Brit/pol/ - It's The 5G, Stupid! Edition

>Important Greggs news

>UK announces 684 more coronavirus victims today: Total death toll reaches 3,605 and more than 38,000 people have now tested positive for the infection as Matt Hancock warns there could be 1,000 deaths per DAY by Easter

>Persimmon directors give up bonuses

>Construction: coronavirus villain or saviour of the economy

>Mace and McAlpine furlough workers

>Wates announces staff furloughs and pay cuts

>Morgan Sindall furloughs 1,000 staff

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Other urls found in this thread:


God I want universities to open again

I just want to do my fucking research

I remember when spastics thought wifi would give you cancer and slowly fry you.
I remember when spastics thought 3g would give you cancer, slowly fry you and give you brain damage.
I remember when spastics thought 4g would give you cancer, slowly fry you and give you brain damage.

What is 5G and why are people not happy about it?


Fresh Norf

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Petitioning to make Industrial Society and Its Future mandatory brit/pol/ reading.

I state for the record I would never do anything against our government, armed forces, police or private forces hired by said organizations.My posts on here previous to this one have been purely fictitious and nothing more than locker room banter and I apologize for any offence it may have caused.I am in no way stockpiling any sort of supplies and am following all Covid-19 regulations issued forth by the government.My IP is my digital Signature and everything I have stated here is true and may be used as evidence with my total and unwavering consent.

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Hi bongs

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you can do your gender studies at home
just chop your dick off

reminder that the virus is a CONFIRMED bioweapon and SARS/HIV chimera. there will be no vaccine or cure and there will be no immunity after "recovery".

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>stay home, protect nhs, save lives

don't like it, but heck of a lot better than the old national slogan

It already is.

nice now what are you planning in minecraft?

You again

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The rates of cancer were lower before 4g, 3g, and WiFi, you can't explain that

Just ignore that people live longer and are therefore more susceptible to cancer than the days before WiFi

Think I need to spend more time here and less time in the other brit colonies then.

i had no idea instructions had become law. has the covid law thing that says you can exercise been updated in line with the phrase he chose to use?

I've had the shits lads. I took 3 massive, sloppy, runny poos in the space of 14 hours.

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>The rates of cancer were lower before 4g, 3g, and WiFi, you can't explain that
The detection of cancers were not as good back then.

Anyone read the law on the COVID19 stuff? Turns out a lot of what the media is pushing you not to do is not actually lawfully wrong. You can visit your kids if you're a single parent. You can travel for exercise. "Essential shopping" is literally not defined and is clearly subjective.


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Lad I'm doing research in rocket propulsion, it can't be done at home

Is there a list

funny how you guys bang on about brits being the master race..but aren't even the masters of your own country. jewish people are.

I've probably done about 6 or 7 of those in my peak alkie days
does a right number on your arse

url not working

5G, 4G, 3G, WiFi, radios, ETC aren't ionizing radiation. They're lower on the electromagnetic spectrum than light. Meaning, turning on a lamp is more likely to give you cancer than these electromagnetic waves that pass right through your body.

Welcome. Read: Elull - Technological society
Heidegger - Question regard technology

Where are you, lads?

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thats what was in his picture. oh well

christ lad, hope you've gone teetotal


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Will do mert. Just got word from my boss that I'm in for another week off so I need some stuff to read.

Now that you mention it I would like to clarify that those things I said about Priti Patel would obviously only ever be done with her consent.

I'm a Scot and have been following this.

Police have stopped me multiple times and I've quoted the relevant information and they've sent me on my way.

I'm sure there was. I might be confusing it with watch list, but i remember Ted being on it.

>brits being the master race
kek yeah i hear that in brit/pol/ all the time

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>Lad I'm doing research in rocket propulsion,

Ok, hello 1928.

Use a prototype vaccine on myself that was made at porton down lab in minecraft

Name one high profile British politician apart from Dominic Raab that's a jew

I can't name a single US politician that's not at least partially Jewish

All EU politicians are Jewish by default

Yandex disk, bugger of Vlad.


