Post the most s o y phrases you could think of

Post the most s o y phrases you could think of

Attached: 558.jpg (680x713, 50.94K)

Sow shawl dist ahn singhhh’ahh!


yikes, who hurt you?

>social construct

>I forgave her


>so much this
>who hurt you
>mediocre white man

Attached: 1571520896483.png (886x898, 719.1K)

how do you get around filter. its onions for me


Reeeeeeee is my least favorite faux-academic word


>online dating in the age of corona: how to keep your sex life healthy in a pandemic

>flatten the curve

>who hurt you
>big chungus
>~insert word here~

Free healthcare

Consenting adults

you're a
I hear that all the time.
when taking to friends on my phone while in public if people hear my conversations.

Attached: your brain on soy.gif (224x224, 3.8M)

That's Tcky Suio, the chinese owner of the website


- ...and here's why that's a good thing
- We need to talk about (x)
- Dangerous
- Authoritarianism
- Literally
- Basically
- [compensatory chuckle]



Attached: matt.jpg (1200x675, 112.76K)

Switch to ascii and so󠛡y

Attached: soy lata.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

Just write yos

... and it's beautiful

A warcrime

this guy is famous in the state of Israel. look up his youtube

I don't mean to .... But ...


>flatten the curve!


Take your pic

Attached: 1561555853250.png (960x639, 284.13K)

My wife's son is my world

Attached: 1585797149095.png (923x639, 179.6K)

Unpacking the (conceptual noun)

IDK even who he is.
Is he famous for being a huge fucking So󠛡yBoy? Looks like a fucking huge fucking So󠛡yboy to me.

Attached: soy4.jpg (720x542, 107.36K)

The fuck kind of arm and hand is that


Attached: 1568605597814.jpg (785x1000, 252.43K)

one that cant open bottles apparently

>Wanting to protect innocents is not laudable
OP you're a fucking monster and in a perfect world I'd have you dead already

>all of the sweet sweet summer children ITT
That's a yikes from me.

...and that’s a good thing

>cope harder

Attached: 1552450490079.jpg (644x800, 35.07K)

your typical so󠛡y diet

Attached: SoyKills.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

fucking guy looks like he's about to vore his new switch... teeth yellower than mine, and I usually feel self conscious about my poor dental health.

Mouth instinctively opens in anticipation of black cock


No thank you. Already had enough of his shit.

What the fuck is that thing

I totally get that feel sometimes

yay SO󠛡Y

Attached: liberals.webm (1276x710, 2.99M)

Flatten the curve


On the stroke of Don
Nigger tongue shalt taste white man taint
Upon those lips of onix
Nigger saliva will drop from anus






Thats the so󠛡y tranny, it is changing it's sex with a high so󠛡y diet.
>No I am not joking.

Attached: soytran.jpg (2728x2128, 1.16M)

>i mean, ___
>imagine (thing speaker doesnt like)
I literally will want nothing and do nothing with people that say any of this shit. I have a little autism so I'm really good at picking up s o y/bugman/npc speechpatterns and literally no good person ive ever seen has sad any shit like that.


Wow, just wow.

I predicted this

First, get a greek keyboard from Window's keyboard options, then switch to it.
Now if type the letter 'o', It's 'ο' with the greek keyboard.
If you look closely, you'll notice they're not the same letter.

>not unironically typing onions
That's pretty gay, tb󠠭h fa󠠭m

Attached: 1568516883092.jpg (310x310, 29.75K)

oh my fucking god, some mad lad actually did it. I mean, if I thought this was for science, I'd congratulate him... but then again I shouldn't be surprised. Truth be told, this is the first time I've been on Yas Forums since 2016. I'm a bit of a normie. Only so far as that I am not cultured.

>If you look closely, you'll notice they're not the same letter.
I guess it could be don't that way.
I like my way better
because mine is the same letter.

Attached: soy ckicken.jpg (771x960, 133.66K)

Not all muslims

>my wife's boyfriend
>so what if my girlfriends whores herself out on onlyfans?

Attached: fail.jpg (250x186, 14.74K)

I have lived to see man-made horrors in my lifetime. Thanks, Tesla.

does that open mouth awaiting black cock, look'n face qualify as a thing that sounds onions?

honey, its time for my fan only stream, hurry it up.

Attached: soya.jpg (994x745, 162.12K)


yup, that's the one

"Empower" and all it's variations. Awful awful word used by rotten people.

Attached: um sweety.png (791x490, 298.64K)


>human rights
>war crime

ٲٲٲThis guy fucks.

Its fridge
Some say the so󠛡y is actually what made him turn gay trans. It was shortly afterwards the word so󠛡y got cucked out of existencece here. Many such cases of the so󠛡y diet turning people gay. Something about the estrogengin in the seed casings being processed instead of just the seeds alone.

Attached: soyfridge.jpg (768x1024, 75.44K)


>I'm locking this thread because y'all can't behave

Blacks aren't normal, nigger

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