I have a question for anyone who is not German. How does it feel to be able to be unconditionally proud of your country...

I have a question for anyone who is not German. How does it feel to be able to be unconditionally proud of your country? To love your country without being called "fascist or Nazi"? I can only be honest with friends or my family. When I hung the German flag in my garden, I was asked to remove it. My country is a joke. What about yours?

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I'm proud to be a National Socialist and Dacian

>I can only be honest with friends and family.

They're the only that matter.

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Feels p. normal, dude. I mean, we get the rep for over doing it, but on the side of the atlantic it's just an "ok, cool, w/e" kind of feeling when you encounter people going full 'MURICA FUCK YEAH!

>I was asked to remove it
by who ?

I am channeling my energy into loving America. I grew up with Nickelodeon, Spider Man, American-like food, and still watch American YouTube. If you compare germany to america, our country almost seems like a shithole.

Asked to remove by who? Is there a law against it? Just fucking shoot anybody who threatens your personal liberty, fuck non-nationalists

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Not a Rammstein Fan, but he said it pretty good
> Deutschland, meine Liebe kriegst Du nicht
and that's exactly how most adults in Germany think, including me.
Germany is a business place and always has been, patriotism is for low IQ retards

Living in germany feels like living in a golden cage some nigger constantly shits in.


We love you too germanbro. Even if your great-grandfather occupied my grandmother's city in Belgium way back when. Water under the bridge.

Here’s a house on my town btw

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there isnt a law against it
but theres really SJWs in places who will get triggered by the german flag

>I have a question for anyone who is not German. How does it feel to be able to be unconditionally proud of your country? To love your country without being called "fascist or Nazi"? I can only be honest with friends or my family. When I hung the German flag in my garden, I was asked to remove it. My country is a joke. What about yours?
For me, the media are in German or Jewish hands and being a patriot is also considered fascist or Nazi. I don't know if it is like that anywhere else, but we have paterophobia - hatred for one's own nation is very common and it can be seen everywhere.

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You can't drive around anywhere in this country without seeing American flags. It's so common you don't even notice.
Even parts of the country run by godless socialists have American flags everywhere.
God I love America.

So? Let em get triggered everyday.

Germany is the best country. Why would you listen and not take down your flag? You should have shot those traitors!

We had a foreign exchange student that was aghast on flag day. Then she had a sham marriage to flee Germany because countries with flag day are superior.

2nding this, dude. Where's your sense of schadenfreude?

just kill the niggers then

Then why did you take it down?

I fly the old Canadian flag above the new one, police showed up saying I had to take it down because it may "intimidate" new Canadians

I took down the new flag instead

don't worry it's the same in (((france))) and we didn't even have a Vishnu Avatar as Chancellor.

>Germany is a business place and always has been, patriotism is for low IQ retards
ok faggot cope some more with your jewstein song.

From my garden neighbours who one day complained to the landlord. He then told me to remove the flag. I hate the people here but love my country. What a shithole

Many young Poles see themselves (especially boomers) as monkeys

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If "new Canadians" are offended by the Canadian flag are they really Canadian?
Don't answer the question is rhetorical.

im not OP, and where i live People can and do openly wave the flag around, being rural Retards and all

on what exactly do you want to be proud? that you allowed mohammed and his friends inside and let them gangbang your wife, sister and daughter? pathetic faggot

You should fly an American flag.

American urban areas are all pozzed. you can still find confederate flags hung outside of shacks around military bases, tho

It's funny how Germany defends itself from nationalisms, thus defending its market against strangers. It is simply beautiful.

My country is cool
We have food, statues and shit

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Really? I've heard from our media that Poland is very patriotic. By the way, the media here is always agitating against you. They don't like your current government at all.

Plenty of Germans are proud of their county, including my grandparents.
Maybe you should leave Berlin or NRW.

Yes do this.

The only thing worth to be considered a problem with our flag could be the question if color-laws from heraldic matter in vexiollogy.
There is a law against hissing the government-flag (the yellow crest in the middle one with the black eagle), but it is not enforced here in the south at least. I guess it matters more in war-times, as it symbolizes an office of german governance. I'd rather show the flag of my state, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a german flag on the pole, multiple in my town have one, some do even the symbolic shit with half-height and so on.

Germany should spread and take out inferior countries! End of story!

Fuck this shit imagine getting into somebody else’s country and getting offended by the people who fucking built it, what a clown world, America is trully the world’s last hope

Honestly our current (((german))) flag is a joke, why fly it in the first place? It represents everything wrong with our Nation.

I don't think any of us are truly proud of our countries anymore germbro, all of our homes have been perverted by relentless invasion. Feelsbadman

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Technically I'm not German, don't have a pass but my father is German, my mother is Danish, and guess what, I still get called nazi.

