MIGA and Zion Don are libtard tranny copeseethe

Trump hasn’t done anything for Israel at all. He moved a building, drew a circle on a map, and that’s it. No war with Iran, no Assad removal in Syria. No Kurdistan. No 38 billion. He didn’t even attack Iran after Israel droned those tankers and that refinery. Yet the 90 IQ Israelis (look it up kek) are erecting statues to him and even naming streets and towns after him.

Yet he has done less for Israel than any President in history. It’s a fact. He talks big, but does nothing.

So of course I’ll vote for “Zion” Don in November. And he will win the popular vote, and even California will cast their electoral votes for him.

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Other urls found in this thread:



I will laugh for the rest of my life if Colorado turns red this November.

>mass boomer extinction imminent (R)

>niggers dying in mass (D)

It really depends which voterblock will die out the most desu

I hope she keeps gaining. She'd make a fine BBW.

BUILT FOR is coffee good for you?

Based and fatpilled


Oh my Lord, she's amazingly thick!

Built for KFC

> MIGA and Zion Don are libtard tranny copeseethe.

This though. They know Yas Forums runs on contrarianism. All they think they have to do is associate Trump with PEOPLE Yas Forums/POL DONT LIKE and that will immediately get them to stop liking them.

And it works for 90% of the newfag morons around here. Which is sad.

They all will. They're retarded and their virtue signaling is going to backfire, bigly!

Attached: JEW S A.jpg (760x428, 62.98K)

This same girl did a lingerie ‘try on haul’ on YouTube. Can’t remember her name though

WOW!!! Those hips are perfect for bearing black babies


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That's a girl right?

kys and dilate

I love american gastronomy now

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Is coffee good for you?

buckle up for a red california

OP can you post more fat-boned women?



Attached: FatBirdsDontFly.webm (724x1370, 2.92M)


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holy that is one hot mama

He bombed Syria twice. Two times more than Obama. Kys niggermutt

>caring about Syria
Syria's a shit hole but Israel didn't get their regime change there.

>defending trump in 2020
my sides

I wanna breed this Texan momma!

He bombed an airstrip and gave them like two hours warning obama created and funded numerous "moderate rebels" in an attempt to oust assad and destabilize syria unironically kys retarded shill

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*catches breath*

Wow, the Trumptards have gone off the deep end.

That’s the one

Reminder that this thread is a shill's response to this thread

>obama funded numerous "moderate rebels"
So just like Glömpf

Now youre just lying faggot seriously kys

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Now all we’re missing is that one fake tweet about trump sending a million masks to israel.

> waaaahh i cant disprove anything op says so im just gonna call him a shill

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>not realizing he will easily, easily win this fall
libtard detected

Yea, yea, get excited to get replaced legally, I know the drill you MIGA kike.

Ladies with a healthy amount of fat and healthy figure are perfect baby-makers. Remember ladies it's okay to not be a skeleton - what's important is you take care of yourself, eat right, and stay fit. The little bit of extra weight will not interfere with standing reverse cowgirl.

Immigration is down by more than half and ZERO REFUGEES.

Much better than the Open Borders Democrats. You see, the only alternative to Trump is a thousand times worse. It's why the Democrats will lose this fall. They can't offer anything better than Trump. Sure he's a civnat boomer but at least he isn't an open borders SJW.



I love thicc white slammies

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>Trump hasn’t done anything for Israel at all.

Attached: Trump.jpg (800x402, 121.03K)

Doing the Jew's job

>open border
Republicucks can no longer separate their memes from reality

He hasn't, that's why you can't come up with anything.

Oh right, it was muh Deep State, not Zion Don

In Hillary's private Goldman Sachs speeches which were leaked, she said open borders were necessary, but that they couldn't tell the public.

Tom & Jerry :)

>Immigration is down by more than half
Yea because there are now so many illegals in America (that ICE will NEVER deport under Trump) depressing wages that it's hardly even profitable for new ones to enter the US anymore.
But I guess that was 4D chess, right?

Why don't you look how up Obama dealt with the illegal immigrants and refugees? Under Obama, he deported far more illegal immigrants than Bush and hardly took in any Syrian refugees.

You republicucks are a bunch of memetards

>recognizing Golan was a nothingburger
Ok, Jew.


Kek w

>that ICE will NEVER deport under Trump
You missed the news, you tranny shill. When Trump declared the Chinese Virus emergency one clause was that all illegal aliens who are detained are returned to their home country with NO DUE PROCESS.

I realize you're a Jew and your job is to try to demoralize Yas Forums but we're winning bigly.

Obama faked his numbers kike, he counted everybody turned away from the border as a deportation while increasing refugee status handouts massively. Faggot cuckold lying shill bitch.

I like it because it increases tensions in the Middle East. Every day I hope to read news about Iran and Israel getting into a war with each other so they can wipe the whole area clean. Sadly, Muslims are huge pussies and won't do shit though.

>"I hope he forgets about the 20 FUCKING MILLION illegals already here"
Nope, faggot, I didn't. Sorry to piss on your MIGA parade.
>I like it because it increases tensions in the Middle East.
You like it because you're a fucking Yid. Golan belonged to Syria, not fucking Iran. Shill with a map, you'll sound less retarded.

Never going to happen burger. They will sooner die.

>but we're winning bigly.
Why did you faggots get rekt in this thread, then?

You aren't pissing on anything. You're pouring out salt because you already resigned yourself to Trump's victory again this fall. It's just whiny tranny TDS.

I don't play in bait threads. I make them so YOU have to, bitch.

>doing nothing about 20 million illegals is based
Ok, Jew.

HOW does it feel to ejaculate deep inside the womb of a thicc/obese/slamhog woman like these and KNOW that she is fertilized?!

>preg mia

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