How many Presidential elections does the Republic of the USA have left in it?

How many Presidential elections does the Republic of the USA have left in it?

I'm saying that it is either one or two elections depending on if Trump wins again or not. I honestly cannot imagine the US public allowing a by-the-book establishment politician to ever run America again after Trump, and the two sides of this country are shifting so far to the extremes that its getting kinda terrifying... pls happen!

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to marry Brittany Venti!

Your a whore!


>How many Presidential elections does the Republic of the USA have left in it

You experienced the last one about three years ago.

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I want to smash this slut so bad

Coronavirus could set it off if it gets bad enough, but I think we will at least have the next Trump win before shit goes off the rails.

Do you have any idea how elongated those nips are?

Do you guys think she has the black people smell?

Built for KFC


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Are you implying that you do? Or can you not see she is wearing a bra?

I would die at her feet if only for a glance

Brittler if that's you, can you please let me fuck you just once, I swear I won't text you afterwards

That bitch is ugly, also, Trump 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040

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what's her IQ?

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>shifting so far to the extremes that its getting kinda terrifying
This isn't happening at all. The "far right" just want borders to actually exist and a government that doesn't hate its native population. The "far left" want to be a european social democracy. None of this is radical. The only radical ideas are the ones coming directly from the elites themselves.

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Venti, Venti.
Gigerty gigerty
Gigerty jugs

>How many Presidential elections does the Republic of the USA have left in it?
The Republic has been dead since 1932. Now that ll of (((their))) pieces are in place, the Empire will have one last show election. Featuring "mail in" (((harvested))) ballots, of course.

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Sub 110 maybe sub 100

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ah yes....the fat mutt commie who larped as based white really a sloppy commie stooge


3 at most, then the Imperium will be established

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I’ll show you mine
Now you show me yours like a good girl.

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wtf are they feeding this kid?

ayyyy lmao

Only venti posts venti these days. Make with the jugs before you get too old Britters.


built for the Big Blond Cock

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Me in the background

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According to Ali babba or whatever the fuck her name is 45th is last one.

dont we all

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this sloth looking bitch i would vape

Coom on BRITNEY this will just be between us, nobody will ever know and it’ll feel gud.

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I don't care if she's a mutt, I'd pump her uterus full of my seed.

This level political turmoil has happened before many times. Its just the democrats screaming as they go under trying to drag everyone with them. When the republicans drown and come back up they don't pull as many down with them.

Sexy orc girl, I want to defile you mercilessly Britters.

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why would i care stupid nigger youre a nigger

Why is she such a slob?

shut up paco.
whiter than you, fucking beaner.

I'd definitely fuck her a few times, but I don't imagine I could marry her. She's too much like a typical roastie.
I feel bad for her though, I think her idealizing of traditional femininity and conservatism is a hint that she would've been a happy and wonderful wife in a previous age.

she has some really nice breasts

IQ was made up so people can feel apart of a super secret club

>to the extremes that its getting kinda terrifying... pls happen!
>obvious d an c chink is obvious
Fuck you chink, you're going to starve. Companies are abandoning China. Strategic production being repatriated to western countries. Lower tier goods production moving to India or Vietnam or Mexico or ANYWHERE BUT CHINA.

Once the investment dollars dry up, hundreds of millions of city chinks who have put on middle class airs will have to move back to the shitty, impoverished villages of their parents in shame and take up dirt farming like their ancestors. But that won't be enough because CHINA DOES NOT PRODUCE ENOUGH FOOD TO FEED ITSELF. So the famine will start. A billion peasants will begin to starve. China is oil dependent as well and lack of reliable energy will add contribute to the misery of the new peasants. One of Xi's rivals will stick a knife in him and then you'll have revolution.

The regional Army Group Commanders will begin to operate as feudal warlords and battle one another for shithole supremacy. Eventually, in a desperate bid to retain power, one of them will pop a nuke and China will glass itself. CHINA WILL GLASS ITSELF.

Some years later, after the radiation dies down a bit, Taiwan will move in and retake the country with US support.

Communist China is over.

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a whole lotta mcdonalds and those ensure choco milkies, hes gonna be the next best nba star

He's channeling mosley a little bit there.

Might just be the best rack on the internet.

Kids fucking 14 looking like a Goliath

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>its terrifying
>pls happen
fuck you shill neck yourself


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since she's a political figure I request an x-ray version of the pic, for the sake of transparency

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>13 years

holy shit. As an adult he will have the size of a Space Marine


what is her name?

Chinese genetically modified stem cells.

Hot Velma outfit

What about a my a whore?

I have to go now Britters, it is time to say goodbye. My heart is braking so hard

build for bbc

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Big Brazilian Cock.