What happens here?

Besides dairy and beer

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Incest probably


They're basically wannabe canadians

Michael Moore

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> fucking cousins and sheep
You would know all about that, wouldn’t you, Željko?

The Northwoods of Wisconsin is beautiful and feels untouched by the bs clown world.

Lots of pure breeding across WI, MN, and Dakotas.

Lots of smaller towns that still are kinda decent. Not filled with as much obesity and drug addiction.

What are the cities around Lake Winnebago and the Fox River like? Is it a good place to own land and start a family? I was planning on visiting this summer before shit went down

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you obviously don't live there or you would know what the locals say about Canadians , lol

none of your fuggin business
if I catch u snooping again ill use harsher words next time!

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He’s from Michigan, ya faggot.

Get in here losers

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i disagree
average wisconsin in pic

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user a few days ago posted a thread breaking down Kenosha & the surrounding areas as a glowfag nest going back to the mid 40's.
Entire communities of glow ,breeding generational glowfags ie: Mitt Romney,Mayor Pete-archtypes
I'll see if I can find it.

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Damn buddy, this i gotta see

No we hate Canada
Northwest is better because no negros and eau Claire is nice.
Probably, but only in Barron County
Take your meds

Dairy, meat and beer, what else do they need?

Dairy farmers encourage mass beaner exodus. Beaners work under the table whilst simultaneously collecting welfare benefits.
90% of the whites fall into the drunk to pillhead spectrum. Lots of fat women, lots of bars - lots of VD. Shitty jobs, shittier weather - unless 7-8 months of winter is your thing.

What? Rural Minnesota is full of drug addiction

The Packers

Don't fuckin' worry about it bud

The best team yup
That is accurate
Lots of farmers
Its all the states around the great lakes dude

its our backyard and we have lake houses and snowmobiles, the people who live around milwaukee are just northern chicagoans from the burbs and are intelligent whereas the further you stray from there the populous gets gradually unintelligent the only exeption being madison which is the pretty much midwestern new orleans because of all the partying. otherwise great state to live in but economic oppurtunities are limited

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The Lakeshore is the shittiest part.
Niggers hop from Chicago to Milwaukee to all points NE. Madison fulla faggots and trannies.
Liberalism thrives here in the form of NGOs and 501c3 Medical Centers for illegals and welfare pigs.

>Its all the states around the great lakes dude
Seems to be the case all over rural America, rural New England and rural east coast probably have worse drug problems than the lakes.

no one in wisconsin likes illinois
stay off our roads

Owning land your already smarter than a city fag

that's some tasty bait

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Ive found that chicagoan are better drivers than most wisconsonites, i grew up near winnebago and my parents still live there

I have a beautiful blonde cousin who lives there who is currently burning the coal.

believe whatever you want man im just saying as soon as I got out of college I left to get away from my parents and the mosquitos and went to make some real money, if i lived in wisconsin i wouldnt be able to do that

What's Appleton like?

Wisconsin is Niggertopia - Lotsa dumb and/or fat white broad to reproduce with.

its old worldy and if its 2020 in milwaukee its still the 90s in appleton

Madison is cool. The rest of the state is cheese.

extremely shitty winters
great summers if they start in June
Giant music festival that no one seems to know about for some reason
more bars than supermarkets throughout the state
extremely high segregation in the Milwaukee city we call it the bridge from Africa to Mexico when going from the south to north side
And yeah alot of DUI's and also alot of drinking games
Packers too

lol, Im not concerned in whether or not you live in a certain state, friendo

hella true about the nigger part

It's based af. Good fishing and hunting. clean rivers and lakes with minimal niggers outside of Madison and Milwaukee.

beer, cheese, meat and white bitches. Fuck I love living in flyover country.

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im from wisconsin, it doesnt matter if you hate me or not its impossible to make a decent living there and living there is terrible unless you can afford to live in a gated community

oh yeah the nigs ruin just about every fucking event thats ever been run in milwaukee due to some faggot pulling a gun out and shooting someone

River Splash bang bang -cancelled
Bastille days, bang bang - soon to be cancelled
Summer Solstice pretty dead since north ave is dead
Milwaukee street days SOON
Brady Street days SOON

they ruin everything and sell you cocaine crushed with meth I HATE IT, thank fucking god I live in cali now minus the liberalism and not being able to bring my gun

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>impossible to make decent living
really depends what your doing

I was making roughly 70k when i left as a developer and thats peanuts BUT since rents dirt cheap and drinking and food is too its not hard nor is it hard to get a houst with an affordable mortgage

>What happens here?

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Sports and hunting.

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big titty girls
but also fat bitches

I have a friend who is going to live there, in Madison. Is it nice?

No. But also yes. But not really. (He's lying)

I have a beautiful blonde cousin in ontario burning the coal.

Deep fried cheese curds

Isn't that Alabama?

From a Wisconsinite-

Most of Wisconsin is unsullied. Areas of Milwaukee can be shitholes.