Deutsches Reich best nation!

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He may only forbid you to install a permanent pole. The property you rented is considered your home. Treat it like one, paint your tryptychon and house-crest and show all the flag you like, dress them as curtains and hang em from the balcony.

stucking a flag without a reason is cringey af

Besides that germany is awesome

What could possibly go wrong! xD

That’s bullshit. On top of constantly being demonized by kiked Hollywood in every movie/TV show. And (((they))) wonder why there’s a general disdain growing for the jew. On second thought, they know why.

The person who complained is a white old lady

Most "new Canadians" were interested in the old flag and wanted to know more

Why do you love your country? I think you love the idea of nationalism but it sounds like you think there are different races in the world

>tell someone you're proud of [german aspect or innovation]

Damn all this talk of patriotism makes me want to grill a couple of burgers, drink some good ol' American bourbon, fire a few hundred rounds out of my AR-15 while blaring some 80s hair metal out of the radio in my gas guzzling mustang.

It's mostly only during sports when the nationalism happens over here. Don't think that counts. No one cares.


It feels great to bask in the former glory of America.

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This is what peak performance looks like.

Come live here! We need more whites to help get rid of the niggers and spics :)
What works?? Teamwork!

>stucking a flag without a reason is cringey af
Being proud of your nation is reason enough

I understand, Jews won't even show their flag online because there's nothing to be proud of

Brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?

>thus defending its market against strangers
if you like doing business with us, adapt to our rules.

> From the media
Exactly. For you, the media say that we are nationalists, fascists, etc., and we feel guilty about it. Germany always appears with us as an unsurpassed model - and rightly so!
However, when Poles try to build a bigger business, get out of the industry, it will soon be crushed by competition from Germany or when it is in trouble, it is sold to Germany and it can prosper again. We are your vassal and, despite the greatest wealth in our history, there is a glass wall that can only be pierced with you.

By the way, it is interesting that the last top 1 on the Polish stock exchange is the company CD Project RED, which created the witcher - gamedev top 1 in the economy. comedy .

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Funny because Bolshevism was actually brought and funded by Germany in 1917

That is because you live in a city go in the countryside

Yes because the others are either not family or not friends. Yuo are genious.

Deutschland Über Alles!

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>but it sounds like you think there are different races in the world
He'd be right


Have some Isaiah 53

1 מי האמין לשמעתנו וזרוע יהוה על־מי נגלתה׃
2 ויעל כיונק לפניו וכשרש מארץ ציה לא־תאר לו ולא הדר ונראהו ולא־ מראה ונחמדהו׃
3 נבזה וחדל אישים איש מכאבות וידוע חלי וכמסתר פנים ממנו נבזה ולא חשבנהו׃
4 אכן חלינו הוא נשא ומכאבינו סבלם ואנחנו חשבנהו נגוע מכה אלהים ומענה׃
5 והוא מחלל מפשענו מדכא מעונתינו מוסר שלומנו עליו ובחברתו נרפא־ לנו׃
6 כלנו כצאן תעינו איש לדרכו פנינו ויהוה הפגיע בו את עון כלנו׃
7 נגש והוא נענה ולא יפתח־פיו כשה לטבח יובל וכרחל לפני גזזיה נאלמה ולא יפתח פיו׃
8 מעצר וממשפט לקח ואת־דורו מי ישוחח כי נגזר מארץ חיים מפשע עמי נגע למו׃
9 ויתן את־רשעים קברו ואת־עשיר במתיו על לא־חמס עשה ולא מרמה בפיו׃
10 ויהוה חפץ דכאו החלי אם־תשים אשם נפשו יראה זרע יאריך ימים וחפץ יהוה בידו יצלח׃
11 מעמל נפשו יראה ישבע בדעתו יצדיק צדיק עבדי לרבים ועונתם הוא יסבל׃
12 לכן אחלק־לו ברבים ואת־עצומים יחלק שלל תחת אשר הערה למות נפשו ואת־פשעים נמנה והוא חטא־רבים נשא ולפשעים יפגיע׃

ישוע המשיח

Also check Daniel 9:23-27
Moshiach will come before the destruction of the temple (which happend in 70AD)

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Hm. But wouldn't that only be true if the flag somehow had the Bundesadler on it anyhow? Also, yea I'd really be surprised to hear of the police being fastidious enough to care about old heraldic law.

Are those little kids doing the "resist the anthem" pose??? They're like 5. What the fuck has happened to America.

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Tell that to your AIPAC cronies.

Lol being proud of what your grandfather built doesn't make you shit.
Do something yourself and be proud of it

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Be broud to be German, mate.

This is the kind of faggot I was describing.

