Non-whites of Yas Forums

What race are you and why do you post on this board if you’re not white

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Other urls found in this thread:

im white

I am also White

>reee i want more echo in my echo chamber

Chink (some white ancestry though)

Because I post high-quality content

I am Chinese with immigrant parents from China. I make blacked posts and I'm pretty sure I'm responsible for at least 60% of the anti-American posts and pro-China posts on Yas Forums


Typical white "master race" in the middle

The only white country in this world is Israel
West europe is Arab
East Europe is mongol
The americas are Mexican

My great-great grandparents came from Paraguay to the us in the 1890s

Mixed: black/white. I’m originally from Yas Forums but I come here for the coronavirus threads.

Hapa (Chinese-Japanese-Danish) Master Race

Because I am mentally, culturally, intellectually, and spiritually superior to you yt generic trash and find it amusing to troll you and expose your idiocy, fragility and hypocrisy.

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I am an Iranian and post here just for keks

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white checking in

Yo onions blanco

Is your DNA mostly euro?

I'm based and redpilled


cause is funnee

so even this board got the bbc

I'm half Moroccan half Dutch and responsible for the BBC spam on Yas Forums.

I am here to find de way back to Uganda.

>What race are you
Spic quadroon

>and why do you post on this board if you’re not white
The laws of gravity are a scientific fact
Special relativity is a scientific fact
OP being a fag is a fact
There are 24 hrs in a day
And race realism is a fact like all those other statement.

My race(or lack of one) shouldn’t distort reality, no where else exists where the truth is spoken and I have an innate desire to understand truth.

Pretty based actually.

>What race are you
>why do you post on this board if you’re not white
It's fun.

White, a bit golden.
I have no fucking idea why i still use this site. Nowhere else to go i guess.

You have 10 seconds to leave.

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it's kind of entertaining

Taiwanese. I hate globalists and china. I am Catholic, believe in democracy, and very anti communism. You'd rather have me here than a white libtard.

Im 100 percent white. English Irish Scottish, tiny bit of German.

I'd honestly kill myself with heroin if I had any genetic filth in my blood such as nonwhite heritage. It must be incredibly humiliating not to be full white.

If anyone is reading this that isn't 100 percent white, apologise. Then piss off.

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Nordic Aryan. My roots are Hyperborea and Atlantis. My people also created India.


Make me faggot I baked the /ptg/ threads for 9 months I'm more redpilled than you'll ever be

Make me fuckboy

I’m Hispanic accelerationist and post on this board because the cuckish nature of the Whites upset me, I’m obsessed with a White vs Black race war because I observe the irrational love and affection Whites have for their nigger pets and want to destroy this grotesque relationship to damage the nigger, spite the cuckish nature of the Whites and squander the plans of the Jew by destroying its strongest play

memeflags have 10 seconds to leave

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black desu...
i just come here to laugh at most of you desu

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Go fuck a sheep like your ancestors, subhuman

blue eyes aryan real nigga reporting for duty

>What race are you
I'm Indian
>why do you post on this board if you’re not white
Cause I hate kikes

I'm like an avatar of racial entropy. I'm here because I'm a fucking weeb like everyone else, but I realized that my racial ambiguity gives me a lot of power. My dad comes from Israel, so I can (((mingle))) without being questioned. Yas Forums needs to understand that not everyone that isn't white disagrees with what they're saying.

But I'm mostly here for the sheer amount of information that runs through this place.

How have you been exposed to the information on this board and yet still deny racial realism? What mental gymnastics are you using because I would like to learn how to not be so blackpilled?

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Med with 2.5% North African blud

I’ve still never been unable to understand what draws nonwhites to this board
You guys realize if we had our way, you’d be stuck in your own countries, or at the very least, containment zones away from the rest of us right? We want you out of our countries so we can fix what your presence caused, and we both know your countries won’t be capable of surviving without our gibs, which would dry up entirely
Seriously, someone explain to me why nonwhites are here.

