Serbs have resided in western banat...

serbs have resided in western banat, shopluk and other parts of bulgaria such as vidin alongside macedonia and have been expelled from all those regions. bulgarians are mongolic mutts who are barely white. debate me.

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Other urls found in this thread:Српско_царство_Јована_Ненада#/media/Датотека:Царство_Јована_Ненада.pngБанат,_Бачка_и_Барања#/media/Датотека:Yugoslavia_map_1920.jpg

Yes, i can agree with that. Serbs are still living there, but because of brainwashing and abusing democracy`s right to self definance of ethnic group by negating all of history and past just for the sake of modernity and trend. Overall this is a very big topic to discuss, so it is kinda hard to do it here.

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Reminds me of the Russian proud absurd saying "Everyone tried assimilating us and ended up being assimilated by us". At some point you are so genetically diverse and muttified that the concept of nation and ethnicity loses most of its significance.

are you implying that serbs are mutts?


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We all came from the fucking Ukraine, i never understood this sperging on Yas Forums I guess you gotta make a thread somehow

Hmm, very interesting what that Russian you met said. I can agree with one thing thou, that the concept of a nation and ethinicty lost its significance today. This being for the whole world.

smiri bubice hrvoje, nismo mi u gorem stanju od vas

we arent from ukraine, g*rmans created a false history in order to brainwash us, we are dinarics


We are mixed with Dinarics, some more than others, but we all have ancestors in the East

No but if your borders were like OP pic then you would be mutts. Serbs are closer to Albanians genetically than to Slovenes and Croatians. Explains why Serbs are generally swarthier. Illyrian blood.

smiri se hrvoje, jel si uzeo danas lekic?

Checked and keked

By the way, Bosnians have the most Slavic admixture in Yugoslavia. By Slavic I mean 8-9th century East Poland tribes.

Im gonna give answer to a Croat first. Typical thing for generic Croat nationalist to say. Nothing special.

Bosnian on the other hand nice question mate. Well im myself are autochtonist Serb. I have muslim Bosnian best friend and i was able to explain to him that he is a Serb. I dont hate anyone, but we are all Serbs and NO to brother wars, religion doesnt matter.

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on the contrary, we've mixed with slavs who migrated to the balkans, we were and to an extent still are dinarics.

Source or fake and gay

Why am i here expecting something serious?

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Yes! these are the best threads!

to claim that the albanians are illyrians is false, there are byzantine records of the albanians migrating into the balkans and converting to christianity, being gifted an autonomy in a small part of the byzantine empire. the serbs themselves are compeletly illyrian. that map is like that because most of the newly aquired territories are lands where the serbs have already lived. also, the croats ARE serbs

Yeah, what do you want me to say. Am i suppose to get angry or what?

we are all just Slavic settlers in the Balkans at the end of the day i am tired of nationalism

Its commonly available knowledge today. Just type in autosomal DNA of nations and check many different papers and make conclusions based on facts rather than stories.

Please stop with 90s Yugoslavia shit, its gotten so obnoxious and annoying at this point its not even funny anymore.

you have done nothing to contribute to this debate, fuck off g*rm

Me too bro, 90s NeoSerbdom destroyed everything.

Who has more Ottoman blood? Bulgars or Serbs?

again, we arent slavs, were members of the dinaroid race that mixed with slavic settlers from northern germany, which were also serbs with slavic admixture

You can model every modern nation yourself, just go on Vahaduo and use Eurogenes G25 SCALED databases.

American nice. Most of Americans are Jerrys.

i'd say bulgars, however both majorly defected into mountains. but the bulgars themselves are a branch of mongoloid turks

I feel for you ex-yugoslavs. you literally had a pretty cool place but youre all now jew slaves because of nationalism lol. I honestly dont see the difference between a Croat or a Serb except memes.

>letting Slovenia escape the shitshow
Either we all suffer or no one suffers. Also, why take Temešvar and hungarian lands north of Vojvodina? Any historical claim to it?

