NO MORE BAILOUTS >Fannie-Mae-Freddie-Mac-require-bailout Dont give the corporations any more money. Give all "bailout money" directly to the us citizens
Take this hoarder for example, She defaulted on her payments, the government "baield out" they bank she owend money too, and they STILL came to collect their debt years later even though the government covered it. Bailing out companies doesnt bail out te people, and the companies will always come back to fuck the people
Therese a screencap floating around with someone else saying that each person could get like $40,000 instead of giving it to the companies. /r/ing that image
bailouts are necessary, banks going bankrupt does more harm to people. Also big banks will actually pay back these loans, where as Hunter in bumfuck nowhere will waste that money.
Thomas Gutierrez
If the government is declaring an emergency and stopping businesses from operating then they should get help as well.
James Jones
Death to loyalists
Chase James
Hunter Watson
I'm not a zoomer faggot who wants to destroy the system whatever that means, banks should have more regulation but they are still necessary and a force for social good that should be protected at all costs.
Brody Foster
the businesses get loans not handouts but more importantly why do america's federal ponzi schemes have weird hillbilly names
Mason Powell
Typical britcuck attitude. This is why you lost London
Andrew Carter
Companies need to be allowed to fail and explode otherwise new competitors can never arise. Obama setting the precedent of bailing out stagnant businesses that put themselves in a position to fail with outsourcing, NDAs/non-compete agreements, extreme cost cutting, and general corruption ruined the business cycle. The longer we wait the more it will hurt, but it is necessary. 3M just betrayed the entire country by selling masks produced right here by Americans to the foreign nations that bid the most. GM, Ford, all those auto companies that got bailouts continue to produce shit cars out of parts made mostly in China or Mexico. Executives get golden parachutes regardless of whether or not the companies are failing, in the run up to this crisis over 1,300 executives left their companies by November 2019 alone. They knew they led us into a sinking ship. Now they want us to pay for it?
Austin Sanders
Let it fail, cancel mortgages and debts. Free the people from Jewish bullshit
Levi King
>Small business fails >”haha should have picked a better market”
>Someone fails to pay student loans >”haha should have gotten a better degree”
>Mortgage company fails twice >”WTF GOVERNMENT HELP ME”
Why do they play by such different rules?
Connor Baker
No wonder the UK is such a vile place. Disgusting.
Luke Davis
this is dumb, this isn't about competition. If you make it so easy at the slightest economic downturn to go bust no bank is going to take any serious risk and interest rates will go through the roof it'll be harder to get money and the economy will stay stagnant.
Joshua James
>banks going bankrupt hurt people Better give them the peoples money >people going bankrupt hurts people better take all of their shit, make them homeless, give them a 7 year "this guy doesn't know how to do business" mark on their credit score, and then gloat about how they need to be more responsible. When was the last time the banks gave a bankrupt person a break? never. fuck them, I dont want my money going to them. This country would be better off if the mega chain banks went bankrupt anyway. There is no real competition and they are all in cahoots with each other to maintain a monopoly.
Dylan Green
LOL . Death. To. Loyalists.
Banks will become obsolite in the next 10 years... if you think im wrong, im not.
Lincoln Sanchez
I think they mean 90% of mortgages could default. >Force people to stay home for 3+ months >Fuck muh business up >Businesses still won't operate in profit for another quarter term plus. >Pay people a one time $1200 payment if lucky.
Nothing today is done 'for the people'. We're all goyim slaves. If you have a mortgage get a forbearance agreement. If you have a business, get an SBA loan. Banks NEED to profit. They can't let everyone fail. Just the stupid. Have to work the system to your advantage.
I just recently got furloughed, and I don't really understand what the op screen capture means by a mortgage payment holiday. To my understanding the loans still accrue interest, and that's not really helpful. I still have the means to pay my mortgage, but if an opportunity to forgo these payments until I'm back at work without accruing interest were afforded to me I would take advantage of it.