Time to data mine

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based Chang here.

include me in the screencap, broseph


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Octaroon, still whiter than most Americans on here.

im just biracial with high IQ and see the long term potential of utilizing such a power base, but dont feel special, its the same thing for everyone

hand plus timestamp senpai your black on pol and posting anime thats like 0.001% likely
basiert wenn wahr

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I occasionally screenshot some really stupid shit said on pol and share it in an all-black discord I'm in (you have to prove you're black/half-black to be let in, or you can't enter) so we can laugh at it.


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i'm white bitch

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Because I go where I please
get fucked yt

A chink who hates minorities especially kikes

Same here Mohammed we are the true Aryan kangz

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>is X white
>data mining
None of you newfags are "of pol" if you haven't even read the rules.

Answer this. You have to be seriously low IQ to post on this site and not be a racial realist. How much information are you subconsciously blocking on a daily basis? I have never seen anyone btfo a racial realist as of yet, yet here you are arrogantly laughing at people spouting the truth.

giving your dna to a company that has already forwardet dna datasets to gubermints
peek fucking brainlet

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6'0" with blonde hair and blue eyes. Whenever I see these meetup pictures I feel like a minority on a white supremacy board somehow.

ooh so you're the /ptg/ fag spamming nothingburger bullshit?

>My people also created India.
should you really be boasting about that

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I've been on Yas Forums since 2010, I'm just close OP's level of retardation.

How white are “white Brazilians” in your experience. I think I read somewhere that Brazil used to be majority “white” but the definition there might be loose. Is Bolsanaro whiter than your average “White Brazilian”.



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>what race are you

>and why do you post on this board if you’re not white
I only lurk here because its funny haha

I'm an indian. I'm an American nationalist.

>What race are you?

Iberian, I guess.

>Why do you post on this board if you are not white

It is always funny to shitpost and there is always some high-quality content out of all the shit and hatred.

Because I hate this clown world and the other retards who I have the displeasure of sharing a race with are all brainwashed

I am greek so i dont qualify as white for this board
Lurking at Yas Forums since the previous American elections and stuck here
Now i enjoy lurking at Corona threads, comfy from my corona-free island

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Read my post.Am I supposed to go find some Hispanic board where I manage to convince these retards that we need to implement a eugenics program to improve our genetic pool enough to be competitive against whites?

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I'm white

75% white 25% potato nigger

lithuanian customs are weird .... probably evolved from the slav tradition of spitting on the ground eksde

I’m arguably white, depends if you consider dark eyes and hair white.

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Fuck your profile data mining.
>why do you post here
1) Ironically, Yas Forums can be a decent OSINT tool. Actual intel leaks occur here sometime. You just have to know how to read past the shitposting and separate lie from truth or near truth.
2) despite your bouts of schizophrenia, you people are the only ones who see society as a whole has become illogical and irrational because “muh feels” and act accordingly
3) actual happenings can be followed here that the news will either not report on or will spin to fit their narrative
4) it’s the one place where Americans act in unison and defend one another when SHTF for real. I wish we had more of that kind of nationalistic zeal.


Fucking based pahahaha


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Am potato nigger too

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wtf u not white you mutt i'm a turk and my eyes are lighter than urs

I'm Italian, so I'm an upgraded white.

Atlantic Celtic master race checking in
Posting in this dump cos banned from social media

>US flag
What a surprise, a mutt!

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your ancestors started the acceleration, and we poc white nationalists will finish it.

>What race are you and why do you post on this board if you’re not white

I am Kang & enjoy watching my white brothers get BTFO with viruses, invasions & arab colonialism

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Why do people care about Data-Mining?
I've worked for the CIA for some years and I can tell you it isn't a big deal. I can assure you we don't care about Yas Forums.

WMAF? is ur mom hot? post pics

You will never be white.
Please don't have children.

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I'm Mexican (indio).

I'm here because I hate Jews and China. And I enjoy seeing whites seethe about the Brazilification of the USA.

Im white as fuck, trust me