The cheese and beer thing is real. There are tons of breweries and small cheese outfits throughout the state. There's quite a bit of German influence where I come from. Cultural festivals like Oktoberfest draw big crowds.

Winter is shit tho

White people get harassed by black people.

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Cheese empire, they will conquer the world.

I don't know to think of that.

What will be the best season to visit him?
I like nature, and food, mostly.

I've long heard rumors about Racine being the true criminal capital of the Midwest. Can you expand on that?

What state do you live in now

Madison is among my favorite cities in the US. It's like a mid sized town that accidentally became a big city.

debatable. the city is on the small side (250k pop) but its rapidly growing. its more of a white collar city compared to milwaukee. most jobs are in healthcare, IT, software developement or insurance.

the downtown area is dominated by University of Wisconsin-Madison (the biggest state college). Lots of good bars and hot undergrads walking around.

lots of people (usually people from other cities in Wisconsin) claim the city is too liberal but most of the libtard stuff is confined to small hipster neighborhoods like Atwood-Schenk, Willy st, etc.

i'm biased since I've lived here my entire life but it's a decent place to live IF you have a good paying job ($60k or better). otherwise be ready to commute over an hour in and hate your life.

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The first time I ever sucked a girls toes was in Milwaukee. So that happened there.

nice trips
Who implied hatred?

It's a shame what has been done to Milwaukee, Madison and surrounding neighborhoods. Making money is a less concerning issue when the infrastructure and manufacturing is no good.

Then people from Illinois and wisconsinites pretending to be from Illinois..
and then there is places like Brown Deer...

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this. my only real dislike about Madison is the 2 big ass lakes right in the middle of the fucking area. makes getting around (especially going between east and west sides) a fucking pain in the ass. also the downtown stuff is all packed into a tiny strip of land we call the Isthmus.

Here in central WI, plenty of fat coal burners that bring that Milwaukee trash here.

There’s always some nig on our mugshot page bringing drugs here.

So many fucking mutts.

where did you live where it was hard to make a living? milwaukee?

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And when should I visit him ? Summer ?

Living there's pretty nice m8

So long as you're not in Milwaukee or that sprawl of towns around it and Chimpcongo.

Madison was fucking amazing, but I get what you mean about the mosquitos.

Summer or fall depending on what you want to do.

Eau Claire used to be nice but it's turning to shit rapidly with nog's and meth. Barron is little Mogadishu. Up around Hayward is nice but lots of seasonal FIBs. At least we can still get Spotted Cow.

I unironically like winter. and we have mild ones (like the last one).

>no bugs
>highway departments are on top of their game so roads are salted withing minutes after snowfall ends
>winter activites (skiing, snowmobiling, getting piss ass drunk and staggering home from the bar at 3am).

good time to visit would be with one of the big local festivals going on. Bratfest is a good one (currently rescheduled to Labor day weekend in August). Cheap $3 brats, cheap beer and decent live music.

if you like baseball there's the Mallards. go canoeing or boating on the lakes. rent bikes and try out the bike trails (some of the best in the country)

Fond du Lac has a festival called Walleye Weekend with lots of events and booze and food. Worth checking out. I was there years ago doing some sales work and enjoyed myself a lot.

Death to FIBs.

Loooooooots of child molesters

What is this image supposed to communicate?


Ticks and Lyme disease

I've grown to appreciate winters as well, i love ice fishing. I can see how they'd be intense for outsiders.

>Besides dairy and beer
What else needs to happen?



It's the only remaining substantially White majority American city. It's not full of White trash or meth addicts either. Hot college chicks, lots of walking and biking and good public transport, great food. People bitch that it's "too liberal" but Wisconsin is an extremely purple state, it's not psychotic white trash like the deep south, and not psychotic liberal faggots like the Coasts. It's just genuinely down to earth, kinda derpy people who are legitimately extremely nice unlike most plastic fake americans

My ex went to uni there. Miss her and that city almost every day, and if she still loved me I'd move in a heartbeat. It honestly felt like an America that shouldn't exist anymore.

Wisconsin fag here, nothing but cozy quarentine and family stuff, nice place to be. City areas are full of chinks niggers and druggies though. Probably not as bad as others though

Absolutely. Summer is great in Madison. Everything comes alive then, and lots of things start happening.

lol try Michigan or California faggot.

AMS does a lot of their world record 1/4 runs at great lakes drag

They have a sweet ass renaissance faire and also pretty comfy cheese. Apart from that, comfy lakehouses, but niggers in the cities.

Depere is pretty comfy, there's a nice trail on the east side that makes travel by foot/bike easy.

Also nobody go further north, UP is for yoopers only.

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this. if you say WI is full of nogs, you haven't been to illinois or minnesota.

Youre delusional and nobody likes you FIB. Stay out of my state.

Fucking retard. If anything they're wannabe Swedes, but they've slowed down on eating their lutefisk for Christmas dinner.