Yas Forums is done for

I notice this on Yas Forums, if you go to an Afrocentrist forum and take all of their beliefs and just switch the race around, about 90% of them match the beliefs of the people on here and stormfront. And all of them rely on refusal to accept modern science, insisting old pseudoscience and conspiracy theories = truth.

Most on Yas Forums insist on phrenology, claiming IQ measures genetic intelligence (I guess the Irish must have genetically enhanced themselves at the same time they developed their country and education systems when they jumped up 13 points in IQ). lol

It appears most on Yas Forums are incredibly angry and insecure, lashing out at people and calling them Jews or something else whenever someone is educating them.

Why are Yas Forums kids so uneducated and so unwilling to learn?
Major in biological sciences here.

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OP is a dick sucking nigger faggot.

We hate that you wont fucking look at the numbers for yourself. Why wont you look at the numbers and see WHY we feel like we do? You don't want to understand. That's why we're bitter.

Because of the jews

>Why are Yas Forums kids so uneducated and so unwilling to learn?
Reality and life experience keep getting in the way of the supposed truths we are (((educated))) with.

By uneducated this turd means unindoctrinated to a global suicide cult. Eat a dick faggot. This shit head wants us to willingly join Jonestown for white people. Hey white man come join heavens gate and drink the cool aid! Were those people educated as well you stupid faggot?

>claiming IQ measures genetic intelligence (I guess the Irish must have genetically enhanced themselves at the same time they developed their country and education systems when they jumped up 13 points in IQ). lol

You revealed haven't read any hereditarian-environmentalist debates on IQ. It's one of the first questions.

How do you explain niggers in America still being dumb as rocks?

>Most on Yas Forums insist on phrenology, claiming IQ measures genetic intelligence
WTF are you even talking about retard? You have confused three different things.

Sorry, I'm not sacrificing my community, tradition, and family on the holy altar of science just so a bunch of niggers and mexicans can fuck it up with irreversible consequences.

>1 post by this ID

>we are all of the same stardust
thank god we have this smart guy to confirm that I am the same as a mountain goat as I have have always felt I am a mountain goat

race is not a belief you dumb fuck, its genetics

now go play with your tonka toys the
adults will shut this down
or take this thread over

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>says there is no such thing as race.
>picks Bill Nye to further his argument.
>And then claims to a major in Biological Sciences.
Nice bait.

Such as? Flynn effect blows you the fuck out. Blacks today are smarter than whites 100 years ago lol. Incel.

One race.
The human race.

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Absolutely retarded and completely ignores evolutionary biology. It's also clear propaganda from a childs TV show actor.

This right. The fucking Jews always Jew everything up.

Ever heard of lewontin? He already btfo you, virgin.

>skull shape matters

Will Bill Nye be spared on the day of the rope?

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>no such thing as race
>jews are just a religion then

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Afrocentrists are based though. Being separate and different doesn't mean there is no room for cooperation.

Whenever someone says race is a social construct, just hit them with facts about bone marrow donors needing to match ethnicities

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As expected, Yas Forums can’t win a race realism argument because it isn’t real.

Cope. The only relatively intelligent blacks are the ones at the top of their respective spectrum (so they're few and far between), or those with European admixture. Kys brainlet

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only a child uses a tv actor to explain science
to others and himself

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Checked and based

Filthy fucking kikes will meet the rope soon

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That has nothing to do what I said. Literally modern african Americans are smarter than British people from 1930.

The best way to see the differences between races is to look at PLACES where the people are mostly one color. This is the most relevant detail anyway, because the reason we're talking about race is that we don't want to live in a PLACE that's characterized by another race.

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No argument boomer?

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The jews are an inbred race that endorses satanism. They are less than what's on the bottom of my shoe

You're wrong, but entertain me anyway. How tf is what you're saying true? Let's see the mental gymnastics

>Major in biological sciences here.

Believes in evolution

Unironically thinks all human species are 'the same."

Jews operate just like a virus.

Do you know what the flynn effect is? Explain it in your own words. Environment effects IQ. Modern US blacks are smarter, they answers more questions on an iq test correctly than british from 1930. How? Come on dude.

>. Literally modern african Americans are smarter than British people from 1930.
really? holy shit
i cannot wait to go to Africa and see how Modern they must be there.
How about you buy a ticket and you go live there and see how smart they are for yourself?
Surely since they are smarter than 1930s England, they should have everything that was built in 1930s England functioning across the board in every African country!

>ib4 We Wuz Egyptian Kangz BS arises

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>blacks today smarter than whites 100 years ago..

Based on what, faggot? The IQ test we use today hadn't even been invented 100 years ago. White males in 1850's Massachusetts had a 99% literacy rate. In many regions, 50% or more of black males don't meet the basic literacy proficiency.

Not an argument. Where are all the actual knowledgeable race realists right now? It seems like the boomers are only on right now. The real natives of this site make good points at the very least.

Imagine that IQ is not "pseudoscience", and all of the following were true:
>The people of Benin have an average IQ of 70.
>The people of Japan have an agerage IQ of 105.
>IQ correlates with problem solving ability.

If true, then what kinds of differences would you expect to see between these two countries? There would be a fundamental difference between these people in their ability to solve problems. Where IQ is low, problems don't get solved, and that place is characterized by problems. Where IQ is high, there are advanced solutions.

