Notice: FBI will seize your hoarded supplies. Fuck preppers

"The masks, along with about 600,000 medical gloves, 130,000 surgical masks and other protective equipment, were taken Monday by authorities."

Let this be a warning to all preppers: If you hoard supplies such as medical equipment (that hospitals are in dire need of), the government will take it from you by force. If you have an over-abundance of any supplies expect to be raided, faggots.

Is it sinking in yet? This isn't a free world you're living in. This is a crisis and you cannot sit on a mountain of supplies that other people need.


Hoarders and preppers deserve to be publically executed on the street. No ceremony or last words, just domed with a shotgun and the body left there as a warning to others.

Fuck preppers, seriously. They have the worst character traits possible. Skittish, paranoid, greedy, self-centred fucking RODENTS who cling onto too much stuff that they don't even need.

Not everyone lives in a constant state of narcissistic fear/panic and expects the entire system to collapse you fucking freaks. Everyone just happily lives day to day, and when an unexpected crisis like this happens we should ALL work together and help eachother.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A "Brooklyn man" with a very Jewish name of Baruch Feldheim was arrested for coughing on FBI agents while also hoarding hundreds of thousands of pieces of medical supplies while selling those supplies at a massive markup

"Authorities remove almost a million N95 masks and other supplies from alleged hoarder | ABC News"

"Brooklyn man arrested after coughing on FBI agents"

"Brooklyn man arrested for allegedly hoarding masks, coughing on FBI agents"

Keep in mind that just a few weeks ago the FBI leaked a memo to the media claiming "white supremacist" discussed coughing in the faces of New York Jews. Ultimately it was a Jew who coughed in the face of FBI agents and was caught hoarding medical supplies for resale

"White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says"

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>Hoarders and preppers deserve to be publically executed on the street.
someone didn't prep

Yes because one man needs 600,000 medical gloves, and 130,000 surgical masks.

Who are you to determine what I need?

Even if you have 100+ masks you deserve to be shot. I would literally press your skull into the concrete ground with my boot if I ever caught someone with that many masks. What do you need 100 masks for? Do you have 100 faces? Go fuck yourself.

Honestly, I'm OK with this. Fuck hoaders. They are the very reason why store shelves are empty.

>fbi seizes giga tons of hoarded toilet paper
Better get the marts ready. The sharts are coming

Top kek. I lost my hoarded supplies in a boating accident

>100k+ masks and gloves

The eternal anglo compares a Jew marking up items being sold to hospitals at over 700% scalping necessities, to having supplies for yourself for a few months to a few years.

Maybe don't try and sell your prepper stuff at a steep price as your get rich quick scheme and you won't be arrested Nigel.

>What do you need 100 masks for?
The chutzpah of this man to need 50 masks. After all, why would anyone even need 25 masks? You and your family should be able to last about 1 year on 12 masks. In fact, you should give some of those 6 masks to your neighbors. Police, please seize the 3 masks from that man, so I can have his 1 mask!
In fact, the masks don't work anyway, so you don't need them.

How fucking cucked are you that you don't remember our nation was built on.... oh I missed your flag. A fucking Brit. Do you guys even have a refridgerator with a freezer? What about a pantry? Cupboards? I know you're slammed in on top of each other like a filthy pile of rats. Is it even legal to own land under your Queen Cunt?

If you can't buy at least 5 acres are you even alive?

Hoarder =/= prepers

Prepers didn't empty the stores, retarded panic hoarders did, fuck them.

Even the jewish kike didn't think he needed that many, which is why he was trying to sell them for 700% markup. If I was government I'd hang you for that shit.

Based. Americans getting BTFO left and right thinking they're individuals an shieet. Lmaoo

Oh look it's this bong again

Muh free dumb

Land of the free? You're fine to keep believing that, just don't hoard supplies during a crisis.

Arguably, if it's impossible for you to use that amount, it's definitely beyond what you need.
Using three masks a day would mean you wouldn't even run out in a century.