Caleb Gutierrez
I want 30% of mortgages to fail because I want to be able to buy a house before I have gray hair
Samuel Russell
The banks are not going bankrupt within 4 months They should be running a skeleton crew anyway, they could last for YEARS due to automation like direct deposit, electronic transactions, and the fact that nobody has to lift a pencil there beause all calculations are done on a computer. Mix that in with the fact nobody should be using physical currency right now, and you can clearly see the banks dont need a "bail out". They need to follow the law. also bailout worth 40k for every person in the fucking US is insane. They are NOT that much in debt from just a few months of a couple people not making payments.
Robert Fisher
banks are an essential service that cannot be crippled in a prosperous society, some moron who takes out too much and is the one screwing the banks over in the end when he can't pay is useless.
Liam Phillips
Agreed on the 2008 shit, but we're dealing with a bioweapon and most places shut down and needing help are unrelated to this garbage. Obviously there's a lot of pork.
You have a bigger and more accurate complaint about the Federal Reserve system, Wall Street, and banks. >Executives left Corporations usually have CEOs for specific markets. If the market booms they get a CEO for a market with lots of opportunity. If the economy is turning they get someone else who specializes. Not really surprising or particularly indicative of foul play.
Cooper Russell
Bankrupt the country and you can write off international debt?
Kevin Nelson
>could >if >warns [some] analysts
John Johnson
Because there are rules for Jews and there are rules for everyone else.
Stagnancy or wild boom and bust, pick your poison
Jose Hernandez
>they are still necessary and a force for social good Why should my biggypank have a say in how I run my household? it isnt the banks job to "force social change". Its that kind of meddling bullshit that made them "bankrupt" in the first place.
Nationalize them. Private banking provides no benefits that a national bank cannot provide. Plus you get to remove the kike financial shenanigans that cause them to be so hyper leveraged in the first place.
Hunter Wood
>this is dumb, this isn't about competition. If you make it so easy at the slightest economic downturn to go bust no bank is going to take any serious risk and interest rates will go through the roof it'll be harder to get money and the economy will stay stagnant. Take your Neolib/Neocon bullshit and shove it up your anus. Nobody cares about your money shuffling "investment" schemes. You built those AROUND successful companies, not the other way. The current recession is not one but TWO. The one that was delayed in 2008 by massive Quantitative Easing, and the one set to occur between 2018 and 2021 because the systemic faults in companies, banking, and government were never resolved due to heavy interference and bailouts. People will build new, young companies without administrative bloat and iron triangles meant to give government an electoral handjob for busy workers. Keeping the current system in place has resulted in all our once great businesses being filled with MBAs who would rather hire Indians and Mexicans and Chinese than our own people who made the venture viable in the first place, and throw the customers under the bus as paypigs instead of valued patrons. I'm sick of having my car and phone designed to break and filled with data gathering mechanisms so the kikes in NY and Chicago make a few thousand dollars extra per quarter for shareholders. Let it burn.
Banks never foreclosed on all those homes in 2008. People still living in them for free. Took the TARP money and it disappeared. Now they'll cuck the taxpayer for 10x more. And the US will do it. Because they're goyim slaves. Banks make massive amounts of money and never loose. Just like Vegas casinos. But they can always make more and stupid white American men can pay for it. Nobody else will.
>banks are an essential service Just like gamestop
The banks dont have to run at full capacity. Its all automated. My money shows up in the bank on schedule, and my debit card works flawlessly all night long when there is nobody there to do any of that shit. My bank could be empty for months and as long as the power and telecommunications stay connected then my shit will continue to work just fine. They are not required to be staffed, they have no real expenses.
Jose Diaz
Why are your mortgage companies called silly names? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sound like Monty Python characters.
Anyway, can we not just declare Jubilee across the planet now? Reset all debts to 0.00 together at once, and just push onwards. It would save a lot of faffing about. In less than six months we'd be back to square one no doubt, but by then this corona bullshit would be contained to the point of being background anyway.