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Anyone following christian values and virtues here? Christian not cuz religion but because Christ was spreading that philosophy (whether he was God or not). Forgivness, love and peace...

well there isnt a differance between croats and serbs , they're both the same people

How's that Serbian Empire working out for you, son?

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Yup its amazing how propaganda can divide the same people

yes, infact, there isn't really a historical claim but serbs have been living in western banat for hundreds of years, and have just rescently been assimilated

Shut the fuck up Turkserbian you want to end up smaller than this and don't know how to ask Jebem ti mater u picku?

hahahaahaha, no we are not you dumb mong, we are native to this land, i have read enough to know that mate, watch srbija global for starters, has some nice stuff compiled that explains the tip of the iceberg. stop fooling yourself that you arent the same as i am, as the croat, we are all the one same people, the root of it is serbia, you can hate the term or whatever it represents to you at this time, but you can not deny facts, you will realize one day and then you will regret the lie you have lived, a huge chunk of your identity is nothing but fantasies

I think we can agree we are both,

Which database is for modern day? Also do peer reviewed papers use same methods?

Ahm yes. Short lived Empire of Jovan Nenad in 16thСрпско_царство_Јована_Ненада#/media/Датотека:Царство_Јована_Ненада.png

Slavic ethnicty in PannoniaБанат,_Бачка_и_Барања#/media/Датотека:Yugoslavia_map_1920.jpg

we ARE both to some extent, but the serbs from northern bosnia and northern serbia are more slavic, while the serbs from montenegro, herzegovina and krajina are more dinaric.

Where exactly do you think Slavs came from ? Or why do we speak a Slavic languge ?

You guys should just put aside your differences and stop migrants coming up from Syria and crapistan

been around for thousands of years, and its not really an empire, its much bigger than that my friend, you are way our of your depth, we formed a whole civilization, in the same term as usa formed this capitalist civilization that is ending today

we should, but our presidents are retarded mongs

I found something when I google autosomal dna balkans. Maybe this will help.

Attached: PCA_of_the_variation_of_autosomal_SNPs_in_Western_Balkan_populations_in_Eurasian_context.png (3443x2283, 522.34K)

cлaжeм ce c тoбoм иcкpeнo, aли мopa ce пpизнaти дa cмo дeлoм cлoвeни.


Its hard to keep up and refresh every few seconds.

that my friend you will have to find by yourself, i gave you a guideline, but you will not find anything unless you compile it all together, to notice enough similarities and coincidences that will solidify the patterns so you can connect the dots and that they make sense too, but still, just the tip of the iceberg, that info is scattered, but compiling as of late

Byzantine larpers, who themselves were Roman larpers.

Ayтoхтoниcтa видим?

Sons of the steppe are oftentimes superior to their more feminine eurocuck counterparts.

>byzantine larpers
>the serbian empire was the greatest enemy of the byzantines

my dads side of the family is from Montenegro moved to Hercegovina 2 generations ago, my moms side is from Hercegovina, pretty sure we have more dinaric genes since everyone is 190 to 200 tall, expect me fucking 189 manlet

do you actually think that turks and mongoloids are superior to indo europeans?

jesmo, te odredjene grupe naroda koja je u duhovnoj uniji. shvaticete uskoro dva polja postojanja. kada sam ja shvatio, sto ne bi i vi? nauci da upravljas/osetis/zivis svojim duhom, dusom, nazovi kako to hoces, u istom tom domenu funkcionisu sve ove "elite" i ostala govna, ne znam kako ljudi nisu shvatili da granice njihove moci ne leze u materijalnom jer je granica novac a oni ga imaju beskonacno

Name SRB is very old. It dates back 7000 B.C.

how much are those DNA test thingys ?

Peer reviewed studies use the same principle but different software. The software is functionally significantly different only for very ancient samples like before the Copper Age.

