Matthew Heimbach explains why he left WN, joined de-radicalization NGO Light Upon Light

(Matthew's story)

(a more detailed, essay version)

By the way Matthew now (literally; this is not me trolling; follow the link I posted) calls himself a "shapeshifter." This is the term his NGO has chosen for former nazbois turned de-radicalizers. Heimbach also says Jason Kessler, Eli Mosley, and Baked Alaska will be joining him as fellow shapeshifters.

Attached: Heimbach interview.jpg (992x558, 52.87K)

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SHAKING MY HEAD TO BE HONEST FAMILY at anyone who gave a micron of credence to
For even a moment

>Spic wants to be white
Nothing new here

how do they get to these guys, I dont think any amount of kike propaganda could turn me back and yet these guys were supposed to be so hardcore. except for that faggot baked alaska tho

Wow look at that, the costume wearing spook stopped spookin

>literally; this is not me trolling
This sounds like a member of a paid thinktank. Fuck off, faggot.

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You're spamming this all day, everyday.

Damn it really do be like that. I remember him being a decent speaker and seeming genuine

Where does heimbach say the others will be joining him

Behead the nonbelievers

>Light Upon Light
>comes out on april fools
>feels betray by TRADITIONAL Workers Party after engaging in adultery

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>fat glowie christcuck cucks
not surprising

>glowie everyone knew was a glowie turns out to be a glowie and encourages others to leave white nationalism

is this a really pathetic attempt at stopping racism

Fuck this fat faggot pussy ass father in law sucking off bitch.
Hope he eats a case of tide pods and a nice bat steak
If you think this is your role model
End your genetic line

Pussy ass faggot
Hes just sad he cant get a nigger to fuck him

And I thought hamback couldn't disgrace himself any further.....

Who the fuck is this nigger even? Why have I been seeing this literally who name reported on since Shitlottesville? Another Crayon Nazi Cantwell glow worm?

I hope Kam is still WN af

They are all at a point where they are thoroughly blacklisted and want to be a part of society that they accept any lies about them if it allows them to live life as under a new persona. I think they start off not being completely turned, but probably get there by repeated brainwashing.

Because he is fat commie faggot. I’ve been saying this since I left the AR. It’s all a white nationalists who want communism.

He should kill himself live on yt
Best ratings he will ever get

>being unironic Aut Right to begin with
That's a yikes from me buddy.

This is the “way out” the fbi offered if he flipped on EVERYONE.

He’s now ostensibly employable and may be getting paid by the non profit funded by the FBI.

Hopefully someone beats his fat ass to death over a pack a toilet paper
Bonus irony points if its a black hebrew israelite

Heimbach is just a character played by a lefty academic named Stephen Borthwick. He's a Catholic, which is why it's not surprising that his character is larping as Orthodox. It's an attempt to stain Orthodoxy. Typical Catholic tricks.

>It’s all a white nationalists who want state capitalism

He left because he had an assault charge that was getting him railroaded through the justice system for being a dissident, not to mention a charlottesville lawsuit from jews with tens of millions in endless resources to destroy him and his family. Every dissident who walks away does it out of necessity, wanting to avoid jail or bankruptcy. Parading him around as a defeated person is merely an added humiliation and psychological effect by the enemy

He'll be discarded as soon as he outlives his usefulness. The dissidents in jail at least didn't bend to a hostile regime

I don't know who this faggot is, is he one of those Nazi larpers? I never went that far, so I don't care.

I just think white people should be able to live amongst their own kind is they see it necessary in their own lives and should be able to say no to other races.

Should I be "de-radicalized?"

I've seen this shit over and over again. It's nothing new.

It's some type of bullshit outfit founded by a mudslime and cop?

This must be a big deal for them to get Matt Heimblack. So they're shilling it here.

I mean their business model is "we make people less sucky" and right now it looks like Heimblack is their main product.

fuckin goofy ass shit

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I think he was in legal trouble a while ago. They probably offered to make it go away.

>yet another mutt "white nationalist" turncoats.

Why do mutts WNs constantly do this?

