Why can't trump handle coronavirus?

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China is lying and we have a larger population than European nations. Japan / S. Korea have excellent cleanliness, lots of masks, and good civil obedience.

He didn't act fast enough. I actually feel sorry for him. He spent all this time trying to create jobs and save American lives from being in no foreign wars. And now thanks to this shit the unemployment rate will skyrocket and at least 100000 US citizens are gonna die.

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Because he's a retard

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>no foreign wars
>trying to create jobs

Does not compute my little pygmy rentfinch,

Canada and Australia handled it easily. It seems white and asian counttries flatten the curve, but negroid countries dont?

America is the best country in the world: FACT

America is #1 at everything : FACT

China Wuhan Wushu Ching Chong Virus does NOT kill Americans : FACT

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he was the first to act, he shut entrance from china, everyone called him a racists, and that it wouldnt help, and the next week WHO said it was a good idea and other countries closed their borders too


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Only this week NY started to recommend using masks while going outside.
So before they where covidiots doing corona challenge and partying in places...
Then the USA call out china for the different death toll. Just incredible

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Even though it's literally America's fault

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america over tested people, even those who would have been fine have been tested

Remember Sping break was cancelled in 20.03.2019

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It's obvious that this was here for months we just started testing for it.

And then we fucked our hospitals over by driving panic and a bunch of chucklefucks going to the hospitals for anything.

>trying to sheppard a Country of 300 Million, with half of them being braindead Retards

Trump is playing Nightmare difficulty here

Yeah the US has about the pop of Italy Spain France Germany and the UK combined.

Niggers refuse to practice social distancing

动 态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Doesnt' matter how he did, the average citezin thinks he is doing good and his aproval is pretty good so seed harder, 4 more years.

100% this leaf is a chink lol

because burgers ?


>le badly edited le badly written false flag strawman "meme"
>Indian flag

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>people refusing to follow simple instructions is the Presidents fault

DNC already guaranteed that

It literally is China's fault. If they didn't unban sales of wild animals after the first SARS outbreak (or if they didn't let their virus escape from a research lab) this would have never happened and none of those people would have died. China should be paying every affected country for damages.

What's coronavirus?

Organizational failure.

In the past 3 years he has forced out reliable people who would question his judgment and offer sound advice (Maddog Mattis). Its a classic Boss Baby problem. When the guy at the top is a paranoid narcissist who weeds out anyone who disagrees with him and pushes back against him... he ends up selecting for kiss ass dipshits (Pence) or kiss ass manipulators (Jared).

Most of the time the government can coast along with an empty suit in charge. Woodrow Wilson literally had a stroke and Ron Reagan had dementia and it didn't matter.

This, however, is a real crisis. The Kiss Asses don't know what to do. Their skills are placating the boss and doing office politics. That is why we are in a clusterfuck.

Its a deep organizational failure. Its not entirely on Trump. Its the whole Boss Baby system he brought in.

Apple and Jobs had problem like this,.. but Jobs while a raging narcissist was actually competent.

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Most of this is the fact our city's have more people in them then those countries do so it spreads faster

>handled it
wtf handling has been done? we've yet to see the spike here in Canada and the government hasn't even shown their projections

thats not an Argument
everything you just described to Trump is 200% true for Merkel, and she did what you described for far longer than trump did, German government reacted EVEN SLOWER then the USA and still we didnt have that much spread you guys have

Economy crash needs a scape goat... blame it on the flu.

CA, Bay Area here. I went out today to get supplies for the first time in 2 weeks. There were people, mostly minorities, fucking everywhere. NO ONE is obeying the shelter in place and everyone is out doing random shit. Stores were busy and people were coughing everywhere.

this kills the OP

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>why can't trump handle coronavirus?

How is it Trumps fault all these low IQ idiots keep socializing instead of sheltering in place? This is just natural selection running its course. The stupid will merely feel invincible and persue more important things like getting their weekend on or whatnot.

>white country

No you Americans had barely tests at first and you are stil behind 1st world countries now.

