Is this true America? Is your culture so fragile your kids are being mentally BONG'd and prepared for the Anglo Century?
Yanklets Developing British Accents due to Based British Cartoons
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Oi m8 aye don’t know what ye speaketh of, this sounds like bollocks to me! You want a go eh?
you got a loisense for at ere accent
its just another childhood speech impediment that parents dont bother to fix because they think it's "cute"
when i was in the uk at my buddy who has little children and they watched some kind of lsd tainted dinosaur dancing shit.
real humans, real environment but acted like spotted a dino here or there, then poorly edited 3d dinos cutted in and everyone started dance like idiots.
what was that shit?
My kid hates this show!
Ha. That’s funny, I’ve known a few bongs talk like Americans but not the other way round. This girl I knew in comp talked like a literal valley girl for a few months, it was weird. It’s usually autistic lads who do it though.
Fuck me, well played Finn lmao
All jokes aside, don’t let schools put your children into speech therapy classes.
My public school system said that I had to take speech therapy classes because of an accent that I had. I picked up an accent from my great grandparents who raised me.
90% of the time I wasted at speech therapy was because I refused to pronounce the letter R a certain way. Instead I would pronounce it in such a way that it sounds like an L mixed R, while rolling it.
Speech therapy is just there to brainwash you into getting what little cultural identity exists in the US.
isn't american accent how brits sounded like in the XVI and XVII century? I heard something like that somewhere
I'm a Britbong and I don't have a fucking clue what that could be.
>Is your culture so fragile?
>your culture
Pick one
kids copy shit they see on tv sometimes, how many motherfuckers do you think tried to kame kame ha?
note to self: show kids more Bugs Bunny
The lower British class sound retarded because their accent is descended from Anglo-Saxon
Whereas the British royal nobility picked up their accents from Norman-French, who conquered Anglo-saxony.
That is why the poor, Anglo-Saxon lower class raises the cows
And the rich, French nobility eat the beef.
No that's just 'American' academics (jews) trying to make it so that they speak the true language. Total bollocks. They are mad that the best language ever conceived comes from somewhere else, so they're claiming the next best thing; which is that
>yeah okay it DOES come from England
>b b but WE speak it the proper way!
I have zero problems with Burgers (obviously) or the way they speak, but this flimsy lie is just kinda cringe desu.
More like millenial parents putting their kids in front of tablets watching kids shows to shut them up and pacify them
My friend's daughter litterally learned the word "paw patrol" as one of her first 20-30 words
I watched Thomas and friends throughout my toddler years and didn’t develop a faggy British accent
>British accent
Around here we call it a speech impediment
>present tense
>anglo saxons and french nobility
Oi mate u do realise that it's not the 11th century anymore don't ya?
Herro herro Amelica?
That would be improvement.
I'd be fine with that.
You Bongs need to stop dubbing all the cartoons you send over.
Bob the Builder comes to mind. Never knew he was British when I was a child.
British people getting stabbed by a paki be like
"Oi is quite rude to ching me innit"
Wtf, he has a Burger accent here? lmao how did I not know about this? My little brother used to love 'are Bob. Obviously I don't watch TV whatsoever, let alone infant programming, but I'd have thought I'd know that somehow.
I'd presume that shows get dubbed when they come over here anyway to be honest. Makes sense that you'd want your kids hearing their shows with a familiar accent rather than a foreign one.
Are any American shows in Britain have a Bong accent dubbed though?
But honestly that'd be an improvement. Nowdays modern 'american' language has way too much nigger influence in it.
Not going to lie, im using stuff like 'gonna' way too much myself.
Transgirl here,
I'm getting incredibly upset by the attitudes members of this community have towards the British people who post regularly on Yas Forums.
The hostility is absolutely getting out of hand. How do you think we feel when every time we make a post we are constantly met with the same lame responses.. This has gone beyond memes and banter. We are having up to ten British hate threads every single day. Some of you are even calling for our deaths.
We have contributed so much to this world, we have given so much and asked for little. We have elevated the savages of this world and given them civilisation, we have defeated the evil of the German Reich twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats. If you wear a suit you are wearing our national dress, if you eat bacon you are eating one of our national dishes, if you watch television or use the world wide web you are using our inventions.
Anglos are a net contributor to the planet.