I don't fucking think so, bongoloid. This is a price gouging fucking dipshit trying to cash in on other peoples' misfortunes. Preppers wouldn't advertise the fact that they had medical or any other kind of supplies for this exact reason.

But please, continue to be retarded as fuck and try to slander anyone who tries to have more than a month's worth of supplies on hand for scenarios like this, where it will be several months before society returns to normal. Fucking british 'intellectuals' lmfao.

Dont try to use cheap attempts at social shaming. Again, who are you to determine what I need?

duh ...

If you hoard something, be smart enough to do it anonymously, and not brag about it... You're an idiot if you think you can re-sell gloves and masks in the open at this time.

Better burn all the shit than let the Goverment get your stuff!

Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8

I've determined you need a kick in the teeth you hoarding scum

He was trying to sell it so that makes him a Jewish nigger.

Honestly if you "hoard" and have a supply, it's a non issue. If you hoard and attempt to sell while price gouging, then you'll be butt blasted.

i do live in a constant state of fear

>and misery
>do you miss me

people try to 'cheat the system', and yet are naive enough to think that the system is bound by the stated rules.

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I know this thread is obvious bait, but I love to see fluorided out retards seethe that their lives will never come back with the same level of material indulgence. Their dopamine receptors are so worn out they need increased levels of technology and material progress around them and this year, it's all over, you faggots got too cocky and now your whining for the feds to take other peoples stuff because you hate people who saw this was coming.

Obvious bait
This is done by random sleeper cell chinks, normal scalping chinks, jews, and random assholes

This is not prepping u dumb fuck


>do not reply to spam like this without saging
>do not reply to obvious slide threads
>do not reply to fake conspiracy threads like Q[Which was most likely a glow nigger or elite psy op]
>do not reply to obvious bait

That isn't prepping, that's kike profiteering bullshit. No prepper would stash enough masks (or any one item) to outfit an entire city. That's something jews do to make extra shekels.

just install Yas Forums-x and filter the obvious kikes

if you "hoard" excessively enough, fully expect to get raided as well.

Come on nigger. How many masks do I need? What kind of food do I like? When can I go outside, mommy?

I go outside 8 times a day. That's 8 masks per day. 3000 masks a year. My wife needs 3-4000 masks. And my three kids get masks too. That's at least 20000 masks a year.

>mfw bongs think not being malnourished is hoarding

Stupid nigger. Keeping that many supplies violates the social contract and as such I am allowed to take it from you.

>he doesn't know that you can use a mask multiple times.

What social contract? I dont owe you shit

I'm not poor. I'm not reusing disposable products. You can have all my old masks

They are confiscating hoarded stuff from kike scalpers not from sensible conservatives and libertarians.

not worried about it, I'm not an urban retard.

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shouldn't people be able to seize money of FEDS (banks) for hoarding money/supplies?

The one that you entered when you turned 18 and you decided to keep living in the first world. If you want to keep 100k masks go to Somalia you faggot.

Price gouging is illegal, we had a guy buy up shit from the grocery store and try to sell it marked up at his store. I think some local ended up kicking the shit out of him.

UpperClass - Wear N95 surgical masks, goggles if needed. Take a chloroquine family drug along with an antibiotic at the first symptom, or as a preventative in the event that you can't completely quarantine. Test everyone exposed.
LowerClass - Masks don't work. Respirator masks and cheap 'surgical' masks are vaguely conflated. They don't work and are only for sick people, not well ppl. (except doctors and UpperClass). Chloroquine family drugs are still months away from clinical trials. Test severe pneumonia who are negative for flu.

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Show me this contract. Did I sign something? Is this a verbal agreement? Fact is that I dont owe you anything. I have no obligation to stop and perform aid if I see you dying in the street. I have no obligation to provide you with food if you are hungry. I do not owe you shit and you have no rightful claim to anything that I have.

