Would You Get the Corona Vaccine?

Amidst all the lies, misinformation, number cheating, mask wearing disinfo, 80% test failure rates. If the government today said everyone needs this "new vaccine" to save them, would you actually get it?

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Honestly I wouldn’t. Sooner or later people will be begging to be in FEMA camps.

i would sit on it till i hear the possible side effects

I like how American boomers think vaccines are like evil poison. It being from China notwithstanding, what do you think a fucking vaccine is???

No hurry, had the coof in february all good now. Ran 6 miles two days ago.

Under no circumstances would I get any flu vaccine. I haven't had a fever in over a decade.

Please don't laugh, I have to live with them. These people control everything in our country. Its absolutely tragic.


>I like how American boomers think vaccines are like evil poison
Read some papers about the side effects of the MMM vaccine.

Read some papers about the side effects of measles, mumps, and rubella and you will understand why the vaccine is a good idea

Last month Denmark passed a law to make it mandatory, before it's even out let alone properly tested. Not surprising, considering we are full of freemasons and every new "progressive" bullshit hits us hard. They are also pushing to outlaw meat and people just gobble it up like religious fanatics.

I'll just wait and see what happens before committing. We're fast-tracking that shit, so I don't think regulatory bodies are going to care too much if there are nasty side effects. They'll just lie about it. If it works I'll get one since there is a good chance this will all come back in a few months.


what happens if you deny?

sure why not, i like vaccines if they are for free

Yes, once it's tested. I'm interested in the newer methods of development.


vaccines are codeword for:
I'm okay with having no argument against being mooshed into trains and buses and cities to be a slave to a global banking system.

>but Polio

Yeah fuck polio, if the first thing faggots did after getting an immunity was move all into huge festering cities to become degenerates.

You know what beats Polio?
Making another baby.

Fucking bats, yes, bats, haha bats corona haha, fucking bats were decimated by the whitesnout fungus, no vaccine for them.
But lo and behold, they are starting to form a genetic defense against it.

>But user if we grow immune naturally then why is vaccination bad

Because you don't fucking know if you are immune against something if you don't explicitly get vaccinated, opening up a bunch of horseshit life choices that lead to the decay of people despite 'herd immunity'.

No fucking shot protects against the eroding effects of being a soulless drone with no money, no culture, no prospects etc.

Except maybe heroin, but fuck that shit too.

Suffering is A o FUCKING KAY, we made it this long without vaccines or modern medicine, and now that we have it, people don't make babies, people become scared faggots, people live long but meaningless lives, having to commute for hours and mush in with millions of others in clusters.

I'd rather die of tetanus.
The reaper beckons in the end, you can't escape him.
Live well and interesting, not long.

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>Because you don't fucking know if you are immune against something if you don't explicitly get vaccinated

And that also means you fear disease, further making you not want to become a cityfaggot.


My rationale is simple: If everyone else is already inocculated then nobody should have a problem with me not being so, if I get sick and die because I didn't get the shot then that's my responsibility and nobody else's, I don't buy that they're selflessly interested in my well being.

Guessing you didn't hear about the Bill Gates-funded vaccine that crippled a generation of children in India.

My family or myself are not fucking going infertile from corona just because you're fucking scared of the government. And I say that as a very strong anti vaxxer that has gone 8 years without any form of vaccination at all.

Japan banned the vaccine and found proven links to autism and bleeding of the brain. The paper that comes inside the box of every vaccine admits a side effect is autism and other permanent damage. It is illegal to sue a vaccine so zero stories get out of deaths unless they are word of mouth.

>what do you think a fucking vaccine is???
good question, considering they don't want to tell you what is in them

Reminder that there has never, not once, been a vaccine with serious, wide-spread sideffects.

This is the best argument for vaccines. You only need to see the side effects of the diseases they immune you from to see why they were developed. With that said, I'd be extremely cautious of a chinkflu vaccine, scientists don't understand the bioweapon enough.


It's a Frankenstein creation made by splicing virus pieces and pig cells.

Yes. I trust my government and so should you.

Absolutely not, because any Vaccine that comes out before trials are done is insanely risky. Vaccines need to be tested and document side effects over at least 1 year time because vaccines are on a biological level just another virus, but a modified one. Without those tests we have no way of knowing if it's going to do something crazy like prevent you from getting covid-19, but then it mutates into something that has a 100% chance of killing you in 8 months.

Anyone who would get a covid-19 vaccine tomorrow is crazy. Unless you are actually partaking in a vaccine trial test, in which case you should be getting paid good money + medical expenses to cover your risk.

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why not

bitly 2UHetof

I would rather just risk catching the disease desu

Actually, I heard about this but I've never seen any kind of report or source on it. do you have some more info?
i'm genuinely interested

This, and considering some of those side effects may not be noticed for years, I'm not taking that shit in this lifetime.

>greetings my fellow antivaxxers

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I'll take the vaccine 2.0. I ain't injecting that first batch into me though. Old people will be the lab rats for that first batch.

No way

Nigger get this facebook boomer shit off my board and go backola

I'm being dead serious and you cannot fathom the fucking rage I feel at every fucking Chinese cocksucker for making the necessity of a vaccine a reality. In fact you don't know any of the information I've seen from corona at all, so you could post your little faggoty jew memes all you want. The Chinese are the real threat.

I'm not taking a vaccine for this and I'm not allowing my children to get a vaccine either.
Not now, not ever.

I wouldnt be the first in line. I'd wait 2 weeks to see what are some of the side effects which will be the case anyways since theyll give it to the most vulnerable first

Yep, I'd rather it get through the first round in the general population before buying in.

No and No

You heard it here.
It was made up, it never happened.

It's time to get

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Fuck no
Vaccines are worthless.

You're going to have try much harder you little chink bitch.

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vs what?
1/20 for virus?
to 1/5000 or something for vaccine?

gee i dont know

Gardicil nine you fucking retard

>what do you think a fucking vaccine is???
The question to ask isn't "what is a vaccine?," it's "what is this they're injecting me with and is it a vaccine?" Do you trust your doctor? Do you trust your government? Nearly everyone around me is lying to me either intentionally, or because they're blindly parroting the people that are intentionally lying. I'd rather take my chances with the kung flu.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a chink
>anyone who doesn't want their own country financially destroyed is a foreign agent
Typical tripfaggot.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a chink
You're goddamned right you little chink son of cocksucker.

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I would not take, continue working on homesteading and becoming self sufficient including building a good community, sit back drinking a beer and laughing at faggots like
drop dead or have crippling side effects and retarded children if they
>can bring themselves to even have kids in this dark world

Gates is the pre-eminent leader with interest in the field of genetic engineering; it is crystal clear that the world’s most wealthy man, a son of known eugenicist, must do something with all the money in the world. During the next weeks he will give pro-vaccine statements and belittle any other treatments for as we know he is in charge of developing the vaccine and fulfill his part in the great great plan, a plan to abolish privacy.

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Only once the jews survive it.

That's not a trip you dumb fuck chink.

>I'm not getting sick because of you!

We know, your vaccines will protect you :^)

yes, of course, and i'd tell all my friends and family to get it too, and then i'd vote for joe biden, and then i'd write a letter to joe biden asking him to make investigating autism vaccine connections illegal, and then i'd encourage making thalidomide available over-the-counter but only for white people.

What do you care?
You’re already autistic as fuck.
Might as well gain some immunity while you’re at it.

Fuck no
Be my guest, toothpaste. Let me know how it turns out.

This. Kikes first


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Get tested for antibodies when you can, if you have them then no vaccine required.
You can tell someone does not really want to test for antibodies.