It's under reported because there are zero hospitals, doctors, or internet connections in this primitive stone age country.
Corona Chan rampaging through Africa
Other urls found in this thread:
prove it
Why did you post a picture of Indians?
dear lord mexico
We can’t they never write anything done on paper
now those are real niggers, goes to show those american nigs are 50% nig at best
bring them to Croatia, oh yes please!
Chocco titties ahhh
Built for KFC
why these bitches purple?
lol you think you are smart but not everyone here is an amerifat retard thats going to blindly take this bait.
waves of hunter-gatherers from africa moved across south asia around 50,000 years ago. it would not be categorically correct to refer to the Andaman Islanders (their mostly pure descendants) as Indians. Indians are Indians (a mix of mainly three core groups of people that have lived in the sub-continent over the past 50,000 years) and the Andaman Islanders are seperate.
They aren't Africans
Imaging double teaming that big tit cutie in the middle with a pale goth chick. The thought of that contrast has got me hard.
whats the difference from fucking a shaved monkey at this point? only reply to me admitting you want to fuck a monkey or i wont read it
that is france you nazi scum
They unironically look like wild apes. What the fuck is wrong with you
As dark as coal
Face like an indian boy
Based leaf
You know, if I landed on that shore and saw those fertile negresses, I wouldn't mind busting a few loads on and in them.
What? I love Africa now!
>not wanting to bleach thicc dark bitches
Gay and bluepilled
keep glowing incel
Just be glad that they don't throw you in a pot to eat you. These jungle women look just as savage as BLTs.
We can get a good idea about Africa looking at your country
That’s why we invented guns and rape stupid Canuck
Those are negritos
I don't think corona-chan will visit the sentinels
Is this from the new Avatar movie?
Those are some black ass titties right there
>tfw they are better looking than normal niggers
What does this mean?
>1500 cases
>no more tests left
Crni andjeli
Shut the fuck up retard
>Andaman Islands
That's quite fascinating. They look African af. I wonder what their genetic profile is.
It is a continent you mong.
those are clearly swedes
.... i lost you on country
you sound more primitive while having every possible luxury (plus internet connection)a human needs
how do you explain that?
Fingers. Crossed.
wana fugg dem right nao
>Drow Niggs
How would it be like to live a life like that? Just walking around nature naked, chilling on warm beaches. Hunt some swine, gather some berries. Weave some baskets and tell some stories around a campfire.
Considering it's what people here look forward to as a vacation once every 3 years, I'd say pretty good
Imagine waking up whenever you want, go fishing for two hours, and then just play with your kids for the rest of the day
what happend with her? she fell into coal?
yummy niggeress
The black girl looks much better than our mutts. A reminder on why racemixing is bad.
those are some of the blackest negros I have ever seen
America cyberpunk 2050.
Wait but how would you know to read his response or not?
teh burger education.
Isn't it funny that the black chick looks hotter than the mutt next to her?
they look like average americans to me. Totally degenerate. Look at them running around naked
shut the fuck up who cares
fuck id coom in them
And then you get sick and die from a cut on your foot.
>fuck id coom in them
UN wants to fuck everyone... We know!
The body on righty is pretty slammin