Look at nazi germany
Count the number of blonde blue eyed men in leadership positions
Protip: zero

>t. Blonde blue actual white man

>Kessler and Baked Alaska are going to stop being nazis
I call bullshit, those guys are the realest, most devoted hardcore white supremacists around. Just think about how hard they’ve worked, and with almost no financial support, traveling the country, appearing at events, meeting other people with nationalist sentiments irl, collecting emails for mailing lists, organizing groups and encouraging them to connect with others and spread the word

No, they’re the real deal and I’m glad that we have them

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Your stepdad is a nigger isn’t he

That's exactly right.
He was shilled here ENDLESSLY
He was associated with other obvious bullshit artists.
>held up as THE example of the new far-right white nationalist working class kid
>gets in all the papers and on TV
>has a humiliating scandal
>wife cheating with his fil
>he does domestic violence
>now he's being 'de-radicalized'

It's such an obvious thing, people two years ago were predicting exactly this....

It will all soon be irrelevant if people start dropping like flies because of bat soup.

>Count the number of blonde blue eyed men in leadership positions
>Protip: zero

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That's an interesting theory.
this group he's in was founded by a pock-marked Iraqi who managed to steal some of Saddam's money and hire a bunch of shrinks

The guy's a writer of some type?

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>Heimbach also says Jason Kessler, Eli Mosley, and Baked Alaska will be joining him as fellow shapeshifters.

Imagine my shock!

Ok kraut I’ll give you that one
How far down from hitler?
Top 5 definitely not white
Germans aren’t white

Oh cool, I guess you can both dress up like nazis and do all the hitler stuff that scares mom and dad - Awesome, what a cool and inclusive movement!
I like to dress up like a Visigoth myself, those guys knew what they were doing back then man (Alaric Forever! Any other Visigoth qts here? Let’s meet up! Here’s my discord)

>Purity spiral
But Nazi Germany isn't a great example, that's how you know it's Glowies spooks and jews when they bring it up.

Here's the 'co-founder' of this network of bullshit, Jesse Morton.
So Matt wants to roll his experience into a lucrative public-speaking career?


Attached: lightUpJesseMorton.jpg (635x628, 84.1K)

Nazis are retards
Im just extra allowed to say it
Racists have deep rooted fears that they will act on their homophobic tendencies
Discord is for pedos and the mentally ill

Attached: you may not like it but this is what peak white supremacy looks like.png (1269x473, 537.85K)

It wasn’t obvious from the start user.

What a shining example of masculinity lmfao

No most of them are socialists.

>How far down from hitler?
Directly under Hitler. He was the guy in charge of foreign policy.
>Top 5 definitely not white
Assuming you think "white = blond hair blue eyes" (which is dumb, but let's pretend it's true), it would be two out of five, Himmler and Ribbentrop.
Hitler and Göring also had blue eyes, which makes it four out of five there.

I'm probably an evil Nazi white nationalist according to these guys, yet I've got some friends who are niggers, I enjoy other cultures sometimes, BUT, I do believe white people should have the right to say NO to other people.

Fuck this. Should whites be forced to all adopt niglets to prove we're not evil raaayycists? Should we all be forced to let random niggers come in to our homes, eat our shit and insult us?
I mean where does this fucking end exactly?
Why can't these fucking twats leave white people and our countries alone?

I've always said these Nazi larping faggots are white people's worst enemy. Now they've been handed another "deradicalized huwhite nationalist" to be used against normal white people.

Thanks, Matt. Twat.

kek purity spiral

No but seriously this outfit is very interdasting.
Looks like the one Convert didn't roll.

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Look at those perfect teeth.
This is a guy who was living in a trashy trailer park.
>that's $30,000 in crowns and veneers

The blonde blue thing wasnt my decree
It was hitler’s remember?

FYI i really dont care what you look like as long as you do your thing and leave everyone else the fuck alone
We should be long past racism, religion, and a few other outdated control schemes, but alas, we cant all have good reading comprehension, a knack for learning, etc
People are too easily led, that’s how hamback managed to get more than his mother in law to listen to him.

fuck pic

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>Directly under Hitler.
Bullshit, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany for a long time was a gay man and Hitler's bodyguard was a part-Jew.
>which is dumb, but let's pretend it's true
Okay now I know you are messing around.

>just recently call this fat faggot an obvious glownigger for starting a pointless and cringy Nazi choir
>no one cares about who his is because he's such a fag
>immediately turns into "muh reformed racist" character
Glowniggers getting absolutely dabbed on by yours truly.