From kike billionares yes. They hoard and don't leave enough for the rest, just leaving the money to spoil.

>Jews stockpiling stolen medical equipment for resale is “prepping”

umm, idiot, everyone does it! Nike buys a pair of shoes in China for $2 and sells it to faggots like you for $200 calling it margins and profits. In MBA class they teach you to calculate value of any product you're planning to sell is whatever you buy it at * 3 is the price that covers your overhead and profit.

this is some boomer-tier shit

it's armageddon...there will be no more USA or concept of USA after this period


You pay taxas, you use services that benefit from these taxes, you live in the US, you subject yourself to these laws. Stop being retarded. Society doesn't give you a pass to be a greedy kike and you have no right to be one.

Don't sell them for a 10x markup and the FBI won't know that you have them. But let's be honest, you aren't a prepper, you are greedy Jew.

MBA class doesn't tell you everything. It's a jungle. The powerful rule.

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the great kike chimpout when

United States. In the United States, state laws against price gouging have been held as constitutional at the state level as a valid exercise of the police power to preserve order during an emergency, and may be combined with anti-hoarding measures. As of January 2019, 34 states have laws against price-gouging.
>Costa Rica

In Minecraft

FBI & I can have ourselves a shootout.

My money is on the FBI. But, in Minecraft, I’m ready to die for humanity

The world isn't ending. We're already in a recession and possibly headed into a depression soon but no collapse. As long as most people still believe in the government then there won't be a collapse.

You think they wouldn't cheat and check records of major retailers for products like 3M 95s?

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>blah blah blah muh rights muh property

You have only the rights the state gives you. Without the state, the only property you "have" is the property you can defend with violence.

preppers = rodents

>you use services that you pay for
Aside from driving on the interstate, I do not use any government services. The government costs me massively and I take a fraction of what I pay in. Just like with 'health insurance'

I'm tired of supporting all you societal leeches and then you have the nerve to suggest that I actually owe it to you. Fucking hell. I cant wait until either I die or you die. Cant come quick enough

That's not price gouging you retard.

forgot Upper=this is airborne/droplets and surface.
Lower=Wash your hands.

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do tell me what price gouging is... that jew or any other hoarder isn't a factory or a sole distributor, thus you don't have to buy from him if you don't want to. Price gouging only applies to factories/manufacturer or only distributors.

Fuck off you retard, the supplies werent taken just because he was hoarding them. They were taken because the faggot was trying to sell them at a 700% markup. If the retard stayed quiet there was nothing they could do.

Its not about what you have.

Its when you die can you tell that motherfucker FUCK YOU while it says fuck you like wise.

Yet be its own


In 1933...FDR literally forced Americans to hand over to the Government all gold coinage and exchange for federal reserve notes.

If a crisis develops... they really can just seize whatever you already happened in the US. ...Being a precious metals bug can just be outlawed...with the snap of a finger.

Then go fuck off from society and tell the government to leave you alone and not tax you. Burn your own trash, farm your own food, maintain your own roads, produce your own water, create your own energy, make your own drugs.
>inb4 I can buy electicity, medicine, and food privately
If the government subsidizes it or regulates it, then fuck off. You can't have it.


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Be sure to "give" them your bullets too.

They are putting masks on black peoples feet to keep the Pontiff safe.

>Hundreds of thousands of items
Go to bed, Moshe.

Who are you to say I am not allowed to organize and run my own field hospital?

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Well I have a well and I do live out of town, so to speak. And I do burn my own trash. Like I said. Keep thinking that I owe you something. You can shit in one hand and wait in the other and see which one fills up first.

why can't he sell it for 700% markup? What stopping you or me listing my 1990 Honda Civic for $100,000 on Craigslist?!? If you don't want to buy it, don't fucking buy it! Why would hospitals deal with some local faggot and not go directly to manufacturer/distributor to get wholesale/factory prices?!

It's a law in most states, as I already said.