Is Jim /ourguy/?

Is Jim /ourguy/?

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Other urls found in this thread:'Shaughnessy

maybe, when he's not gossipping about ecelebs

Sure if he would stop the stupid cringe as fuck meme shit.

hes for forced vaccination
bend over and get fucked jim


The only word he can come up with to describe his worldview is "constitutionalist", and he doesn't seem to believe in anything. He's a fellow traveler only in the sense that he likes to watch happenings and make fun of the same people as Yas Forums does.

Jim is a fag. He's currently married to some Asian SJW bitch. And he sucks Null's dick.

Jim, if you see this pal, can you stop with the Corona-related streams and just do a couple streams where we watch and laugh at retards doing stupid shit?
Those streams were the best.

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he fucks asian women so yes he is /ourguy/

what a faggot

How do you do fellow kids

he's probably a fucking libtard in real life. But since he can make money on a niche product which is to be a conservative-edge-lord commentator. he does just that. That's his only way of getting shekels. Dumb naive morons buy into it

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>chief yellow fever

nah, it's the edge master for people without personality and can't think 2sec for themselves.
You listen to any celeb or eceleb, you deserve the rope like everybody else.
Who tf can listen to him ranting for 3h? Even with skipping it's boring af.
But edgelords got their dumbshot

He's cool

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I need more Photon fag. I know you posted this Jim. I know your ego. Also Jade's milkers or gtfo.

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Jim manipulates facts to make things sound funnier

But when you say our guy its weird cause thise is the ultimate free spech platform, and that being said we have larpers shills fbi jews retards cretins, high iq peps, nutjobs and many more and this fucking place is chaos sometimes... so our chaos guy or tou are refering to a particular group? Or you work for youtube or some shity website and want so asociate jim with "a far right terror organization" so you ca censor him. You are going to pay him Susan

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Null's cool though. If ever there were a dick to be sucked it would be his.

Yea he is sooo based he is totally my guyerino

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Absolutely disgusting.

m-m-muh HDD

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Jim is a russian agent.

Jim failed to deliver on his sunday stream
Fuck him, I'm done with his shit

>is [e-celeb] /ourguy/

>incel tmz
No, internet gossip is fucking gay

Isn't that Candlejack third from the r-

Jim is a shitposter hes not going to save the west hes not the pillar of the internet. He does stuff because its funny and he admits that. Its cringe if you worship him as a hero.

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Ha caмoм дeлe, этo пpaвдa.

Checked. This is why I enjoy laughing along with him.

>"Maybe some Israelis danced on 9/11 but I know the secret pages in the government report PROVE it was Saudis" - metokur
>"I don't believe in internet friends"
>"Meet my new internet Friend David Stay"
>"Slavery never happened in America, Flat earth is real" - David Stay
>USS Liberty, Dancing Israelis - chat
>"lalalalalalalal I CANT HEAR YOU lalalalalala" - David Stay
>Jim is in (((Finance)))
>His father is in (((Finance)))
>Never mentions Digital Dollars
>Never mentions id2020
>Never mentions event 201
>Destroys and attacks right wing influencers using Saul Alinsky tactics
>Using circular reasoing to hype corona plandemic
Glad I could help

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Dude Candlejack memes are old as f-

Metokur shilled hard against anti malaria drug just like all the leftists in the media, even before anyone was talking about it, but not Bill Mitchell

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>Is Jim /ourguy/?
No, he sounds like a fag.

He's a retard doing his job.
He's fun to listen to just like Alex Jones, but never take what he says as even close to the truth.

>someone he talked to said some retarded shit
>he didn't say things i want him to say even tho i gave him my weeb-bux
>he doesn't agree with my internet idols so hes a faggot
>its a nothing burger
cmon cunt, you can do better
jims a faggot but this is just pathetic

"Maybe some Israelis dance on 9/11 but...."
Don't call out muh boomer internet influencer REEEEEEE

Jim’s ok. His paypig fanboys are fucking cringe though

Is he still with that Asian girl?

is he streaming lately? what platform?

Remember when he fucked the girl on a podcast and had to delete his Internet Aristocrat channel over it?

He is and always has been our guy. Just look at the shills in the thread, that should tell you he's worth following and listening to.

I know this guy! He hates furries.

Anybody has Jade's nudes?


where's the stream jim?
you promised us one on sunday you fuck

that shovelface has some amazing tits though

boomer-senpai is /ourguy/ he rules

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You may be right, but he's still a shill trying to divide and destroy the right with Saul Alinsky tactics. Address my actual points, no ad hominems.

Had no idea he was still kicking around. What's his latest hill to die on.

hi jim

>I don't believe in internet friends
And you do?
Grow up, user. Find some people you can depend upon.

nobody is your guy on the internet

Apparently his harddrive died. I bet he wants to stream to talk about the virus but shit is moving so fast and everyone is on the bandwagon now where he can't really bring any new or interesting info to light.

I was following Jim before shit went hard south and he was pretty good at showing actual goings on in Asia at the time but now things are so fucked all he can really do is say "shit is fucked huh?" instead of being the prophet in the wilderness.

He can't really go back to old content either until this blows over because no one is really interested in that currently. He might just rid it out with his asian wife and shit post on twitter.

no he took the /cvg/ pill and now hes afraid of the sniffles. Also a race mixing hapa breeding gaymer

He jokes about having her locked away because shes Chinese, but nobody knows much about his private life. They might not even be together anymore.

He’s Irish not Jewish. Also when did he say he was in Finance?

Is that semantics autist in this thread? The one if you insult Jim he will sit there and reply to you for 3 hours? Usually is on Yas Forums?

He has encouraged people to spread the virus everywhere since january, asking people if they got it, to spit and cough on everyone.

After that he blamed it on a korean sect to get his responsability out of it, but he knows his 9 year old army of retard has done it everywhere.

So i guess he's Doomer /pol's guy.

no he's the cringiest faggot around. I remember before his videos were deleted he made one about some disease that was literally nothing

SJW? You should have seen her last known Twitter account.

>He has encouraged people to spread the virus everywhere since january, asking people if they got it, to spit and cough on everyone.

He was doxxed see kiwifarms, you know this because that's how we found out he was Irish.

>Also when did he say he was in Finance?'Shaughnessy

It is how it is i followed his stream pretty much everytime since january and it was his jokes on twitter and on stream, to spread the cough, even if he said it jokingly, he repeated it enough to give ideas to basic IQ retards that follows him.

>Stamford Connecticut
>Born in 1960
Jim is from Minnesota and not 60 years old retard. Different guy, same name.

He's Jewish. Note that the only consistent message he sticks to is nihilism. Just one more source of demoralization, pay him no heed.

All he does is report on internet drama from here and twitter and adds nothing new. Internet drama being anything that is a big deal here and on twitter and on kiwi farms and similar sites.

conclusive proof that he himself is secretly a furry

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wow, definitely him. fucking retard

exactly. im right along with him.

also I believe its called an "accelerationist" or some shit. just wanting the world to burn so I have some entertainment.

>Jim is in (((Finance)))
>His father is in (((Finance)))
That's his father, read the kiwifarms thread.

His We wuz Kangz videos were pretty good damned funny I'll give him that

KF are dumb fags. they never get anything right

he originally was famous for his channel "Internet Aristocrat" in the early 2010s going after SJWs and being a face of gamergate. He's and oldfag boomer.

>Dude just read 800 pages of lonely autists seething because some Irish boomer made fun of their favourite e-celeb.
Yeah, no, burden of proof is on you bro