That doesnt even make any sense. The goal is to find as many infected people as fast as possible and pull them out as early as possible. There is no point in testing less unless you want to fudge your statistics.

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True of Merkel?
You don't know enough about the clowns around Trump.
Rick "Whoops" Perry?
Ben "The Stroke" Carson?
You can call Merkel's people clowns, but they are not. They have competence.

Watch Trump's reality TV show tonight. Its a total shitshow.

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Let me guess. Europe deaths are Trumps fault too.

Fuck yeah, Austria is relevant again!

Trumps space program.

Even if he acted 10 steps ahead, he will still have to deal with the city governors not following his order and going all "hug the chinese, fuck donald trump". If he went full dictator and went on lockdown, the narrative will go to "is it worth it to shutdown the economy for a thousand people infected?". Either way he was fucked because alot of people still hate him.

Dead people actually help the economy in this case. To stave off inflation, the dead money can be used to reallocate to the living and give off the illusion of growth even in period of decay.

Its the same trick used to convince people that things worth a penny decades ago ought to be worth more than a dollar nowadays. As long as workers think they are gaining value they won't become as restless.

The dead also don't consume resources, which frees up the demand and eases pressure on a supply/demand graph to raise equilibrium price. Macro economic policies deal with death and population growth very efficiently but are confined by the same restraint of resource production. It all gets priced into present value of the global currencies. War in essence is the same function. People die, pre war money becomes worthless, and inevitably the rebuilding process stimulates new generational growth after a bunch of 20-30 year olds in the prime years of reproduction are sacrificed to produce newly minted money trees from the blood price of a death toll. A toll is a type of tax after all.

>You can call Merkel's people clowns, but they are not. They have competence

Shows that you dont know any of These motherfuckers in our government
a shitton of our current politicians dont even have learned any trade or didnt even complete School

>Watch Trump's reality TV show tonight. Its a total shitshow.
so ? if you could speak german, youd laugh your ass off every day listening to our political debates

still not an Argument, what you say about US government Counts twice for german government

You're going to trust China? Who do you think has the money and honesty to tell the truth? Everybody else has shit tier populations. Jesus Christ, Canadians are fucking stupid, lol.

>niggers and spring breakers out partying instead of staying home
I fucking wonder

Boomers have never lived through a life threatening emergency like this (inb4 muh cold war) and they are in denial, that this is IT. This is the final bell

It would be racist

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Actually we're supposed to peak by next week according to Sunnybrooke hospital but I don't believe it

It’s alright, the vast majority of infected will be city shitskins, liberal idiots and boomers, the US will be stronger for it.

why does this count the USA as one country but separate each euro country ?

You homecounty India has even more people than the USA,Pajeet. This is not a crime statistic that just comes naturally with any population or some food poisoning has a limited impact and less impact relative to a large pop.

This is a contagious virus that can end up killing the entire US population regardless how large it is and spreads at a constant rate based on human to human interaction regardless of the country and is only limited by hygene and other active prevention measures. And otherwise equal country with 100 Milllion should have the same number of sick people as a country with 1000 Billion people not 1000 times more. The total population is irrelevant.

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>US has the highest number of cases
>also has a higher population than every other country in the graph
>only exception is the country lying it's ass off
>comparing rates of disease across countries where a standard of testing for said disease doesn't even exist

Nice scribbles, leaf.

>Its a deep organizational failure. Its not entirely on Trump. Its the whole Boss Baby system he brought in.

it kind of is though. Trump is a failure of a leader and it trickles down.

I accept that I don't know shit about German politics.

You can have shitheads at the top as long as you have quality bureaucrats elsewhere in the system.

Trump has chased a lot of these people out in his three years as president. Miller has literally been purging these people. Closing the Pandemic Response Team is just one example.

Like right now our Pentagon had NO PLAN for what happens with an aircraft carrier is overwhelmed with disease. So much so that the captain of a nuclear aircraft carrier had to destroy his career just to force someone to make an unpleasant decision. I imagine Germany isn't that disfunctional.