>I was asked to remove it
its a Weimar flag and its meaning is backward from original intentions, pic related, rising up from the blackness of despotism, through blood, to enlightenment. naturally the flag upside down, per Weimar, has the opposite connotation.

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>German acting like victims again

You know the history of your country. You destroyed this continent twice so don't be fucking surprised ...

I have done some business trips in Germany. Most people I've met are tough as nails patriots. They just keep it under the lid. The leftists are a minority.

Im canadian so no i dont know what it feels like to unconditionally love my country

How does compulsory German education cover the nazi era? Is it just one long shamefest or is it treated like a forbidden topic?

You habe to distinguish between country and government

3 times*

yep we are very good at destroying our enemies, even if we "lose". see russia, see america ( frankfurt school ) or see your shithole country for example.

everyone who crosses us loses their empire, or their race, or their culture, and becomes irrelevant.

last time the entire west crossed us. guess what is happening to the west right now

thats how it always has been.

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It's great honestly. Fourth of July is this surreal experience.
I have a US flag outside my house, can fire guns, eat a lot of food, afford a house.
I love my country.

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Doesn’t get much better than this .


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Nope, I made a paragraph there. The Color-thing is just aesthetically unpleasant, if compared with the one of the kaiserreich, which was correctly colored. But political implications seem to matter more, than beauty.
The later mentioned government-flag is a different flag, it looks like the 'normal' flag, but has a simple yellow crest in the middle, which holds the bundesadler, painted in black.
Besides I don't think more than 0.1% of cops would even consider to waste a thought about something so abstruse.


I wouldn't call the US irrelevant just yet but they're on a good way to self destruction.

I bet you have tons of flags in your garden weirdo

Well my friend. I am not german but i was born in Germany. Many things here as foreigners and bureaucracy are a major problem. Some of the german citizens will tell you right wing and hardcore right wing stuff. the rest is totally unaware shat they,ve done... Left wing Deutschland in a nutshrll

no there is only different dna and all other races are extinct. your body works the same like an asian ones

I can't be proud of modern America I can however be proud of American achievements and its various cultures.

The last time Germany had something to be proud of was 1945.

it's nice and probably better than in germany but god forbid you talk about niggers not being French or you will be crucified on the spot

Souce needed.

I read something of the uniforms of lützower freikorps as color-scheme.
The old kaiser-flag was more beautiful, though.

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South Brazilian here, my parents came from Germany after WWI, I love my country despite its flaws and I'm proud of my heritage

>comparing white people with brown/hazel eyes to shit

Hello Rabbi, whatcha doin?

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A lot of you helped, pierre.
Let's not get sour over war-stories, we got bigger problems atm.

I've met so many niggers abroad who told me they are french. More than actual french people.

you should write to the verfassungsschutz that your landlord and the neighbors who made you remove the nationalfahne are verfassungsfeindlich and anti german subversive elements
they ganged up on you for expressing your allegiance to the nation and its constitution and they are supressing this

>How does it feel to be able to be unconditionally proud of your country?
I wouldn't know. Maybe try asking in Chinese.
>To love your country without being called "fascist or Nazi"?
Now this i can answer. Pretty good, but some people take it too far. I try and have them tone it down whenever it happens, because it's embarrassing.
>When I hung the German flag in my garden, I was asked to remove it.
Hm. I know there is etiquette surrounding flags, and I'm taken aback by clips of Americans who ostensibly fly their flag for no other reason than to be a 'patriot'.
>My country is a joke. What about yours?
Humor supposedly defuses tensions, and tweaks what's socially acceptable. Shifting the overton window, as it were. Danish self-irony is refreshing.

what a cucked country.

But those niggers are not french though. You gotta call it as you see it, Pierre


>There is only one race, the human race.
Kill yourself.

I'm so sorry my friend. I hope things will get better for you soon.

>bigger problems
Like Chinks, Jews, Spics, and Niggars.
Got a ton of shit to get through.


I had like three years in a row that movie with the starving jews. Made a thing about rommel and dak once, teacher was not amused. We never talked about economics or the actual war. Mentioning that there was different factions in nsdap was a reason to get thrown out of the classrom and told after not to distract from the main points anymore.

Polands time will come. It might still suck now, but being a neighbour to Germany has benefits in the long run, they can't afford to have an unstable or poor country next to them. I see no reason why Poland wouldn't be on the level of France someday.

All dog's bodies work the same and yet they are different races.
You don't even know what race means!
A chihuahua's body works just the same way as a proud german shepherd does. yet they arent the same race.

What you mean is species. All dog's are the same species, so are all humans of the same species.
Except you follow some crazy jews who think there are animals who look like humans and got animalsouls. They call those cattle-humans goyim btw.

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