Why are Latinos not considered white in the USA? I don't understand. They're descendants of Spaniards, so they are white? Can somebody please explain this to me
Why are Latinos not considered white in the USA? I don't understand. They're descendants of Spaniards...
I've been to brazil/Colombia/Chile/Argentina, they're about as white as americans
Deepstate mainstream media shills need everyday divide and conquer tactic they can get.
White skin or you ain't in
In America, Latino means 56% Mestizo goblin. Not the European ''Latino'' definition. Kind of like in the UK ''Asian'' means sandnigger while in the US ''Asian'' means yellow person.
They are when they commit a crime for FBI crime data
I don’t get it either. They certainly look white enough to me.
Hello We are white hispanic
Many white Americans are a mixture of different European nations, German, English or Irish. What exactly does that look like in South America? A mixture of Spanish and Portuguese?
Because US census is RETARDED and they even call literal Spaniards Hispanic, not white. I’m not joking. Every country in Europe is white except Spain in the census. Even Saudi fucking Arabia is whiter than Spain according to the US census
There are many types of spics OP...the caste system is not a meme
yeah, if they are Argentinian like my gf. not the goblinas from Central America and the upper half of South America
European + Amerindians are not white
North Mexicans/Landowning Cuban Expats/ Coastal Venezuelans/South Brazilians/ Uruguayans/ Argentinians/ Landowning Chileans = White
Everyone else? Fucking Native Mutt Goblins
Means more Indian subcontinent actually. Arabs is categorically separated.
Because they aren't 100% Spaniards either.
Most of the time they also have native and negro blood in it. Thought it heavily depends on the region, some Latinos are just native mixed with Spaniards, others are negroes with Spaniards and etc.
Where in Brazil?
If it's the south, then know that they are far more white than the rest of the country.
There is literally towns in the south where they still speak German and shit.
What passes as whitendepends heavily on which region that you are in brazil
Sure but they're also descendants of Indians, and from then there's lots of race mixing. Niggers and whiter Latinos are often part of the same family.
This is like saying that hydrogen/oxygen are the same as water. Mix them together and you get a new compound that has distinctive properties different from its constituents.
Its mostly because the jews are turning everyone against each other
You can't tell the difference between pakis/Turks/arabs/Italians so they all just get called paki/asian
Forget the terms "Latinos", "Hispanics", "Mexicans" etc. they are retarded terms that aren't used properly. Modern-day Mexicans are biracial Native Americans + Spanish mixes, with a minority being full Spanish and a minority being full Native American.
Latinos have as much as 50% nigger admixture
They look like the quintessential caucasoid.
There are lots of mediterraneans, slavs, actual germans, and lots of assorted ashkenazi.
Kind of depends on if your parents were Spanish-Native rape babies or not.
Here’s the real problem...
Historically, we only gave citizenship to white Hispanics... then in 1965 we started giving it to mutt mestizos and Indians.
Most illegals are Indians... most legal Hispanics are white. It’s why white hispanic Floridians and Texans still vote GOP... whereas the mutt mestizo Californians vote Commie.
It's far more complex than that
poeple confuse skin color with culture. when poeple complain about "white" poeple I assume they mean the percieved anglo types.
The castizos are white. The rest aren't.
Turks and Arabs sometimes get called Asian, yes, although usually they’re all just called Arab. I’ve never heard an Italian get called Asian though except the bloke from Skins, Luke. I suppose sometimes that might happen as well, but it’s not intended for them.
>homo sapiens
Nixon broke them off because he was an idiot who couldnt see the pending invasion
The census form asked what race I am, I ticked the white box, but it also requires you to say what kind of white, with lots of choices. I don't know, so I wrote it in "white trash", which I think is most accurate.
They're not. They're mainly Aztecan descendants.
This is my 23andMe bullshit. I'm "Hispanic", Cuban and Puerto Rican specifically. I'm also the "whitest" in my family with blue eyes. Most people don't guess that I'm any sort of Hispanic, maybe 3 or 4 in my entire adult life have guessed this.
Depends on the country. You could easily find someone mixed with German, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian etc in Argentina and Chile. Generally, no Portuguese unless in Brazil
>Aztecan descendants
Y chromosome of even Mexicans show high levels of paternal R1B ancestry... in other words, Spanish Conquistadors took a swim in the Native female pool and popped out a race of mestizos.
It’s different in Northern Mexico- lots of pure blood Spaniards. But southern Mexico and Central America are closer to pure blood Indian
They both look Mexican to me.
If that’s what Mexicans look like, we’d easily consider Mexicans white here then.
