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Strong evidence = gib shekel

It's already been approved by the FDA and it's currently the most effective, front line treatment for the Chinese Virus.

You're just an AECOM shill working for Big Pharma, who will lose billions because people don't want their chips and tattoos and poison vaccines.

It was approved prematurely with zero evidence besides a sketchy study.

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Note that Fauci fully endorsed AZT for aids treatments which killed more gays than aids itself
based or cringe. you decide

this is rather promising imo, hes __not__ saying that it looks like it can't work

Fauci is a piece of shit

Wasn't it made by Jews anyway?

Every time Fauci opens his mouth more people want him gone. Thanks kikes you really are arrogant retards.

he is literally a bill gates mouthpiece. the one guy who wants to force vaccinate and chip us all

>Every time Fauci opens his mouth more people want him gone. Thanks kikes you really are arrogant retards.

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Here in Netherland they gave it to patients but stopped after a little while because as a side effect patients dropped their hearthrate

You're so out of touch with how people actually think. Get off twitter and Yas Forums and realize gatekeeping doesn't work anymore.

Japan are offering Avigan for free

On a scale from 1-vancouver how much do you enjoy tiny chinese cock?

Its a french study not a sketchy study leaf.
And its supposed to be given to patient as soon as they are infected, to prevent complication happening.
Of course it dont work on near death patient they already have complication.

It was explained since the first Raoult study.

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When can we start hanging reporters?

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I wonder how much money he has invested in Gilead Sciences?

I'm not saying one way or the other, I'm not a doctor or biochemist or whatever..........

but hasn't it been deployed for some time? wouldn't we be hearing about success stories more widespread if it had a significant effect?

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"in sickest patients" Raoult specifically said that it worked on early stages of the illness and that once the lungs are heavily affected, antivirals don't do shit.

So yeah, the treatment does not work... in cases where it's not supposed to work. Wew lad.

>deep state glow nigger glows brightly

Its helpful in the early stages. That’s all anyone claimed. The problem is it’s too affordable and mr pharma doesn’t make big money off it, so they keep trying to slander this poor drug.

Tranny fucker

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A french politician and his close collaborators have been cured by it and are now pushing for larger scale usage

100% a guy

pic didn't upload fuck this gay site

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>zero evidence besides
go fuck yourself

>Hey Tony come inside for a few minutes
>Look. Your voice is weird, you look like a little bug and people just get nervous when you start talking and then they're not thinking as clearly.
>I'm sorry. You're fired.
You know it's coming.

>It was approved prematurely with zero evidence besides a sketchy study.
They're using a mixture of medicines, which does not include Chloroquine. Kill yourself Bill Gates.

Do you really believe any of this trash?

Trust this guy and his "wife", nothing unusual about them

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> It didn't work on patients with lung cancer
> Better not use it goyim

Is anyone else buying all the chloroquine they can get and selling it online?


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>Every time Fauci opens his mouth more people want him gone
Honestly I want Trump to get rid of him, he's definitely a scheming rat.

they're trying to prevent a run on the drug so they can stockpile federal resources and they can charge people for it

fuck off loser
you know dam well you are massive smelly cunt hole



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I’ve already bought some

What trash? Estrosi has been cured using it, and reported no side effect.
Its just a fact

We approved it here, no one cares about your kikes anymore.

This. Their claims against it are ALL based on late term usage, when it should be used preventatively or early on... to AVOID ICU cases.

>shills for specific medicine
>You're just an AECOM shill working for Big Pharma, who will lose billions because people don't want their chips and tattoos and poison vaccines.
nice try Henkelstein

>wouldn't we be hearing about success stories
Except the Jewish media is trying cover it up and shill against it

Drugs already available in pharmacy by prescription do not need to be approved by FDA for new use in order for doctors to prescribe it. Medical doctors are allowed to prescribe medications however they want, off-label prescribing in cases where there is no known cure is immune to malpractice litigation.

HCQ is an off patent drug, which costs 40 dollars per prescription, unlike remdesivir, which is owned by Gilead and costs much, much more.

Anyone who thinks leftists have their best interests at heart are fucking stupid, demonstrated by Pelosi’s disingenuous relief package where the US is required to give up its sovereignty whilst at the same time implementing the degenerate social policies of the left, in fact, this has been the plan all along. Firstly they intentionally provided false advice to Western Govts in relation to the severity of the virus facilitated by their puppet at the WHO, the Ethiopian Communist Tedros. Secondly, once their activists in the media downplayed the virus and they were satisfied the virus had spread sufficiently throughout the Western world, the narrative changed to a more alarmist one with the activists in the Civil Service intentionally providing conflicting advice to dis-credit the Govt. Now we’re in a situation where the leftists are advising Govt’s to indefinitely shut down their societies so as to accelerate the collapse of the economy in the hope people will flock to a Communist revolution, they’ve used this crisis masterfully.

There is some evidence, it just has yet to be adequately studied with large scale double blind studies. The urgency of the situation does present some challenges when it comes to actually getting that data, we don’t have a lot of time. Here are the provisional studies on it:

The full pdfs are behind a paywall but you can get the gist of it from he abstract though. It is too soon to definitively say that it does or does not work, but it is still probably our best treatment option. There are some other provisional offlabel treatments as well but they are even more unproven/anecdotal

get fuck cunt
china virus is a treatable nothingburger
the dumb cunts failed.
they wont be able to force the vaccine on anyone

The best for Big Pharma would be to have no cure, if there is a cure, no one will buy a vaccine.
And the advantage of a vaccine, is that you can sell it to all the healthy population regularly, not only to the sick one.