Start with the most basic problems: is there enough food? Is there clean water? Is there a way to dispose of bodily waste? Do the buildings fall down in a storm? Look more closely at how problems are getting solved in Japan.

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Also evolutionary biologist here, there is no such thing as race, its a scientific fact.

Based on approximation of g by IQ tests. Do you understand what the Flynn effect is?

>dead British people dumb
Imagine thinking any nigger is smarter than Isaac Newton.

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“Major in bio science” that doesn’t mean shit, I have one of those as well. You’re foolish and most likely a diversity candidate that got in over someone with better grades who was white or Asian.

>I notice this on Yas Forums, if you go to an Afrocentrist forum and take all of their beliefs and just switch the race around, about 90% of them match the beliefs of the people on here and stormfront.
White people: We're the best race
You: What's your proof?
White people: We conquered the world, brought civilization to every corner, and spread knowledge of science, and human rights.

Black people: We's da best
You: What's your proof?
Black people: Wakanda!

You: Hmmm these are exactly the same.

Also you're an idiot if you don't believe in race. You have to be willfully blind. And also completely scientifically illiterate.

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Do you know what an average is boomer? A normal distribution? There are millions of blacks on earth smarter than you right now.

>Using Bill Nye as your image
Guess how I know you're bullshitting

Oh yeah? What “science?” Pseudoscience?

Dude humans are like birds ass hole there's a bunch of different types but there still fucking birds

You sound like a faggot who needs to cope with lies.

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Flynn effect has slowed down. Go read.


Flynn also accepts this in an interview with Molyneux, also that the Flynn effect didn't really measure g

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Checked and kek'd

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Damn, just delete the thread. I was trying to get some lurkers redpilled on race realism but you guys are all unironic retards who don’t even know basic shit like the Flynn effect. What the fuck happened to this board? Everyone used to be strapped up with race realism knowledge and now we have boomers saying that Isaac Newton is smarter than blacks essentially pulling a reverse naxalt. Where the fuck are all of the smart natives? Just nuke this thread mods. Just wanted to see if any non retards were on. Not one person could even BTFO of me by telling me why the Flynn effect doesn’t mean that niggers are human. Just nuke the board at this point, it’s one big /ptg/.

you expect me to even think for a second you are playing wit ha full deck?
who's the boomer?
probably you

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Except niggers aren't human. Theyre apes. Animals. Can't be taught anything.

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I’ve heard your line of thinking before. It doesn’t reflect reality. “Blacks today are just as smart as Dutch people from the 1950s.” Where are all the black inventors and scientists?

Okay, finally one non retard. Attention all retards, redpill yourself on race realism. I seriously don’t understand how you can call yourself “right wing” while not understanding this shit backwards as forwards.

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you sound like a faggot

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>unironic retards
>posts Bill Nye

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>I notice this on Yas Forums, if you go to an Afrocentrist forum and take all of their beliefs and just switch the race around, about 90% of them match the beliefs of the people on here and stormfront.
You literally pulled this out of your ass.

Guess how I know there's literally nothing of value in the rest of your post.

They're just trolling you back m8

Can you read idiot? This thread was literally bait so that I could use the usual arguments and have race realists blow me the fuck out to redpill lurkers and only one poster in the thread so far has shown himself to even know what the Flynn effect is.

>the evidence of common sense

Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.” Source:

“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race. Source:

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. Source:

Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. Source:

Race can be determined via brain scans. Source:

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>Animals. Can't be taught anything.
Now hold the fuck up, my dog learned his name

Under 18s need to ask parents for permission before posting here.

You hold a high opinion of a US flag on this board. It’s usually a legit boomer invoking Poe’s law every single post.

Interracial couples elicit a neural disgust response among observers – as indicated by increased insula activation.

Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems

Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

Often race-deniers and cultural Marxists will bring up Haldane’s rule, arguing that since races can mix and create fertile offspring, the genetic distance is not too great. Haldane’s rule is “when in the offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic [XY] sex.”

Indeed, although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females.

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Bill Nye is, and always has been, a cuck

If there's no such thing as race then there's no such thing as racism.

>At each poverty concentration level, the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts.
Source archive.is/iRPsZ#selection-127.113-131.174
>Melanin concentration may directly correlate with aggression.
Source: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840
>Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty.
Source: colorofcrime.com/2005/10/the-color-of-crime-2005/
>The Black-White IQ gap in America is equal to the gap in South Africa, even though SA is ruled by Blacks.
Source: psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/ravensiii.pdf
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
Source: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016028969290028P
>93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men.
Source: bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/bvvc.pdf#page=3
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
Source: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016028969290028P
>The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.
Source: colorofcrime.com/2005/10/the-color-of-crime-2005/

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Can someone please share that meme/cartoon where the Jew hears the nigs, records the rap, and corrupts the white kids with it? I've been looking forever for it, but can't find it anywhere. Saw it on /lol a couple weeks ago.

Niggers are a non-human primate species.

There really is no such thing as race.

Let's look at the BIble.

ACts 17:26
> And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;


We all have the same blood. Africa is a shithole because of rampant sin (not hearkening unto God's laws), not because they have 3 IQ

There is a genetic component to the temperament of a mammal. Call it "breedism".

>pic related wrote your fucking major before they turned everything into a slightly more intellectual coloring book

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Look into archaic admixture. They literally aren’t.

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