You fags are about the only ones that could maybe give me an honest answer, or even just some better insight. Because the faggot ass normie answers just aren't good enough. What's the fucking point to anything anymore? Why bother to go on anymore? Why continue to suffer when there is no reward for it? I've had the misfortune of being alive on this shithole planet for thirty-one years now and I still haven't found a reason to live. Nothing satisfies me at all. I'm just so tired and I don't see a point in the future when I won't be endlessly tired.
So what about you fags, what gives you a reason to keep going on? What are your reasons to live?
What is there to genuinely gain from living?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have evolved my consciousness to such a point that you wouldn’t necessarily consider me a human anymore. I am completely free of vice, connected to the source of all there is, operable in multiple realities simultaneously and overall live a life full of joy growth and challenge. It does not matter what happens to me in my life negative or positive just another challenge to grow from and make good decisions!! Life is awesome user, how can I help you see the light?
when you see the big picture then you will realize why birthrates are so low in developed countries, we are farm animals, no religion, no village, no large extended families, no fun allowed unless you have money or live far away enough from civilization to not break some pussy law put in place because of niggers ruin everything, tv sucks, movies suck, women are whores, more niggers are being imported by the millions, pajeets coming to take any technical job, farming and agriculture being taken over by 2nd and 3rd gen wetbacks... the list is endless
Okay, hold up, these are the only threads I bother replying to because they're the most important ones. You have to find your own purpose, that's the hardest part. Let go of your desire, the one that keeps you suffering. Perhaps your desire to have meaning bestowed upon you, I'm not sure. Take a moment. Get away from here and take a walk in your neighborhood to see what life is like, and, if you can afford it, help someone or say hello to someone. You don't even need to have a conversation. Just go have a moment for yourself and enjoy being alive for this one moment. Do it as an order that has been given to you, go find peace and create your own purpose through others. I mean, but respect social distancing and stuff.
I want to try to get some people in very serious trouble.
My life is done, I will use whatever is left to ruin the lives of the responsible for this vomit-inducing existence.
Unironically have sex and take your meds
Perhaps you have heard of the phrase “fake it till you make it.” So start “faking” the actions and reasons why of a highly evolved consciousness. How can you help someone else?? Even if of a trivial matter. Have any grandparents you can call? Called your mom at all let her know you care about her? Is there anyone you care about?? Forget about SELF and start to focus on OTHER. How can you help OTHER?? Your goal and prime directive in this reality frame is to evolve the quality of your consciousness
Cumming on tits is worth it.
>Yas Forums
>an honest answer
Oh, user...
Every single thing you think is true, is not. Every single thing you think is false, is not. You are broken, and the only repair is to get actual mental help from an actual mental health professional. Yes, you'll feel like a child. But you have to re-learn how to exist.
Also start lifting nigger and stop being a bitch nigger, nigger
There's a very good argument for the meaningless of life, and pretending there isn't is a sign of ignorance or fear.
Why can’t you just be content knowing there isn’t a purpose?
Any political or religious “reason” to live is a completely fictional construct. Don’t fall victim to bullshit. Doing so usually brings a lot of sorrow late in life because you’ve been living a lie. That happened to Malcom X when he gave up on the Nation of Islam, and then they killed him. There are only two real reasons to live. First, If you have a responsibility to other people who depend on you. Second, if there’s something you enjoy doing. Do with that what you will.
If you kill yourself right now you’ll never be happy, the very thing that’s happening right now. Get some bros and hold it out. If you’re at the bottom ( you likely are) you can only go up. Even if shit hits the fan you’ll be used to being sad, having an edge on those around you. You’ll get power and do what you want. If it doesn’t happen you can only get happier. I promise it gets better. Please know I’m not some fucking glownigger kike nor am I a fucking
The brain evolved to win and reproduce, not to philosophize. Using the brain for philosophizing is sometimes good but when it's just depression circlejerking it's as much of a sin as actual circlejerking (i.e. equivalent to murder).
The point isn't to think about the point. The point is to follow through on short- and medium- term plans that result in acquiring resources and making your own children.
What I'm saying here is "work will set you free".
If thinking led you to suicide, of what use was the thinking?
Because he’s depressed user.
> 1 post by this id op
he's not real
There is no point, but we are alive so we must try to wring some value out of the situation
Thanks anons you've given me somethings to think about while I drift off to a dreamless sleep...
>get actual mental help from an actual mental health professional
Fuck off you kike
The only point to being alive is to find a death worth living for.
>I am completely free of vice
You’re wasting time on Yas Forums so no, you’re not
In this moment OP is euphoric...
Unfortunately I am....
my child
i want to think less
im also done with conspiracies i think. burned out on conspiracy. i think the government is telling the truth about coronavirus and thats the last straw for me. im going to let other people worry about it from now on
The true path to happiness is in service to others. This user gets it.
no! you're not the enemy. you're good. don't let the bastards get you down.
at least check out mlpol if you haven't already
Most of the time I'm just too busy trying to survive to think about it too much
as you know, Yas Forums gets a lot of shills, so i'm afraid i have to request a time-stamped selfie
until i get a job im just gonna play a lot of minecraft to distract myself so im not thinking all the time. i've done a lifetime of thinking and discussion and im just tired of it all. im retiring
Do you find yourself dwelling on the past or apprehensive of the future?
