Cuck

naw, I accepted my mortality a long time ago

>Are you afraid of getting COVID-19?

Hey! I remember you and this thread! One of my favourites!
No, I'm not afraid of getting COVID-19. COVID-19 is better than sex. Way better than my sex that is.
This whole happening is turning into High Praise of Shitposting, future troll generations will look back in time with envy and realization that never again truly this time means never again.

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Nah, whatever happens, happens.
I'm just waiting for the housing market to crash so I can become a lazy entitled landlord.

I used to think that I don't. Not gonna lie, when I was doing shopping today I have goten a little scared. While I would probably be fine I really don't want my much older parents to catch it.

Go die to make a company that is charging you 10% interest on a 0% loan RICH

Same, and my grandma

I don’t want pneumonia, I don’t want scarred lungs and above all I don’t want to get sterilized. Chinks can keep their bat soup disease.

Nothing will crash enough to make stupid poorfags ok. They are not ok because they are stupid poorfags, if you were going to be ok, you would be already.

i was afraid of death. Until i saw god in my dream.

My grandma has dementia and is in a care facility, really worried about her.

It's really just low carb. If you are concerned in the short term, you could go full keto, but I don't find it sustainable long term.

yes, and more so for my family

I'll just walk around with a shitty butt. No one is around so who cares?

I have asthma, and damaged lungs, plus I smoke lots of pot. If I catch it Im dead.

Same here really sad

They are just sitting there thinking why is no one visiting me?

You can leave the house. Just keep 4meters of distance away from people and don't touch anything. Maybe change clothes when you return. If you take precioouns you are good to go.

I am not at all concerned with the virus. However, I am very concerned with the elderly and those with preexisting pathologies. Do what is right, anons.

It's fine. I almost recovered although still coof from time to time. My throat got absolutely fucked up at first though.

Imagine being frightened by these odds.

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Hey, look on the bright side. The next day they forget that no one visited them.

I'm pretty sure I've had it, but that is no guarantee I won't get a worse strain oc Chink WuFlu

I'm already going through it, I have mild symptoms, started with fever on Tuesday. I work for NHS on a covid 19 screening ward, worried is an under statement..

I can handle myself, got enough saved to buy into all of the ensuing crashes.
Hopefully my boomer dad catches the shit so I can get a free house on top of a fat inheritance.
Must suck for poor folk with poor parents

This. I'm also afraid of it causing infertility.

I hate the idea for requiring dialysis for life because it gets on your liver, or the risk of unexpected stroke if your get encephalitis and test clean but yeah sterilisation or cardiac or kidney damage or lung damage, its all fucking bad.....

Watch this

Fuck off chink

be doing you a favour Poppy

If you don't give a fuck about your father you are not worth a fuck, its why you will always be poor.

I'm so sorry for you user.

Would still rather not catch it at all if possible

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I’m afraid for my 86 year old grandma. She’s self isolating in her house.

idk i think i might have it right now. my chest starting hurting yesterday and now today i feel kind of weak and im having problems catching my breath. i dont have a fever but i feel a bit cold i guess.

Infertility would be fucking awesome, idk what you mean. You get to have all the sex you want with your SO without wearing a condom or having her in birth control. Kids are overrated as fuck

Chink, was this worth your incoming and justified genocide? Do you have any idea what the world will do to China and the Chinese for this? It would be literally better for you to kys than live through what's heading your way

Nope. French Canadian!

Don't fear too much. Remember:
MSM lies
politicians lie
gubmints lie
officials lie
experts lie
anons lie
"anons" lie
But you already knew this. Who do you trust? Who can you trust?
Only trust another user, but not the one that lies!
I don't lie. And I'm user. Not "user". Can you trust this?
"anons" are not anons. they lie just to lie! anons lie for keks! don't trust either one!

That's what he gets for smoking for over half a century.
Tried to warn him, but the cunt wouldn't listen.

I think I have a mild case, or just the flu, however, I don't have a fever and only a mild cough, no chest pain. My main symptom is weakness and fatigue. It doesn't help that I've slept like shit the past couple nights and our basement flooded at the beginning of the weak so I was working to pump out the water, and we had to get a new water tank and I had to help the technician carry it into the basement in my weakened state.

So I think I'm making it worse than it really is.

I just had the flu (got it 7 days ago), or I think it was the flu, i can't quite be sure if it was flu or covid cause i cant get a fucking test done here.

But yeah im fucking afraid, if i get covid now, my immune system is already weakened and this shit will finish me. Sitting at home scared as fuck, also ran out of toilet paper.

well I'm just hopeful the place she's at keeps the place clean and is prepared for the worst

I just started feeling hot and a slight sore throat about a couple hours ago

*laughs nervously*

No, im not afraid of getting the chinese wuhan coronavirus.

Now take out the Chinese numbers form each side and recalculate.

not really
i'm afraid of the plebs who haven't prepped and will start looting

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>Are you afraid of getting COVID-19?
naw, my doctor said we here in southern Ontario had it last November and December already. Told already had it last year.
Something strange going on, lockdown is not because of official reasons.

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Tool up. Barbed wire is your fren as are gunz

Same, I want kids.

had it
caught it from my nephew on purpose
the anglo herd is strong
enjoy the second wave

No. I believe I had it already in Janaury. I also had staff off for respiratory issues during that period. Auxillary staff for a hospital. I think about it's mutation and reinfection desu.

get castrated already faggot

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Frankly they are overrated since zoomers, check out the emuposter

fuck off meme flag

every illness hurts the swimmers.
they'll bounce back soon enough

Its was a bad flu and bacterial pneumonia season in Europe anyway. You have not had it.

I have it for the second time, I'm not afraid for myself but I seemed to have infected my dad 65 years old fat smoker and COPD patient. I hope he doesn't have to go to hospital or die. Although he's often a mean prick he doesn't deserve to die he always tried his best for me.

Honestly I don’t really care. I dont have a lot going on otherwise