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>Could kill the entire US

That's enough fear porn for you lad, turn the tv off for the rest of the day at least.

Sounds cromulent.

>What is adjusting per capita

>Trump has chased a lot of these people out in his three years as president. Miller has literally been purging these people. Closing the Pandemic Response Team is just one example.

just Change the names to Germans and you got what the Merkel government has done for YEARS now, not an Argument

>I imagine Germany isn't that disfunctional.
maybe, but our government isnt the one to thank for that

Narcissism has to be enabled.
Republicans and FoxNews have been enabling Trump for years and now its all coming home to roost.

I agree he is a failed leader... don't get me wrong. But this shitshow is the whole organization farting in the wind.

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>Thinking the president can do anything about the entrenched bureaucracy

>making political hay out of an existential crisis exacerbated by globalism and leftism
We're going to burn you fucking commies alive

This won’t save you from what’s coming, Ping

I'd take Merkel over Trump any day.

Republican conservatives are shit bonkers. At least Germans have some accountability.

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During the start of the crisis in Late January he was facing a fake impeachment trial and the very same people who contrived the entire fake narrative around the “Ukraine Phone Call” were the ones who supposedly advised him of the severity of the virus, why would he trust their advice from an Intelligence Agency that has been fabricating evidence against him since 2015?

Y I K E S !

he did say white and asian

Trump previously had the illusion that his healthcare system was better than the other "backwards easterners and Europeans", once he realized he was wrong and his planning and delusions were obvious, in order to cover up the fact he starts lashing out at random companies for being "Unamerican" with 50 character tweets.

Those covid 19 immunity test strips are only 30% accurate. The US has full spectrum Elisa rapid test kits for the coronavirus. If not every city should assign a zone or an emergency clinic dedicated to testing people with coronavirus immunities.

Why, the braindead retards do what he says and the other half of the country is sane and grown up. Should be a quick win for this extraordinary man.

Then kys lol

>no foreign wars
then why did he pick a fight with china

Muh... existential crisis.

Trump fucked up so bad that he's saying 200,000 dead Americans would be him doing a good job.
Other countries got this under control.... he didn't.

He's also putting states against one another and allowing business to dictate the terms of how the country is fighting the pandemic.
He actually has not forced anyone to make respirators.
He has not instituted price controls to stop companies from driving up prices of medical equipment. So states have to bid over each other. Its insane and people are getting ridiculous rich over it.

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Mexico handled this very well

Death to everyone of you sickly Jewish fucks. Your boss Satan awaits your return back to hell!

Shieeeet we in the news, hi mom!

Oh hey look someone actually adjusted it per capita.


Love from Yas Forums

We are higher than you. Yet the same level.

Big bang who what when how where

A body of Nobody,

Things... Nothingness.

>and now its all coming home to roost.
It's like a perfect storm with a deeply polarized population, no real thrust in government, corrupted or undermined institutions, no universal health care, nor real security net and a narcissistic president that isn't too good at listening to experts.
It would be highly entertaining, would it not be for the dead.
I never thought I'd say this, but stay strong merrica.

Stop being a faggot. This is what it looks like when you don't just look at raw numbers like a DNC shill.


If anyone was in a perfect position to deal with this particular crisis... it would be Trump.
The red state government skeptics BACK him while the blue state government lovers hate him.

Except.. Blue states would do what he said if he was leading with a shred of competence and doing what was required.

Trump could easily have gotten the Red States to shut down without a whimper. Imagine if it was Shillery! There would be violence if she tried to order a shutdown in Mississippi.

Unfortunately... he made it all about HIM. Coronavirus was a Democrat plot against him.... so its not real despite what the CDC says.

This could have made Trump into Reagan... but instead he's more like Nero.

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Oh gosh, 20k people might get a 100° fever for a day. Obese and AIDS faggots might even die. How terrible.

I thought tbe left preferred per capita over raw numbers. I wish they would make up their tiny minds.