I will provide no template, let us continue a good thread anons
Post your political history #2
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm libertarian when the government steals from my check
I'm Nazi when i get around minorites
can I get this without the mark ups?
this thread will go real far without the template
Where's the one for "Authoritarian environmentalist"?
imagine for a fucking second being a liberal
if you were indocrinated to be fascist, traditionalist or nationalist from the fucking internet and not your father/grandfather, you're a fake right wing, an absolute NPC
if your father is 'socialist' or morally liberal, you're already a lost cause and should be sacrificed like cattle
Template here
how the fuck are you people so inconsistent
you're non-people
This template is bad, but not because the wojaks are wrongly placed. It's because half of these aren't even ideologies.
wtf with you guys changing opinions 1000 times
You can see when I was in college and when I got a job and became a contributing member to society
We have all these useless freedoms that mean nothing or only mean something for certain people.
Democracy is a farce and i am thoroughly disenchanted with it.
I believe in a strong but small government.
No longer cuddle-solution for criminals, no more nigger-importing, no more promotion of unhealthy lifestyles and outright publicly shunning those who partake in it.
man, imagine being Brazilian
It's called education you fucking dumbass French fuck
Ive been stuck on federal banker but i hate jews help
more like indoctrination retarded amerimutt
i'm probably whiter than you and own more books published on your continent and have read them than you have
All authority derives from God, Jesus instituted his Holy Church, which is governed by the Holy Spirit.
>I don't like Pope Francis
Authority isn't pick and choose.
Nazi and nazbol are ok too.
Isn't it funny how they jump all around? I think I have gone from lib left progressive to just authleft. But this compass isn't good enough to showcase why I would believe that, I don't believe that a weak government can protect our freedoms liberties and rights. But a political compass doesn't show that.
funny, all my commie friends from college consider me a nazbol
2016- The Patriot
2017- The Conservative
2018- Alt Right Troll
2019- The Nazi
2020- The Anti Socialist
Tankie in Russia
Patriot in America
Anti Communist all the way.
this chart is great
The conservative
Couple of years later I realised no state that doesn't care about it's people could ever hope to prosper in perpetuity and moved to the nazi.
I honestly kind of admire the cowboy, I hope to someday achieve that mental state
the first 2 were when i was about 7 to 15 years old
nothing wrong with that, it's unironically a good place to be mentally
Unknowingly a progressive due to school brainwashing. Then slowly realized how things didn't have to be that way and current society was all a facade.
Dirty phoneposter coming in
did anyone made this already? (didn't scroll the page yet)
Started right and eventually worked my way up...
My 2008-2020 rollercoaster into perpetual suffering
I found Jews took over my homeland.
I need to restore it.
The left in America is paid by Jews and the ones around the world is too.
They will all burn from betraying my homeland.
sums it up good
Starting from the bottom, I was a retarded kid.
I suppose it looks like this now
What is a nationalist populist?
Surprising a kraut posted this
I made a better version of my path, from 1969 to now
This chart is rather amusing but I doubt its accuracy.
Idk what ideology I even really am anymore but this is probably the closest thing to me.
> strong cuckservative upbringing
> worked in trades as a teen and started valuing independence, freedom and self responsibility
> went to college and took insane amounts of psychedelics and lived around naive libs and hedonistic degenerates
> got a job and empathized with boomers, saw the value of discipline, tasted materialism, and saw the evils of consumerism
> looked back and integrated everything I've learned and experienced and accepted that the cowboy is the only life for me
this chart makes me believe your a qtard schizo boomert
you make me proud to be a second gen German user
The chart is so wrong it hurts
heres mine
Don't make us save your asses again. You even have a military anymore?
Why the big jump from 2019 to 2020?
What books do I read to go from theocrat to monarchist/traditionalist?
Raised in a commie-family.. Started smoking weed and realized the state is immoral.. But if I hierachy is voluntary then I have no problem with. I'm thinking deep about core values and the preserving of them now and playing with the idea of the family as the smallest unit instead of the individual.
went from Trotskyist to Nazbol
Leviathan, but honestly you're retarded so I don't know how much helping you do that makes any sense.
After I got me muscles
Life was shit so I pretty much naturally became a Nazi and then when life got a lot better I realized that maybe not all Nazi ideas would work. Specifically the socialist part of National Socialist. But I kept the idea that all communists must die though. I have reached Pinochet.
Based on the names/wojaks more than the actual compass
third reich's the charm
Why no blackface, leaf?
This would be an amazing fighting game select screen
The traditionalist is just a Facist or Nazi, but without money and they are usually not white.
Because niggers are not evolved enough to have actual politics.
About sums me up
Niggers are apolitical
I literally don't understand christfags being here
datamining thread
also deus vult. remove kebab. gas kike. deport nig and spic
It's been a short journey, but an important one.
Quos deus vult perdere dementat prius.
I've been a fascist since I was old enough to even think about politics