Nogs dying left and right

Can you burgers explain this to an average european?

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Obesity, same reason America will lead in deaths.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they're not practising social distancing.

they can't, or don't want to, practice good hygiene and are at higher risk due to pre-existing conditions


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speaking as someone in jew york, they walk around in groups hooting and hollering like nothing has changed, then they go back home to their rat nests in the projects and it spreads like the plague. no one wears masks, no one social distances. natural selection working as intended.

Any American statistic you read is wholly incomplete because we've done fuckall in regards to testing.

Inequality is a pre-existing condition.
When this is all over the West will have to pay reparations because minority groups were disproportionately affected by this.

1. Poor hygiene
2. No social distancing
3. Obesity from eating garbage food

Despite being 2% of the population they make up 40% of all coofers.

how about we charge them for being more effective hosts

This. They probably think it's some whitey shit that doesn't concern them.

So now they care about what per capita means?

Just fucking round them up, no need for drug charges nsheeit now. If they break the rules off ya go.

blacks and jews being disproportionately infected

has project coast gone live?

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Niggers are subhuman animals.

Chinese apparently engineered a Fat Nigger Remover.
Nobel Peace Prize, when?

>live like shit
>eat like shit
>"fuck you" attitude, dont follow protocols
>old folks insist on attending church
Purely racism.

because niggers lack basic hygiene

Maybe because black people tend to be in higher pourcentage in cities who are hit harder than whiter rural communities?

>nigger comes in riddled with bullet holes
>"must've been corona!"

My guess is they're dying of other causes, like gun violence or drug overdose, but since they also had coronavirus it's being put as the cause of death.

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Yep, the moment I heard that heart disease and diabetes made people more vulnerable to coronachan I knew niggers and beaners were screwed

If it isn’t due to carelessness and higher rate of comorbidities it can be explained by African’s heightened immune response. The “cytokine storm” of white blood cells choking the lungs in response to pneumonia could be kicking off sooner in blacks than in other populations.

ah yeah.. good old whiteguilt

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This and

That, but more likely because they live predominantly in the cities where viruses spread quicker.

>they can't, or don't want to, practice good hygiene

Or maybe be better off

They possess neither hygiene, logic, nor a grasp of language. This is their fate.

Obesity, diabetes and hypertension combined with a bad diet as if this had to be said though.

I almost put that in, but I didn’t see that dumb shite posted anywhere but here.
Not many blacks around here, but the illegal spics all get welfare for their anchor babies. You’ll see thin first generation Mexicans, but the ones that grow up here all look like beach balls with legs.

Nogs can't think germ theory. Too abstract.

The article mentions Detroit, and Detroit has some of the stupidest niggers on the planet. We get people from Africa that come here and are disgusted by them, that's how bad it is. Zero of them are taking any preventative measures. They are obese, malnourished, don't drink water, walk around in groups, don't bathe, and often live in crowded apartments with a bunch of nigglets. What happens when you get a bunch of unhealthy people in close proximity to each other in a pandemic?

But Africa seems to not be affected.
African niggers have completely different life style compared to USA niggers, they have no obesity or diabetes and yes they have no hygiene but being younger helps a lot in dodging death by corona.

Could be true.
Pooh has been disappoint with the chimps destroying all the infrastructure he tried to build in Africa to take that continent over.

Blacks have a lot of health problems

This is why the people saying this disease will hurt Trump are retarded. The people who are dying from it are poor, obese and stupid. AKA typical democratic voters. I would guess dems lose at least 500-1000 voters in Michigan from this.

> demographic with highest level of AIDS
> Corona kills immuno-compromised first
>1+1 = ?

dat be a raycis ass virus

wow... and why is it Detroit from all other major cities? Any clue?

oh now the 13% 50% matters
bunch of hypocrites

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africans eat yams and fruit and walk everywhere while US nigs eat fried trash and kool-aid and never exercise. africans may die younger, but they are healthier longer

Easy there AOC

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This. The nigger on nigger murder rate will fall off the table but suddenly lots of coronavirus victims will pop up!


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>Drinking the tapjew

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because you people told them the the negro was immune so now they all think that.

If it turns out that niggers died the most from covid19, all this will have been worth it.

i told what to who?

The gift that keeps giving. God bless AOC.


Look up the Detroit Race Riots. The fuckers burned down large parts of the city, white people fled, black people with money fled, and all that was left were the ones that were too stupid, lazy, poor, addicted to crack, or just didn't give a fuck because they were the ones torching buildings.

Niggers live in the cities where the population is dense. The virus is going to spread much more in densely populated areas.

If you die from corona you aren’t white.

This. even among niggers there's a hierarchy of them. The ones enslaved were the lowest of the low.

Yes, coronavirus is racist.
Because Orange Man Bad, of course.

Plot twist:
Black population was just always underreported. America is only 5,6% white at this point.

