UFOs on the Moon. March 26, 2020
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Russian moon bases?
How would he know where to point his camera eh?
i own a real good telescope and zooming that close is not possible. furthermore, the slightest tip with a fingernail on the scope would shake the moon completely out of sight.
If you dont believe me, then you have to believe him and that those are real aliens.
obviously you point it at where the ufos are, silly.
>those shadows
>>i own a real good telescope and zooming that close is not possible
Pics of the telescope or gtfo
Crrow777 on jewtube
>3 mile wide UFO
>in space
>on the moon
>localised entirely in your kitchen
casting a shadow on the surface of the moon was a bit too much
how big would those objects be, assuming all of this is real? does the crescent correspond with the actual view of the moon at that date?
its not faked, its real and these are our ships!!.
just look at the fucking shills seethings..
>nooo you cant be between the sun and the moon, 99% closer to the moon than the sun and cast a shadow on the moon..
fucking stupid shills.
>i own a real good telescope and zooming that close is not possible
The rest of the world isn't limited to your own capacity faggot
What do you mean our ships?
This is now an Ashtar thread.
fuck off space nigger
Damn this video is actually spoopy. Let me nuke it by posting the real pic
Those are coffins. SpaceX is dumping coronavirus corpses into space to hide the real death toll, and to feed the disgusting beast on the dark side of the moon.They can't keep him fed at these numbers. Death toll is going to rapidly rise to appease the beast, but you can't possibly stop his hunger.
plenty of men on uranus, fag leaf
If you take Alice and shoot her towards a plank that has two rabbit holes, does she leave interference pattern when she hits the moon?
Bong, shadows don’t stop working just because you’re in space. If you’re vessel is between a local star and a rocky planetary body, planetoid, or asteroid that you are near, you will see your vessels shadow.
May I see it?
fake as fuck
That's the least stupid part of the video.
Those UFOs would be miles across if they were that big relative to the moon. It's a creative fake but still definitely CGI.
Earth is flat space is fake jannies are faggots
Why are Venus so freakin bright now? I saw it on top of crecent moon, that must be some mason shit, the logo of the ottomans and the templars..
Show the full shot space kike lover
The world won't be asleep forever
Now THIS is podracing!
Wasted quads. Our ships, as in man made..
>shadows are caused by gravity
Obviously you know about scopes. What about the clouds floating by? My scope shoots right through them.
wait what the fuck
this isn't CGI
this shit is real
>you didn't really believe we've been using V2 German rockets this whole time since JFK got iced, did you?
The Vril Rises
the Ines WE built tard
This user gets it!
Ps. Stay safe! I heard that PS is starting to van dissidents and they never return! Remember new Tesla factory coming to Finland?
Space niggers.
>Massive amounts of fake UFO video's exist.
>This one is real.
Says who
>Coffins the size of a US state.
So what are we gonna do here?
Which programs? And how can you test out a low quality video?
Fucking shills in the thread
Explain why Venus are so bright so sudden
Hard to estimate the size but suspiciously good timing to film them in daylight.
If they are aliens we are fucked desu
And I think the moon is very small.
I'm not going to the jew tube just spill it.
>Ashtray She-Ra
its cheese
Yea and why is it so close to the Small Dipper??
I never noticed that before
atlas c19 comet
I believe it. I have seen ufo's myself and it is quite an unsettling feeling.
It looks like CG samefag, I say this as a batshit UFO nut. I see the UFO channel is small, did you use your PC to make the thread and your phone to shill?
>dude trust me im a shill
fuck off you seething subhuman shill.
It is almost like we are going into the end of this era and into one of chaos, according to Graham Hancock and the Stars. A Yuga is of the end, and we will see 300 year of chaos during the transition.
Not long ago, I was outside behind my house looking with binoculars. I saw an object that looked like a star moving across the sky but not fast as a satellite. Not far behind this object was another staying the same path right behind it.
The scale of the shadow is completely at-odds with the size of the object, perceived distance from the surface and angle of illumination. I agree there's plenty retarded with the video, the shadows being the most blatant slap in the face though.
Most of these deaths are coming from countries with high inheritance tax. Don't trust the fake data. This is a huge scam to fund secret government programs. You couldn't fit all the bodies in 100 state-sized ships.
They've been doing this for the last 2 years at the very least. They took my grandmother and turned her into a toothpick.
Same here. I saw some in the early 90s but i was so shocked I didn’t tell the people standing next to me
The moon is occupied by ayylmaos. Where have you been?
>the filmer wishes to remain anonymous
hoax confirmed
tell me what i need in order to get this good of a shot of the moon and i will do it and post results (gear price cannot exceed trumpbux gibs amount)
Looks cool but I am calling bullshit.
Unless there's 20 kilometer long spaceships hovering over the moon, waiting to attack earth as they monitor the effects of the covid they sprayed us with. Waiting until we're crippled before the real attack.
how is he samefagging you massive glownigger
We're whalers on the moon,
We carry a harpoon,
But there aint no whales
so we tell tall tales
and sing this whaling tune.
Celestron SkyMaster 25x100 Binoculars will do.
Can see mountains on the moon. only cost like 200 bucks.