Do you deny the fact that there are many Jews who vote Conservative, who hold trad opinions like us and who are morally good people?
I'm just saying, not all Jews are our enemies. Some are pretty based.
Do you deny the fact that there are many Jews who vote Conservative, who hold trad opinions like us and who are morally good people?
I'm just saying, not all Jews are our enemies. Some are pretty based.
Built for coffee being good for you
Damn Jews look like THAT?!?!?!
bible --> conservative values
jews --> bible
pretty simple
lol that's all it took
nazfag movement over, pack it up
She's a Jew?
she has a pretty face but looks so fragile. i would be afraid to break her in half accidentally.
Not every jew is a major problem but behind every major problem there is always a jew.
Wtf I love Jews now
All Jews are evil.
>playing both sides
>not our enemies
ok, rabbi
>denying Christ
>moral good
no. sage
No, I have one jewish friend. He hates niggers and spics and loves white people. But the jew always comes out. He is extremely selfish, and lies constantly. He’s not a bad dude I just can never trust him
Ultimate truth
tiny hips this bitch looks weird
based awareness
Dont follow the bible you kike
Political theatrics don't matter, inbred redneck. Most of you are parasitic shitty mafiosi no matter how much you force friendship around real people.
Piss off, you fucking chicken-swinger. Jews cannot peacefully coexist with whites.
Did a filter finally get put in place? Thank fucking god that was getting annoying
No one ever said all of anything are bad. If I pissed on your cheerios would you eat them? What if the news told you some of the cheerios didn't get piss on them so you shouldn't judge any cheerios. Stop Belgium mean to the cheerios. The good cheerios are the real victims here. You're basically playing mine sweeper at that point. You are actually going to try to eat those hoping you get a piss free one? Or would you just get rid of the whole bowl? This is what the phrase enough is enough means. It means it doesn't have to be all. But the bad ones have done too good of a job hiding behind the good ones and subverting a lot of normies. So you want to keep eating piss or do your want a clean slate? That's the real question.
"We're just like you goys!"
Nice weasel words you fucking kike
>Some are pretty based.
no, they will all get what's coming to them.
I imagine how heavenly it would be to coom in this goddess....i see her arching body taking it all....and then i imagine my white hairy chud of a self and the fantasy is gone.
Fuck this.
wtf I love jews now
You know Judaism is a NEWER religion that has it's own holy books, you stupid fuck?
>that file name
Yea like based Shapiro right? Never ever trust a jew, even if they seem like they are 99% in agreement with you, the moment their own group comes up they revert to tribalism, iv seen it time and time again, they are literally wired for subversion. They are the definition of gatekeepers.
You're gonna spend your whole "life" without fucking a girl anywhere near this hot. How does that feel, pragmeet vindaloo?
The NAJALT shills are out in force today. Must be shift change at JIDF HQ.
Yes OP. They might hold conservative opinions when it comes to Israel - but they'll never hold them in respect of their host nation. Even "assimilated" jews really feel affinity with another state (Israel) and their own people (the Jews) over you and I. Furthermore, they have, a genetic defense pattern of behaviour, built into them over thousands of years of persecution, which leads to them seeking to weaken their host nation and to provide the host with various artifiical enemies to fight so that they don't focus on the real problem (them). Its all well proven. I can't believe this still needs explaining.
I will never support the illegitimate state of israel but i agree that there are some jewish people who want to just live life and not bother anyone and also don't like degenerate and subversive shit like the rest of the sane folks who just happen to also come from that background
Duh, retard
>It's race day! Live from The Crazy Jeans Soapbox race 2019. Anna Louise Walter. Join Anna Louise as she takes part in this year's soapbox race!
Wanna soap her up?
Besides her face she's not really attractive to anyone with high T levels. I would choose tons of skanks over this bitch.
KYS yourself norway kike
Did they finally filter BBC? Absolutely based
Pick one
fuck yourself shlomo scum
Military interventionism is not fiscally conservative. There are no conservative Jews.
pure unfiltered cope
I'd tell you to have sex, streetshitter, but we both know thats not happening
ugly faggit trying to bring up tlevels lmao
>who vote Conservative
In the US conservatism is anti-traditional, pro-multicultural, pro-big business, and Jewish former Trotskyites are directly responsible for this.
this neither the time or the place for such banter. this is the place that people yell at each other and no ones minds are changed by pretty words only tearing down any who dare disagree with you will reach any one here
lmao look at these triggered christcucks, afraid to admit your values come from jews and that you worship them unconsciously?
No anons I did that on purpose
It was a joke
Big Black Coffee
>Some jews are pretty based.
No such things.
A world without jews would not require anyone to be 'based' to stand against problems the jew itself created.
Never accept jewish solutions to jewish problems.
No, jannies are trannys. So they'll filter s o y because it triggers them, but they'll leave bbc because they are the ones posting those threads and making those comments.
put a sock in it shlomo, gas yourself in an oven
>that thigh gap tho
All kikes are racists, traditionalists, and nationalists, just for their own people. They promote liberal bullshit to Whites as an act of racial warfare.
Why are you white knighting a kike bitch? Did I insult your "waifu"?
>20% vote republican
>80% vote democrat
100% of those Republicans won’t ever fight themselves but draft us to fight ww3 with Iran for Israel. The only jews who are Republicans are that way for low taxes (bankers) and sending to ducking fuck war. All the neo-cons are jews and Jewish minions
Jews who vote republican only do so because of the GOP's support for Israel. Should the GOP move away from slavish zionism so too will jewish voters (and donors). As always, they'll only vote for someone if they're good for the jews
Pic related, the jews who donate to conservatives are on the record saying Israel is their chief motivation for being politically involved
sure, right after your god jewsus
dont forget v& for everyone who called them cumbrains
sick little cuckboys the lot of em
Build for BB- wait.
"not all jews are communists, but all communists are jews"
Netherlands? More like the Niggerlands
hot, would brap
That girl is a work of art,....
There are 2 kinds of Jews: globalists, and Zionists.
The only difference between them is wether they believe the covenant was literal, in which case they feel entitled to the lands of greater Israel.
Or metaphorical, in which case they believe they are entitled to rule the world.
In either case, they are scrupulous monsters who treat goyim as little more than farm animals
Literally built for BBC, from BBC.
No , Christ rose from the dead while KIKES ROT IN HELL take that faggot kike .
I suppose we could gas them last OP.
BBC should be filtered to coffee.
No I think conservatives are pro Jew cucks
>Shoulders more broad than hips
Either infertile or trap.
aww you mad king jew left you on earth to rot? he's coming back any day now, keep praying and waiting! any day now
big black cock
My personal beliefs are irrelevant, you're just wrong you dumb fuck lmao
suuure, there is NOTHING jewish about the NT right? nothing..