>banks going bankrupt does more harm to people. Prove it. It's quite a claim, with only vague hand waving about lost jobs behind it. Nigga - the jobs are already lost (much like 2008)
Ryan Thompson
you morons talk about how big banks are bad but then want to make it impossible for new businesses to grow and succeed in the market, regulating banks so tightly will just worsen wealth inequality. fucking idiot lmao, I know you people don't give a shit and act like the stock market is a nebulus thing but nationalizing the banks is a good way to send that plummeting and these banks not only don't turn a profit but will eat into taxpayers money just to run and are still going to need massive government injections in situations like this.
Ethan Myers
As usual the problem with this is it punishes those of us who have struggled hard to actually pay our debts. What is needed is the big institutions to actually be forced to fail for loaning to imbeciles. And NO - the government didnt force them to do this over and over. It is a scam. Wake up.
Thomas Phillips
Are you jewish and live in London perchance?
Leo Jackson
>you morons talk about how big banks are bad but then want to make it impossible for new businesses to grow and succeed in the market, regulating banks so tightly will just worsen wealth inequality. You talk about wanting buisinesses to grow, but when the banks crash the economy, forcing productive, profitable businesses to fail, you want to bailout the banks instead of help the small or modestly large businesses.
Your idiotic libertarian talking points dont even make any fucking sense when placed against the boom bust cycles of kynesian evil.
Sure if we had responsible austrian (or similar) policies, we could be libertarians, but we dont, so all you are doing is making excuses and tired outdated arguments for a globalist system that has nothing to do with market forces.
Fuck the big banks and the big multinationals who make 100s of billions of profit, but cannot spend their own $ to fix their shit when it blows up every 5-10 years.
I don't doubt what you say, yet we keep throwing money at banks and it never solves the crisis.
The government should have taken the corona bailout and reverse taxed everyone with an active NI number £5000 instead. Not only would that be money in our pockets to keep paying our bills no matter what happens in the next three months, every penny would be money in the banks too. Trickle up, not trickle down. HMRC is fully computerised now. They take money out at the press of a button. Well, the money could be pumped into our accounts by the same system, rather than what we've done which is lump summed Barclays only for them to turn around to businesses and lie that the business "doesn't meet gov criteria for the 0% loan" when they do, and then bare faced try to flog them a 37% loan of their own. Every penny that went into Barclays and Lloyds should be immediately extracted and pumped into reverse taxes.
The banks and the cops, both showing their true anti-social colours during this crisis here in Blighty. Both need a kick in the bollocks, frankly.
I have no problem with helping out small/medium businesses, those that can actually pay back the loans though like wallstreet did also I'm not a libertarian ewwww. no and yes
James Rogers
>those that can actually pay back the loans though like wallstreet did Prove they paid it back. LOL.
Julian Howard
why doesn't the government buy out the good loans of tax payers and fuck the foreign faggots.
Ayden Bailey
Indeed. Not sure what people are talking about 'solving' banking crisis. 'Debt' crisis. Everything is working out perfectly as planned.
I know. I'm in that category too. But would it really affect our lives? I've paid off my mortgage, I can't be made homeless if I lose my job during this bullshit.
There's got to be a better way to prop up the economy that is haemmoraging jobs and businesses to this crisis than lump sum payments to financial institutions who are pocketing it and then not doing what was intended, is all.
Corona presents us with a unique opportunity to enact Jubilee all together all at once. The feckless would be debt ridden within a year again, the sensible would not. It would save a lot of bother in the meantime. dipshit, it was paid back with interest but you faggots constantly whine about the bailout not being for nobodies who would blow it on hookers and destroy the economy.
Would it effect my life? Yes. If you cannot understand how the economy for working people is competitive and what sort of advantage hard work is supposed to have given over the not-hard-workers, you are lost, and this is why we cannot seem to agree to take down the big fish.