Nothing really, but we're programmed by nature to survive at any cost.
If you're white, know that you're worth more than any other race on this planet. The Jews want us dead for a reason. I don't usually know what to tell people since I think about suicide sometimes too. But I wanna live to see Jews and non whites suffer. The day will come, brother. Just try and hang in there.
Looks like what you are looking for is an enlightenment, and to achieve it, you must sacrifice a lot of time on studying this world, observing, analyzing, learning and always keeping your mind open, because "It is a mark of an educated mind to entertain an idea without accepting it." Enlightenment is a process and it starts from within. You must strive for it.
For a start acquaintance yourself with these audiobooks:
1. Tao Te Ching:
2. The Kybalion:
3. 50 Universal Laws:
4. Tao (Dao) In Everyday Life:
Also, this short series is a MUST watch:
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 1 - Akasha:
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 2 - The Spiral:
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus:
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking:
You must realize how it all works first, in order to find the meaning of your life...
Hint: You are a small, but crucial part of a huge machine, and without you, it wouldn't be able to work at all.
Both I suppose. On my failings and shortcomings and inadequacies
i just want to reproduce
You ever try to stop past and future and focus on this exact moment in time?
becoming better, growing, working on your own self: that's the goal of life, if there's one
it's only once you've dedicated your existence to that, to the point of reaching genuine detachment, that you deserve to yearn for the Void
otherwise, you're delusionally either undeserving (the weak) or afraid of It (the normies), which is disgusting
for there's nothing worse than a wasted potential
so sort yourself out, faggot!
People who truly know the truth have no reason to reveal it. They don't feel the need to virtue-signal and boost their ego by giving advice.
What about chinks?
There is no point, and if that doesn't bring joy to you, you're a pussy. Nothing we do will last forever. Go piss on a homeless person, the universe will be unchanged.
Cooming, booze, Vidya, hiking, photography, electronics. Get some hobbies.
>constantly tired
me2 i'm tired since i'm born and life is hard i'm unemployed useless piece of shit but i stay alive for my family the only ones who care about me
Try new things in order to be more happy some thing can be unexpectedly good for you
So someone calls you a retard for making that other stupid post with your notepad screenshot, and this was your solution?
There is no real point to living, but this is actually a good thing.
We can decide our purpose, because we are free.
Sartre says freedom and the need to constantly choose causes anguish, and he’s right - all too often we glorify freedom without talking at all about the other side of the coin.
Embrace it, welcome it, and ride the wave of chaos and uncertainty like a surfer.
i think it's a pasta. Something like this one.
go to a Christian church. If there is a baptist church around where you are go there sunday morning. Also start reading the new testament.
Everything will be fine.
Don’t play with power tools.
I doubt you want that
Why not?
Find meaning in adversity. Embrace the chaotic nature of the universe, move forward towards the truth, forever.
Also, kill yourself faggot.
Hell yeah! King James dunkin on all the busters!
If you don't enjoy it, don't live. We bear it until we can't anymore. That's just life.
Freedom is good but it has no sense
Religions have some sense because you want to get somewhere afterlife but your liberty is reduced
Choose what you want
I'm just here to shitpost. It's my purpose in life.
If you’re determined to go, you certainly have the right attitude. Give em hell! minecraft, of course.
aha lol she's still cute :-)
I wish I could> I wanted four children when I was growing up. But I'm infertile
>Why suffer but no reward?
The suffering is the point. You experience it, internalize it, and create your own meaning from it. Everything else is plagiarism.
You picked a hell of a time for an existential crisis.
Personally, the only thing keeping me going is the thought of living long enough to say "Told you so."
Not being dead.
(in minecraft) it would be dope
This. I'll never understand faggots who kill themselves without doing something big before. It's such a waste.
Only when I'm focused on work. But that's menial and mindnumbingly mundane
>just have a nigger mindset
are you trying to convince op to an hero? fucking mongoloid
You know you can adopt. There a lot of kids in the system that could use some stability.
I wish I could see the light myself. But I've been down here in the dark for a good twenty-six years at least.
imagine they failed to kill themselves after doing a "something big"
they'll be kept alive in prison it'll be worst
>What's the fucking point to anything anymore? Why bother to go on anymore?
Well I found fishing recently so that's one thing
Honestly, though, take your time, really plan everything out and make it worthwhile. You might enjoy it so much and be good at it that you can find great purpose in being the hero we need. Lastly, get right with God and/or figuring out how to escape this prison planet.
Have you ever had a time in your life where you’ve truly happy? Even content (other than work).
I'll do that. Thank you.
you're doing it wrong, retard
BE your own light, ffs!
The planet earth feeds off of the death of its organic life and will continue to do so as it has since inception.
The earth is bigger than you and benefits from your death.
You are inside a simulacrum.
((humanity)) are nothing but demons under the authority of their demon queen.
Think about it. What are males? Slaves to females? What are females? Daemonette whores of the queen.
Why does everything revolve around slavery for sex? Because this simulacrum is used as a platform of worship by demons for demons.
The only win state is that this simulacrum crashes along with all the demons. Complete deletion.
Slaving away for 60 years for an absentee God and some Jews and Jew-like members of your own race to use you as a dumb, impoverished pawn as they see fit