NOOOOOOO it was supposed to kill 60 MILLION NOT 60 THOUSAND
NOOOOOOO it was supposed to kill 60 MILLION NOT 60 THOUSAND
>a Bill Gates program fails
imagine that
nothing personal kid
Bill has his chance to be a hero. Spend the money now and save lives. Hoard more money for your politics and it WILL damn you.
fuck jew gates
You'll all still end up getting viral butt shots if you want to go outside. And the big pharma he's shilling for will count the shekels.
imagine trying to get 7 billion people to take a mandatory vaccine for a virus that kills less than a million people over 18 months
yeah I'm thinking his plans are ruined, unless Wave 2: Reloaded and Wave 3: Revolutions get released early
He's already a step ahead of you though. He's taking ownership of the vaccine.
so, Qfags, when's he getting arrested?
The plan's working fine.
What do conspiracy tards have against Bill Gates? He seems pretty based to me, not like Soros funding open borders everywhere and shit.
>loicense to leave the house
>implying that shit would fly in 'Merica
He literally keeps talking about depopulation. His foundations have literally STERILIZED people. His father was involved in planned parenthood and its eugenics operation. not that hard to put two and two together.
Soros is just a middle man, in order for this shit to work, first countries need to become multicultural and dysgenic. Then they can proceed to implement this, and since country doesn't have cohesion anymore, there is no unity to object it politically.
This is going to end in fucking disaster.
>15% reinfection rate
>still contagious after recovery
>shitty tests picking up other coronaviruses that aren't COVID-19
nah. it was just the fear of everyone THINKING POSSIBLY MAYBE millions of poeple would die and you should never leave your hosue again! social distance!!!!!!!!!1111
You failed daddy.
Give him the cough. If nothing else, cough on a rich man for the lulz.
The UK is busy falling apart.
Coronavirus got blue screened
oh, it shall kill 60 million...
They don't NEED more than absolute control of the west. Think about it, America and it's golems have enough everything to go full blown hermit kingdom
It never was about global domination, it's too complex and expensive when you step out of the western neoliberal world area.
Basically y'all gonna get reduced to literal nigger cattle while we laugh
From that gif I assume you’re a 7 year old girl.
You can’t post here, sweetie. Sorry.
You don't understand the master plan boyo, the tribe never intended for the CV to coof 65mil goyim, it's the vaccines that are going to be forcefully pumped in your veins that will make people drop like flies, and the CV will be blamed for it.
i'd rather be more concerned about the kikery going on there than calling hairy ass 20 year old balkanniger a little girl on the internet
oh well, a man can't stress too much at these trying times...
Reddit is currently circle jerking over him building a bunch of vaccine think he’s giving them away for free? Lol
The vaccines will be the kill shot.
Buy china go bust.
>In your chip software happened an unexpected error.
>click ok
Its because Bill Gates is a stupid retard monkey nigger; the blackest gorilla nigger I've ever seen.
>yfw you outsource your foolproof plan for world destruction to chinks.
Can you all please stop posting this faggot's face all over this board. He is so old he looks like a worried old yenta.
whats going on? is he exposed?
It's stupid on the face of it. They haven't been able to create a vaccine for the original SARS virus, because:
A) it mutates rapidly within the body, leading to
B) antibidy-dependent enhancement
digits ob ebil
God he looks like shit for even a man of his age.
Seriously though he does seem almost upset that the deaths aren't higher.
Also why is a computer operating system salesman lecturing me about my health?
There can be no immunity for the COVID 19, thus no vaccine; here's why.
antibody dependent enhancement and it's why COVID seems to have two phases
COVID attacks your body by entering cells with the ACEII gene. This is present in the lungs, all organs, your small intestines, and even your veins and arteries. This is phase 1 and typically your body handles this like a mild flu.
After two weeks or so your body produces antibodies. Normally this would wipe out the virus. But COVID uses the antibodies that bind to it and your cells to enter more cells. It turns immunity against you and starts reproducing like crazy.
This trait is present in all the horrying viruses like HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS, and now covid. It's why we can't develop a vaccine. Because all a vaccine does is get your body to develop antibodies without having to suffer through the disease. We actually developed a vaccine for SARS a few years ago but all the mice we tested it on died because as soon as they got reinfected with SARS the virus spread like a wildfire through its body with the antibodies meant to protect them.
The horrifying conclusion is that this means this could be a virus you can't develop an immunity to.
>"Why hasn't this been a problem before?"
You might be asking. Normally the viruses don't spread this easily. HIV and EBOLA needed sex or sharing needles or you acting like a nigger and dancing and kissing the corpses of the infected dead.
SARS was so horrifying because it spread easier. We got lucky and stopped it early and essentially eradicated it smallpox style.
It's too late for that with COVID. This could be a virus that threatens the human race itself.
This nigger has the right numbers!
he was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein and is a high-tech feudalist withholding the future to maintain
>what we don't know is the devastation Behind These multi-billionaires depopulation agenda
Pathetic shillposting
I said Gates computer model was being used by the CDC did anyone listen?
Outrageous! Dr. Birx Went All-In on Bill Gates-Funded Coronavirus Model - Sits on Gates-Funded Foundation Board
BROKEN MODELS: The CDC Doctors Screwed Up Bigly! USNS Comfort in NY Harbor Sits Idle with 3 Patients — USNS Mercy in LA has Only 15 Patients
Waid a minute.
Isn't this guy just a computer nerd?
He isn't an epidimologist och virologist or anything like that.
Why is the world paying any attention to what a nerd programmer has to say?
inb4 he's rich
Audibly keked
making of the virus was contracted out 7 times like with that assassination story last year
I've heard this before, but then it seems to contradict the fact that most people DO recover from the virus, unlike aids which sticks with you for life.
kek and checked
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
He only uses third world shitholes as testing grounds for his vaccine experiments, he still sees humanity as a whole like all jews do, otherwise he would have just targeted a list of specific countries instead of making this a worldwide scare. If anything, the third world shitholes are well guarded against COVID since the anti-malarial drugs kill COVID infections, making it a targeted attack against the first world.