We get called cucks, Mohammeds, we get called spineless and scum. You constantly and endlessly insult our great country. England has given so much to the world and has asked for so little in return.
I can't even post in most threads anymore without being met with the same barrage of abuse and troll responses - or the same news clippings posted again and again and again.
It's honestly quite disturbing how much Anglophobia there is on this board, you treat us worse than niggers and I'm begging you to stop.
You are turning us against you with your actions and speech. This has gone beyond a bit of light hearted banter and is now just 24/7 abuse.
You've made your point, we know we live in an Orwellian society. Instead of just being cunts to us all the time why don't you try to help us?
It's true in one sense. Many people in England gradually stopped pronouncing Rs, while we in America retained it.
You're a stupid fucking retard. Kill yourself.
This is only true for parents that are so busy looking at their fucking phones that they plop their kid down for 8 hours of the same show day after day.
If it was another show it would be another accent or behavior.
*anglo millenia
The wasp shall inherit the earth
it was like a brainwashing crap or lsd trip, but his children loved.
Fucking neck yourself you dumb larping faggot.
Go on. Fuck off.
Fucking dumb cunt.
We do pronounce Rs though bro. It's just a soft R rather than a hard R. To bongs, we can easily tell if someone is pronouncing an R or not.
Same as to a Burger, your Ts sound like Ts, but to Bongs they sound like D's.
>getting brainwashed to speak comprehensivly
You can't tell me that's not a character based on a cock and balls.
Some of you don't. That's the origin of the myth.
is this some sort of cope for literally every brit musician singing in an american accent except oasis?
you know how jared taylor talks or all those 50s radio speakers or whatever the fuck
why don't amerifats talk like that
it's actually a pleasant accent
I actually started speaking with a british accent randomly when I kept watching Hilda back to back, it’s contagious really.
In Australia, all the american ads are dubbed with Australian accents by law to protect their dialect. It's nothing new you fucking retard.
We did try at the loss of thousands(416,800) of American lives. Our best and brightest died for you while our idiots took over the asylum and we have had to do our damnedest not to end up like you. Jury is out on if we win, seeing as we have half a country that plays identity politics and wants to destroy it be emulating every practice in Europe that you lot realized was a bad idea.
Wanna fix England? Move to another common wealth nation, retake your birth right and abandon your infested island.
>how dare they attempt to teach me proper english!
We didn't, the voice of Bob was a British comic actor, at least in our version anyway
Do not listen to this moron, speech therapy will save your kid from sounding like a fucking retard. I replaced Rs with Ws, and speech therapy once a week for a semester of school fixed it.
This is what happens when you let a screen raise your child
fucking BASTE
amerijewmongrelMUTTS irrevocably BLOWN the absolute fuck OUT
Oh please no, Received Pronunciation is fucking disgusting.
I can relate.
Fuck island monkeys
My children are not allowed to watch television or cartoons
They are taught the meaning of hard back breaking work and the value of ones work. They will work on the farm as long as I have any say about it. They will learn to live independently not codependent on some television to baby sit them because I am not a lazy good for nothing parent
Peppa Pig does not speak in RP
I don't know.
We have a habit of making kids cartoons and shows that are surreal/LSD inspired for some reason.
Bitch, a generation of you spent your childhood developing Americanized British accents because of the media we exported. Your lexicon has started to conform to ours too, all of you come on here and avoid saying stupid terms like "lift" for elevators and "truck" for lorry and such like. Don't try and front like you're doing it on purpose, you're just adapting to our cultural dominance.
If your cartoon gives a few kids British accents, you're only starting to gain back the ground you lost. We'll still be ahead, in the lead as the dominant influencer in the Anglosphere. Good on you, you're starting to catch up again.
If an articles title ends in a question mark, the answer is always “No”.
By the way, why do american niggers have such awful niggerish accent?
Received Pronunciation is no worse than American Nonregional Diction, tbqh.
>not codependent on some television to baby sit them
This is good, but saying "No TV or cartoons ever" and forcing them to work constantly is going to end up with them hating you.
I'm one of the bongs who would be perceived as not pronouncing Rs, m8. Norf Westman. It's just a soft R but other Northerners can hear it.
Like I said, same as how Burgers sound like they use a D sound for their T's (when it's in the middle of a word, anyway).
Feed your kids hardcore Anglo product, Lemmy, Wind in the Willows, Excalibur.