You cowards want it to be easy, but a lot of us don't have our mortgage paid off, we live in places where a house of any worth costs 500,000$ or more, and we get paid 30K on average. (USA average income is 30-35K depending on city. the most expensive cities like LA and NYC average individual income is less than 35K, even with all the rich people there dragging it upward).
You simply are still ignoring reality. The people who have worked and managed to pay will be dramatically harmed by just giving freeloaders a pass. It is time to let banks fail, and freeloaders will not be trusted in the future.
Zachary Wright
Fannie and Freddie are owned by the government These idiots dont even know what dumb shit they are writing about
Ayden Russell
>thinking this wasn't the plan all along Bring on NESARA baby. Drain the swamp!
Aaron Adams
>nobodies who would blow it on hookers and destroy the economy. Strawman garbage.
>banks going bankrupt does more harm to people. the band aid has to come off someday. these jews cant keep doing this.
Hudson Morales
This. The generational effects of Globalization have already been staggering. Ross Perot called it a 'giant sucking sound' all the way back in 1991. How right he was.
Your home should be re-evaluated to market cost and your mortgage should be readjusted to reflect value and compensate for inflation (and based on the utility of the asset as per money printer going brrr)
Nicholas Young
The banks artificially created this scenario by influencing the free market.
They should not get bailed out.
Money means everything right now, in 10 months once they buy up all the cheap stocks and have the goyim on more loans money loses its value. This first mover advantage ensures the corrupt corporations and banks survive and the more efficient competitors fail.
Jews cannot compete in a free market.
Nathaniel Watson
>will be dramatically harmed by just giving freeloaders a pass How? The country not tearing itself apart is in our best interests. Not facing down mobs of looters is in our best interests. If a few hundred households luck out and get a literal free house, so fucking what? This shit is stressful enough without a repeat of the 2011 riots now multiplied a thousand fold. A million people lost their jobs over two weeks. By Easter this number is set to double. 1 in 4 businesses now closed will be permanently shut past the 9th April.
We could stop this by pressing the reset button, all at once, all together. Or, if that;s not possible, pressing the taxback button: "Here. You all sort this out." The banks have made it more than clear they are not willing to do so. They'll take the money, sure, then do nothing. What the fuck was the point of austerity? Government spending debt has doubled.
>no bank is going to take any serious risk and interest rates will go through the roof it'll be harder to get money and the economy will stay stagnant. Oy vey a stable economy! That's anotha shoah! We can't take risks with goyim's life savings? That's antisemetic!
Blake Reyes
My fix is simple $2000/mo for every american adult for 1 year. $500 more if they claim children (doesnt matter if 1 or 9 kids, only $500). Cannot be claimed as income. Cannot have normal pay or benefits already in place disrupted or changed because of it. Rent increase are frozen for that 1 year. No money for businesses, no companies, no performing arts, etc.. >why? Allows american's breathing room, Spend it and you stimulate the economy, save it and it goes to the banks figures, invest it and it helps the markets. Another bonus is the government can keep up a lock down longer if needed in specific hot spots. Work during it? Bonus cash. Dont work during it? Wasted opportunity but their choice.
Bet against the housing market Get premiums incase of insolvency Reduce your share of equity
Zachary Roberts
Giving free shit to people who dont pay their debts does nothing to quell the mobs.
In fact, it may incense them, as many people will not have gotten in on the free for all. I mean what you are saying is basically 'any person who just happens to be sitting on property they cannot afford, or is refusing to pay back their school loan will now have no problems, while those who managed to pay for such will either continue paying (!) or will now have zero competitive advantage, and meanwhile people without that mortgage of any kind will have all this property that was destined to return to the markets snapped up.
I am not buying full on jubilee. It will be used to harm white working men, just like everything else. Our well deserved competitive advantage from paying our debts is being stolen from us.
It is time to let big banks fail. Interest rates should be much higher, and credit much less liquid. I dont give a flying fuck what it does in the short term.