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Definitely handled

Heimbach has always been controlled OP

>That guy was a real Al Queda recruiter
Cmon man, don’t believe everything you read. Can you imagine how many “al quieda recruiters” the alphabets were running in the Bush era?
So a fake recruiter and his handler who pretended to pursue him for years (catching all the people he recruited, natch) are now taking in WN “leaders” who have met everyone in the movement. They’re just bringing in spies from the cold

Hindsight is 20/20. Going into it freshly redpilled it looked like a viable alternative

>It was hitler’s remember?
No I don't remember, because Hitler never said anything of the sort.
>Bullshit, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany for a long time was a gay
First of all, Nazi Germany started in 33, and Röhm was purged in early 34. That's not a long time.
Second, Röhm was not the second most powerful man in the country during that time, that would be Hitler. he was maybe fourth at most, after President Hindenburg, Hitler, and Göring.

Both of you, please take even a cursory glance at the topic you're discussing before making statements about it.

The point is
Racism is retarded
Nazis were retarded
The idea of a “pure perfect race” is retarded
If germans had no guns
We could have sent 500 fit american blacks with crowbars and ended the entire army of weak little racists methed out of their minds

The founder of the organization only did 30 months and he refused to roll
Since when do Orthodox Jews convert to Radical Islam and move to the West Bank?

This whole thing is waaaaht tha faaaaaahk

Reddit idiot found

g-d pics
So the Jewish convert founder of the group does only 30 months and doesn't roll for the .gov

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That's funny as fuck, Dicky Spencer and Nick Fuentes when?

Islam is the inbred military of the hats.

And look where Chesser was born.... hmmmmmm

He got the Full Ride, though
walk, cohen walks even though he doesn't roll

stinky stinky stinky stinky

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lol imagine being so fucking tone-deaf and having such a horrible sense of timing.
Or did they launch this campaign intentionally to have the least amount of effect possible? What a bunch of fucking niggers, makes me glad they are the enemy.

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Sorry fatty
Everyone who disagrees with you doesnt fit it your preconceived box
Reddit is just as brainwashed as this shithole

Imagine, a person besides you, might look at the whole internet
Mind blowing

If you are truly racist
You see something in that race that you yourself do not posess, and like a 5 year old jealous of a neighbor kids new bike, you work your mind into fits

It isnt healthy

>1 post. sage

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Spy kike in Mossad pretends to convert to Islam?

Spencer's worth seven figures he can fuck around all he wants. After Trump's over and he can't get even get hired at Wendy's Fuentes will do the whole "my journey from hate to hope: the dangers of online radicalization" circuit

I thought this commie was ostracized? Kinda ridiculous to claim "he left"

>Or did they launch this campaign intentionally to have the least amount of effect possible?
They launched the campaign to have the least effect because the whole thing is a Glowing sham.
>tfw glowniggers concept turns out to be real
I need to write a spec script about this shit brb
>you can't make this shit up

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TWO years ago? Heh.
No, it was very obvious to those with a knack for spotting controlled opposition, way before that.
For example, remember the incident where (black) Kashiya Nwanguma, a supposed anti-Trump demonstrator, was pushed and assaulted right in front of the press cameras at a 2016 Trump rally? One of the main attackers was an old white haired man wearing a white military uniform and blue hat of some kind.

The other was Matthew Heimbach, sporting, like the rest of the controlled opposition of that year, the obligatory red MAGA hat

There are so many other examples, these characters work hand-in-glove with the press to stage violence and generally defile Whites, Nationalism, and Trump through their actions, which always take place while wearing WN "uniform", so that the viewing public is conditioned to associate those symbols / decals / slogans with criminality and violence

Nearly every video of that event has been sanitised to hide his presence, because he remains an active asset of the security services.

He is not turning because of legal pressure, he is doing it because running defilement ops against nationalists is his assignment. Such "regret" flavours of op are used to make "wn" or pro-white racialism look wishy-washy and like an ill thought knee-jerk reaction which tends to reverse when logic (rather than emotion) is applied.

He was also behind most of the poster campaigns and "white students unions" that were intended as nothing more than material for the press, used to justify harsher restrictions on pro-white beliefs in college, and to link such beliefs and those holding them to crime and terrorism (he gave an interview where he stated that white men will start killing black children.)

He is a security service asset,like the rest of his associates, Sinead, Kyle, Michelle, Baked, etc. Their videos from '16-17 damning but deleted from YT. But still every "rightwing" e-celeb is controlled op. All. Of. Them.

They are dangerous.




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