I can’t stop laughing, this has to be satire dude? How can you be such a loser with an inferiority complex hahaha
nah, they are probably losing ground to pakistani and somali language interchange since at this point a quarter of their population is not even british.
What did people do before television ?
They heard the word of god and had toys
It's true. She has proven too irresponsible to wield glass cups. She now has to use plastic ones
>They will work on the farm as long as I have any say about it.
yeah dude. thats bs
Daddy Pig is a fucking moron, shut the fuck up Daddy pig no one likes you.
We're fucking insane is the reason
Dora the explorer explains the Mexican accents?
Or no, those are actually Mexicans.
Man, you really got a bee in your hood!
because every 3rd syllable is created by inhaling sharply through the teeth and looking sideways
lmao. Is this some very specific pasta or something? Mate, we don't say lorry IRL. It's called a truck.
Also it's not exactly a competition y'know lad. We love our Burger bros. Why can't you accept that we're Brothers in the anglosphere? Don't be angry about Peppa Pig, be empowered and thankful that you're an Anglo.
They WILL grow up to hate you.
The way to prevent that is to be reasonable. Give ground where it should be given and properly explain, in a way that won't make anyone they speak to call you a nutjob, why they shouldn't watch most modern cartoons, live-action kid's crap, etc.
Go watch cartoons and vegetate on stupidity broadcast by Jewish subversion companies
Let them get exposed to homosex and anti Christianity propaganda early enough for them to decide they want to transition into a monstrosity of a person early on !
Not happening kike
You prove you don't know shit about culture when you say a society doesn't have one. Every single civilization and society in the history of humans has a culture.
>Their heads look like a penis
They won’t hate their father
They will have respect for elders
Something you weren’t taught obviously after years of being baby sat by the TV and cartoons to turn you into a moron early enough that you only know to consume and hate
But this isnt the 1920s anymore moron
Based post.
Anglo unity, brothers.
Jokes on them, my daughter hates Peppa Pig because she sounds like a moron.
You just wanna fuck up kids heads with mindless psychotic babble and trans and homosex propaganda in the guise of “cartoons”
Chang detected.
Nigga, you don't even know who Barney the Dinosaur is? You uncultured trash.
The seethe is palpable kek
Barney was the beginning of the end
Jokes on you your daughter is gonna get plowed by niggers
Dude, my eyelids are like totally going down for some reason, it’s like you’re totally boring the shit out of me.HOW COULD THIS BE?
It is the least we could do after all of the Bong children grew up acting and dressing like niggers.
She's voiced by a 2 year old girl you americunt
>2 year old girl is a moron
More like your wife and her boyfriend's kid hates this show
Right back at you, friend. I say it in every one of these threads: every time anglos argue over who's better at this or that; jewish hands rub together.
What does the jew fear more than anything? Whites.
What makes the jew feel fretful? White pride.
What will defeat the jew menace? White solidarity.
Arguing over a British pig character and who speaks the language better is exactly what Jews want; petty squabbles.
Anglo pride world wide.
May the wind be at your back, and may god be with you, brother!
Sorry your parents were wage slaving to corporations and let the tv baby sit you user
My kids probably could outwork you and out lift you
Barney fucking loves me! And I fucking love him!
The English accent is better than the American accent but i prefer Scottish and Welsh
The anti-anglo posts with American flags are meximutts, right?
>Transgirl here,
But for real though, the guy who played barney was a black, nigger pervert
Created by Sheryl Leach
Aka sick person
That's what happened to me, my parents are from Naples, Italy
>do not reply to spam like this without saging
>do not reply to obvious slide threads
>do not reply to fake conspiracy threads like this one and Q[Which was most likely a glow nigger or elite psy op]
>do not reply to obvious bait
No you don't you disingenous fucking poseur. You never gave a shit about any of those things. Fuck off.
A lot of them are, yes. And a lot of them are dual-citizen sewer scum with the USA flag out front and the Star of David inside. They're all anti-white traitors, at any rate.
>being a namefag
Sorry, all that non-rhotic gave me nausea, I think I'll have to vomit.
you deserve this if you let your kids watch tv
If I ever have kids I guess I need to force them to watch the BBC over and over again. Then make my son do sports, he'll get so much pussy and by proxy I'll be a genetic winner.