For the longest time there wasn't a single case in Africa which lead niggers to assume they were immune. They were wrong.

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Nope, check out Hong Kong. Niggers don't wash their hands.

Instead of self-isolating they're hanging out with their gang and doing drive-bys.
>muh economy
Who cares as long as NYC suffers. Based Federalist.

That meme my fucking sides

This is what Italy did. Everyone that died since the start of the outbreak died of corona.

love the Intrepid class

#1 Answer, this thing is the American killer.
Kind of based in a morbid way.
Nigs be shopping on muh WIC and EBT/SNAP

Nah, it's just our "white" population are all spics and middle easterners (Jews mostly) unless you're in the middle of nowhere. There are almost no white people left in the cities. The Jewish population is severely under reported.

A single -detected- case lmao

Holy shit she's that fucking dumb.

it's a cold virus that can't spread efficiently in warm climates

>no one wears masks
1 N95 mask is like $16

The memes are morphing reality

Sure it can, it wont live on surfaces so long, but lung to lung from coofs lets it spread easily enough.

Do not question the wisdom of Corona Chan. She is all powerful and all knowing.

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Pic related is how far we have come and why. I hope we all die. We cannot justify keeping this up and the only way to stop it is to start over. Remember, pic related is the single most important thing in the USA and its needs go above all other needs. Pic related is why we have vaccines, satellites, the internet, rocket science, the stock market, unparalled acheivements in medecine, millenias of religious enlightenment, the automobile, the plane, the boat, the submarine, the motorcycle, the food in your fridge, the shit on tour tv..... It goes on and on and on and its all for niggers. Niggers just like this. This is what we aspire to be and we help others get there effortlessly. You're afraid to die? Me too, but I'm almost just as afraid to live in a world like this.

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I toght we wuz immune kangz?!?

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Doesn't soda have fluoride in the US of A? It's made from tap water in a lot of places.

>cans of wasted lysol: not enough

>COVID reparations
Ask China about that.

>lemme found out we immune
Fucking hell how do you even pick this shit apart?

Niggers are susceptible to lead poisoning


Lack of discipline

yep. almost all black women in the US are obese, it's insane. like 80% or something.

yeah but nobody's gonna cough in your face, every human is paranoid af these days

Dont they speak in an equally retarded though different way in bongland too?

Have you ever seen a chinese or a jew? Really? No one?

>there wasn't a single case in Africa
because they don't have any fucking test kits



There are probably a number of reasons, as reflected in the responses you have received so far. One thing we can be sure of, is it all relates back to IQ in the final analysis. When this first started, I was skeptical. However, I am also smart enough to balance skepticism with caution. I am smart enough to work out and maintain a healthy body weight. I was smart enough to have 6 months worth of supplies and a healthy savings account for emergencies. The average negro in a ghetto is not smart enough to do any of those things. This is why their death rate is so much higher. Same could be said of some of the obese white trash this is going to kill off as well.

They coof in the supermarket then you walk down the same isle 5 minutes later and breathe in thousands of corona viruses.

everywhere i go its always whites with masks, blacks without masks mocking whites with masks

If 2.6 million nogs died it'd only be a 10% in the US crime rate. go go corona chan.

hey nigga hit this blunt
pass dat sheit

I meant detected case.

Inequality is a natural condition found in all of humanity. Want reparations for that? Ask the universe for it, not me.

Massive amounts of untreated and uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes because pills for health aren't cool. Smoke tons of weed so shit lung function. Lots of reasons.

many cases of other races getting into crime is due to black influence

Odd, here in Florida I see many blacks wearing masks and following the rules. Even in my neighborhood which is in the ghetto it's been quiet and everyone's being mindful.

Remember when everyone thought black people were immune to the virus lmao

There are millions of nogs and only hundreds are dying though

I've seen a few with masks in my area but it's always the women. never the men.

I don’t know how it is elsewhere, but in America the average nigger has an atrociously subpar grasp of basic hygenics or nutritional health.

Yeah fuck the man. Whitey cant tell me what to do. Having driven around !y area I can say or sure they are not. Always roaming in groups, not at home, and I have seen two parties at local parks.

Nice pilpul, Schloime. Muslims are only 1% of the population.


What is 26 but also 81?

>African Americans made up almost half of Milwaukee County’s 945 cases and 81% of its 27 deaths in a county whose population is 26% black.

They're just fucking stupid. I see niggers all the time walking around wearing gloves and masks but they still touch their faces with gloves hands, wear thr masks wrong, have beards with their masks, don't practice social distancing, etc

Then why is it beating the piss out of Ecuador?

So are spics

>high blood pressure/diabetes
>lack of social decorum
>generally shit hygiene

bruh that shit doesn't stay suspended in the air like that lol don't believe the tests they make in unrealistic environments. Droplets from coughing are much heavier and fall immediately