G25 is the go-to sample set for amateurs and Vahaduo best software for amateurs, but they are as accurate as professional software if you want basic admixture graphs and genetic ditances. There are other sample sets like M16 and M23 but they are inaccurate trash. If you go to Eurogenes G25 data sets there are scaled sample sets which is what you use. Groups you want to model with put in Source, groups you want to model in Target. Distance for 1 to 1 distance calculation, Multi for admixture.

Do you have discord?

I bet this is an Albanian or Bosniak living in Austria.

кoји кypaц нa пoлy филoзoфиpaш

samo istina me interesuje prijatelju, bukvalno nista vise

Бpaтe имaм oдличaн ayтoхтoниcтички poдoљyбиви cepвep нa диcкopдy.

Bay, нeкo нopмaлaн кoнaчнo. Aли зaштo бaтицe нa 4чeн, јa caм дoшao дa пoмoгнeм oвoм дpyгoм.

дaј и мeни

Yugoslavia should have never exited
Bulgaria completely btfo you in WWI and yet when we came and let you free we made your weak ass stronger to protect from that ever happening again
And yet they did it again in WWII

Eвo гa нaш cepвep NekiTamoSorab#2292

Just a butthurt monarchist. At least i get to see the whole region burn and be destroyed by corruption and crushing poverty.

>we came and let you free
what? serbia started its own campaign from thessaloniki, destroying the bulgarian army and liberating Serbia and Macedonia.


Mislim moj profil

Tell me Georgia bro you seem to know those things, how much do you think Genetic tests cost ? I dont even know where to look for that shit

With the help of Greece The Uk France and American supplies?

now i can agree on that point, it shouldnt have existed

Штo нe oдгoвopиш?

Hello fellow serbs

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Бaтицe, нeкaкo нaм ce јaви. Bидим дa cи нeки нopмaлaн Cpбин.

яж ми хyя, бe, пpъcтaш миpизлив.

zato sto pisam jbt, no, nisam za diskusije nikakve trenutno, samo sam usao u thread da vidim sta se desava, ali hvala svakako

Monkeydonians are Bulgarians with Down syndrome
Croats are nothing like you
Bosnians are your polar opposite
And kosovars are just albanians who took your land and hate you
The fact they were all under one Union was beyond retarded

Ma нe мopaш диcкyтoвaти. Heгo чиcтo дa мe дoдaш нa диcкopдy и oткyд знaм дa ли пишaш, дpкaш итд???

we arent an extent

would you grow up

monkeydonia used to be inhabited by serbs, and croats are most litterally catholic serbs. bosnians are either muslim croats or muslim serbs.

this is serbia

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i didnt say anything childish

You don't need to take one. If you know for sure your ancestry for last 4-5 generations as in the ethnicity of those ancestors being Bosnian or related, you just need to find the genetics of other Bosnians and you will see yourself.

There is no such thing as a "serb". Serbs are vlachs turks gypsies who converted to Orthodoxy and adopted the language of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

that was serbia, infact, thats one of the most dinaric, non slav centred parts of serbia. however serbs inhabited land from northern greece all the way up to croatia.

They are mostly Bulgarian and they speak a Bulgarian dialect and are more closely related to them than you

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and bogomils dont forget them, they're numbers grow stronger up in the mountains every day

Yo Serbia wtf man, i thought we were friends, the fuck is that? I thought we settled it down in 1949. Macedonia is Greek land mate. Damn you Serbia and Bulgaria, thanks to both of you idiots, you created a Slavic Nation stealing our history! How the fuck you do that?!

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also, most serbs migrated back into the dinaric mountains during the regin of the turks, the idea that the serbs are turks is completley false and is used as a cheap insult by g*rm cucks like you

well they do speak a bulgarian dialect, but thats because of bulgarian domination, they are serbs.

Whatever u say brother)

Is there really a difference?

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i know is Hercegovina region and and Montenegro, but i feel like the green eyes and ligt skin are from Ukraine or somewhere in the east, that's why i wanted to take it, not sure

shut the fuck up greekoid, you expelled thousands of serbs from greek macedonia after the balkan wars