They look like they are from italy or spain. Definetly white
You probably would. You already call Arabs "Asians".
You’re partially right. Many Hispanics come from Conquistador bloodline and are Castizos and Criollos. Plus, they marry into white families and assimilate well.
However, there are increasing numbers of Indian and Mestizo Hispanics (most of the illegals) coming. These Hispanics are borderline nigger-like. Violent, lazy, dangerous, and cost three times as much as they produce.
It’s why it’s not so cut and dry.
The guy is a pajeet and the girl is a castiza. And neither of them would be white even by Argentinian standards. Wtf is going on in Europe?
Truth is in the future you guys will have to accept Iberians as white if u ever want to elect a republican again, same happen to Irish and Italians didn’t it?
Not pajeet, he looks spanish, mostly.
Argentina is a country full of castizos, criollos are probably like 10-20% at the absolute max.
They mated with the Aztec and Mayan savages
they fucked all the injuns
I’m not saying what he looks like, I’m saying what he is. And no he doesn’t.
Nope, Argentina is heavily criollo, mostly pure Spanish and Italian.
problem is america get fat inbreed goblinos who never mixed with europeans.
they're like the bretons from elder scrolls. an entire race of half-human rape babies. some consider them white out of pity for their existence and lineage, after all, humans (whites) technically did make them.
They’re not white because they’re mutts like everyone in the americas
They are not, fuck off
He’s a half pajeet. I guess he could pass as Spanish too, he looks more Iranian to me tho.
Spainbro, why did you fags not import white women to your colonies like the Anglos did?
Now we’re stuck with your mistake.
"Latino" is not a race. If someone totally, or at least overwhelmingly European, they are "White," whereas if they are some mixed race mestizo, they are not "White." Also, if you don't see yourself as White, and are hostile to White people, you can't be White.
Latino is not a race not a nationality, is a place of origin a whole region, there are Latinos of every single f cking race.
despite the reddit spacing, this user is on the right track. Most mexicans/lations/hispanics or whatever the fuck you want to call them have a significant portion of native indian/american and nigger blood, causing them to have the classic mutt/beaner look. These people never really existed in the US for the most part up until the last 30 years. The "mexicans" that were in america were never in large numbers, even in Texas, and the mixed well with anglo/aryans. The massive influx of beaners in the last 30 yhears has changed this dynamic, and everyone seems to have forgotten this, especially beaners and the offspring who assume their ancestors have always been here and the have a right to our clay, little do they know it was never like how they think it was. The US had been 95%+ white anglo/aryan until the 1960's when not accounting for slave percentages and their decedents. Spics are the worst by the way.
They're 33% Spanish, and 67% Indian, if you're lucky. Most also have negro admixture.
Actual Spaniards are why Spics are considered legally white, and actual Spaniards are occasionally not considered white in American culture.
I'm from California I'm a white mexican
they are descendants of junglemongoloids you tard
i dios mios. los goblino de la americas
You are clearly MESTISO INDIAN
Just to clarify, nobody worth your time looks at somebody from Spain and then at a dark brown Mayan and says, "umm wow, these two are both woit, obviously everyone is biologically the same as Europeans." Anyone saying dumb shit like that is troll, a shill, or a dumbass.
Dios mio...
They are the spaniards mutts, big difference, do you consider a mullato to be white?
Helps tiny-dick insecure WASPs cope.
I'm totally talking out of my ass here, but I think natives in the US are really fucking touchy about who claims to be part of their tribes because the gibs are so good. So the natives dont want them. They speak a different language than whites, have a different culture than the anglo/germanic/celtic/nordic/italian white american milieu, and being white bars access to gibs.
So the "are you hispanic/latino" question you get on government forms is a cope to help them deal with being rejected by both natives and whites.
this, and only contestably so
I've been to barcelona everyone thought I was Spanish hermano
I'm totally talking out of my ass here, but I think natives in the US are really fucking touchy about who gets to be considered part of their tribes because the gibs are so good. So the natives dont want them. They speak a different language than whites, have a different culture than the anglo/germanic/celtic/nordic/italian white american milieu, and being white bars access to gibs. So the "are you hispanic/latino" question you get on government forms is a cope to help them deal with being rejected by both natives and whites.
light-skinned mongoloid mestizo
not white
not sure if serious, a troll either way
I’ve sadly unironically seen people do this IRL though. Like call a dark brown Native American shitskin Spanish, and all the time see retards refer to Charlie Sheen, Antonio Banderas, Penelope Cruz, and Ana De Armas as “people of color.”