Evening cunts

Is it a man made chimera bioweapon or complete bullshit being used to scare everyone. Seems like nothing is actually happening
The german doctor was saying cancer patients are dying and its being recorded as corona falsely.

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There are very few actual restrictions in place. The media, at present, seems to wield more legal power than the actual piggies. Just been out for a couple hours walk and saw plenty of other people and saw a number of piggies but not ocne was I or anyone else stopped and questioned.

Just watching the telly and the stupid cunts are saying "this is not a request, this is an instruction". But law hasn't changed on the matter so it actually is just a request. Sad.

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yeah they're just reporting the advice and not the law.

I actually think it'll have lots of practical applications (mostly in rocketry) unlike lots of research nowadays

> says the kraut

It's apparently a sign of having chink flu, but I do drink booze and my diet is not healthy at all since I mostly just heat up ready meals for tea.

that was like 2 years ago
I've scaled back the drinking a lot since then

well wifi, 3g, and 4g do cause cancer and can cause brain damage. just in very very very rare cases. do your research, look at legit medical studies from whatever sources you prefer. and you will find there is a slight degree of minor risk. and instead of admitting that people get called conspiracy retards for even noticing and we get told theres zero evidence whatsoever for any risk at all. so no wonder we don't trust it.

meanwhile the 5g whats the rush, test it somewhere else first. fucking global rollout. this kneejerk reaction that any possible side effects are a conspiracy despite evidence to the contrary, its a risky attitude.

there is some research to suggest a slight risk, its probably nothing. but flat out refusal to admit any risk whatsoever is just as nonsense as the people who assume by default that its a mind rape ray

i'd bang are jo desu

That happened to me yesterday but I had eaten 16 packets of pickled onion space raiders and then drunk too much Guinness so it wasn't a massive surprise.


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>worldwide CFR is still 20%, even with china's numbers
>30% or so without china's numbers
>the absolute CFR floor is 5.3% right now, if every active case "survives"
>realistically, we're looking at between 15% and 20% when all is said and done.

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well yeah, that's the basis of the general's anti immigrant sentiment. the belief brits are better.

People also eat highly processed shite

based ecofash

Who here doesn't give a fuck about Northern Ireland? Release that Catholic shithole to join the rest of the paddies, and it can drop being a drain on English finances

Yes, exactly. I'm following the law, not the media.

>protect the nhs
comes before
>save lives
Absolute STATE religion.

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Can't wait for this shit to be over so /cvg/ faggots can fuck right off back into their hole

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I have all the privilege and I'm bottom right

I'm doing wonderful

>16 packets of pickled onion space raiders

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>The german doctor was saying cancer patients are dying and its being recorded as corona falsely.
the opposite is happening. countries are underreporting deaths. the real death total could be 3-4x as high as what we're seeing, especially since countries rarely count deaths outside of hospitals.
21-Mar: "Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist [ES]

21-Mar: "Germany doesn't test post-portem", Spanish biologist [ES]

21-Mar: Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

20-Mar: Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

>I miss me slags

>I miss me footy

>I miss me gym

>I miss me amuricun rasslin

>I miss me pubs

>But more than anything I miss me Greggs!!!

Sick of this lads

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>The rates of cancer were lower before 4g, 3g, and WiFi
you mean when cancer detection was dogshit compared to what it is now? Fucking spastic newfag

>the belief brits are better.
nah we just want our own country and to be around our own sort doesnt make you some cringe yank tier white supremacist or something

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>used to be deathspiral alcoholic mental case
>was totally obsessed with society, history, the human condition, everything
>massive emotional highs and lows, driven by a need to understand life
>would have found current situation fascinating and probably not been scared at all because I was expecting to die soon anyway
>now have comfortable stable sober life
>generally feel nothing about anything, just sort of constantly sick and on edge
>can't be fucked trying to understand anything
>vague feeling of dread about coronachan taking my comforts away
holy fuck I have become an absolute bottom-feeding normie. This is what it's like

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