Fauci is a jerk. Trump will dump him at the appropriate moment. As it is, Trump is letting him go on TV and make of fool of himself.

China advised their ally Pakistan to use Chloroquine in the early stages of the disease.

>doesn't understand why a 70 year old drug can be easily available
Why are leftards always talking about healthcare systems again?
Mexico has free healthcare boys thanks to socialist policies implemented in the 60's, why don't you come and check it out?

even better
governments buy it and give it to their citizens for free.
its a license to print money

There won’t be a vaccine. Daily reminder that SARS is over a decade old and still doesn’t have one

why hasn't Trump executed this PoS yet?

Raoult is a loony conman, kind baguette user.

Big Pharma still makes money though. Just gets it from the government instead of the people

maybe china already has one?

New Drug available to get behind
Less Toxic also

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well luckily many more doctors have been working with this treatment and are having the same successful results
now fuck off loser

why does a govt need another licence to print money

>wouldn't we be hearing about success stories more widespread if it had a significant effect?

Wouldn't we hear about thousands of dead people in China? Oh wait it's almost like media agencies will tell you what they want you to know

If they don't report it, the average person will think it doesn't exist

Because Trump isn’t the kind of person you imagine in your head to be.

What the fucker said is there is no strong evidence. He wants us shut down for 18 months. Fuck him and other globohomos. For 80% it's a nothingburger. You can't hold down 80% of people for undisclosed at risk 20%, and 20% doesn't even die, it's a few %s of that 20%. This is bureaucrats gone wild epidemic.

So China, Korea, Japan, Italy doctors are too, because they are using them.
The only reason of the anti-Raoult bullshit is that he oppose most vaccines, calling them useless.

"No strong evidence" is not evidence it does not work. Abscence of evidence is just an absence of evidence you fool!

not for the government
for the pharma company who creates the government purchased/mandated vaccine.

A government provided or mandated vaccine is guaranteed money for them.

This is not for very sick people. It's used to prevents malaria, probably prevents this corona bullshit too. They are shifting goalposts. Somebody wants the economic collapse.

>HCQ is an off patent drug
I wonder who this anonymous person behind this post is if he holds stock in certain drugs.. hmm..
spic intelligence hard at work, right there.

h1n1 have a vaccine, no one will know if there is going to be one.
But would you take the risk to miss so much money?

>Economic collapse
As if the US economy has been anything but fake since 1913

>Thanks kikes you really are arrogant retards.
If they weren't we wouldn't stand a chance against them.
Remember, they are parasites. They take. They do not create. Their greed is their most likely downfall.

>source: my trembling rectum

>wants Big Pharma vaccines but claims a 70 year old, off patent drug is good for Big Pharma
All because of le orange man bad.
Fuck off.

Kek, fuck off, Tony



how will i ever cope with not being forced to a take covid19 vaccine.
help me user

Well, this is liquidity shock. This is not repricing all the bubble shit. There is no liquidity for anything, because the economy is shutdown. While the FED is pumping banks up with liquidity. Do you like this? Because this will go on.

of course the leaf is a fag

Reminder that michael wiener (""""savage""""") is a jew

It's true though. That's how science works, we need actual, hard evidence, and a LOT of it in order to know if it's effective. There's just too many variables and it's dangerous to prescribe a drug to patients based on only a few small trials that are in themselves flawed. That's not to say it's impossible that it does work, but we need a lot more research, just like with developing a vaccine.

so you will refuse the treatment if you get china virus?

Trump BTFO HCQ is dead

>it's dangerous to prescribe a drug to patients based on only a few small trials
70 year old drug
they dont need to trial it faggot.

Yas Forums 2020 unable to open a new tab to check what country use it.

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>Antimalarial drug
Why is it that they refuse to use the actual name of the drug?

its working well in Brazil, and brazilians have pandemics at least once every 2 years, if anything brazil is the most prepared country for this.

because another deranged roastie might try poison her husband with it and blame trump

>t. bill gates

>multiple studies confirming it’s extremely effective at abating corona symptoms
>no strong evidence
What is this faggot’s agenda exactly

kek exactly, the media and Fauci keep acting like this drug has existed for ages. They should already know safe dosages and such.

Because the average person can’t even spell that.

imagine dying because you believed in deep state fauci. like if you had serious symptoms but refused to even ask about hydroxy because daddy fauci said it was bad and then a week later youre dead. kek fuck those fags

This. We know exactly how safe it is already.
They are writing for idiots that can't handle big words.

He is good buddies with Bill Gates, go to He also was exposed through WikiLeaks as a Hillary bootlicker.

yo little dicked asian man with a vpn, where did you go?
i wanted to ask, what breed of dog do you prefer to eat or does it all taste the same?

>this medication that is proven effective against the virus in its early stages doesn't work in advanced cases therefore it should be discarded entirely

Jesus fuck these people are dumb

it's just false hope for dipshit trumptards so they don't have to cope with the fact that america is collapsing by the end of this

If people dont know its name, they cant buy it

>holds stock in certain drugs.. hmm.
you can buy it online for about $1 a pill, it takes about $12 for the French wizard's full treatment, stonks.