Pay up white boy

>Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for coronavirus “reparations” for black and brown people, claiming that “environmental racism” is an “underlying health condition.”

>“COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities,” tweeted the Democrat lawmaker. “Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions. Inequality is a comorbidity. COVID relief should be drafted with a lens of reparations.”

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Stop spamming this bitch fuckin kike

tfw Ocasio-Cortez is gonna give me neet bucks for being a pajeet

/thread again

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>environmental racism
What fuck is that supposed to mean?

It's not white people's fault if minorities won't social distance or wash their hands.

She is right. This virus was supposed to kill white boomers who are an even greater drain on the system than niggers.

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Who put this dumbass in office?

How about no

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She was central casted.

Reminder that the attempts at stemming China Virus infection rates is due to the fact that it only kills shitskins and chinks.
Old white people are being culled via removal of medical treatments to pad the numbers of course.

I thought she wasn't a jew??

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she literally just made it up

>AOC whines and complains in public abut 'muh white folk' then goes home to swallow her white boyfriend's cum

You thought wrong user

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greentext related

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>Niggers are fat and have poor hygiene
>Therefore they need reprashuns
How about they get in line and ask the fucking chinks for reprashuns. The line forms to the left, it's gonna be a pretty fucking long wait.

Rest of greentext

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But it will work. You guys will have to use some american methods to silence her and all other parasites.

It occurs to me that when the Boomers are dead that will be the last White Democrats.

The White youth knew where they were not wanted and were replaced by dindu and Gimmegrants.

It will make the Democrats a exclusive non-White block.

Very intelligent people.

She is hoping to absorb his privilege through the walls of her cunt.

AOC is our girl.... Send the niggers back... Based as fuck.

She basically "Fellow Jew"ed actual Jews.

It's pretty funny actually.

that ginger cuck cant produce semen lol

And they will have the majority and the presidency.

That's the best part. Her district WAS Jewish until it got flooded with Puerto Ricans.

She primaried a sitting Jew based entirely on being a spic promising more gibs to Gimmegrants.

Than, when blowback came, she "fellow Jew"ed them.

Would someone please Tweet this bitch the webms and video and pictures of the blacks running rampant, disobeying quarantine/secure in place orders?

True. I'm already lieing about my race on the last Census.

I'm Hispanic/Askenazi now.

Reality doesn´t matter, AOC is only on stage to shift the overtone window. Reality matters only to white people, all other races are not that braindead and know its all about propaganda.


>for brown community
>who came here by choice


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

so niggers are even inferior when it comes to epidemics

Thread theme:

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Wars coming.

I am still amazed how long it took for whites to realise that.

Most cunts don't even know what working is. Spoiled and worthless. Stupid and ugly as well.

>poisoning the obvious fact of a lying jew-run media with Qtardism

Blacks voting trump confirmed.
Democrats are SEEEEEEETHING and shitting their pants rigjt now

>blame everyone but the Chinks that caused it

High-functioning intellectuals

Isn't she on her way to being primaried? Isn't the dccc covertly working to kick her out?

copfag here. Blacks are catching it because theyre not listening to stay at home orders and go to arab stores to play those "totally-not a slot machine" and play basketball. They also congregate by the hundreds in shitty neighborhoods and take their kids out at 3 am to learn how to nig.


Why not spics? Cortez should have her heart ripped out for shilling for racial aliens.

>Only reads headlines
checks out

They claim that minorities are hit the hardest by the impact of the ecosystem, pollution, climate change, ect. Thats what enviromental racism means

no wagie cuck whitey is gonna pay for a nigger to get checked for disease because he ate out his sisters a?@hole

aoc is a d&c shill

Environmental racism is where subhuman shitskins turn every place they move into a 3rd world shithole and blame white people for it

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AOC is my favorite unintentional White Nationalist. We need more dumb shitskins like her as the elected Jew puppets.

So much for “muh immunity “

is she "brawn" for american standards? LUL

#reparationsForBrownItalians please too.



I’m not sure whether I should lament the decline or cheer on the acceleration into forced equality of outcome.

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Ah yes, the call for gibs.

edged out a centrist dem in a low-turnout primary


impossible. only whites have enough altruism to hold the rainbow bloc together, without them asians, blacks and hispanics will be at each other's throats

The frightening part is that they mostly get away with it. With a little help of their (((friends)))

I have no money, I have no property, I have no possessions. They only think I have is my semen.

A common white enemy will do the job as well

>pushes anti-white policies
>dates a white man

Every fucking time.

>left wing hand job squads

Black people are never responsible for themselves
SJW's owned epic style

This virus is just one big excuse for power grabbing.

They will extract what welt he has... Not matter what that may be.

racism is going through the roof right now as it has THROUGHOUT HUMAN HISTORY in times of plague. she should probably lay low before the normies turn on her

then each nonwhite group tries to cut deals with the whites and screw over the other groups. blacks play nice if it means the hispanics get shit on, asians play nice if whites protect them from the browns. easy peezy

She considers them oppressed people of color resisting American imperialism by eating sky rats.

Could that be because mexicans and blacks have worse hygiene, are fatter and smoke more? IIRC black women are like 80% obese or something

you realize these images are total garbage simply because of the Q shit, right?

Reparations? She should be asking them for respirations, seeing as they're all dying from the co-vid.

>Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for coronavirus “reparations” for black and brown people,

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imagine a remake of ilsa: she-wolf of the SS but with AOC as a stalinist commisar personally "seizing the means of production" from imprisoned straight white males

Make the descendants of jewish slaveowners pay reparations

I am seriously tired of hearing about muh poor dindu niggers.

How much fucking money do I have to pay to never hear about another muh poor niggers story ever again?

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black people need alot more sunlight too, bc they aren't in africa. so staying indoors will fuck them up without supplementation, it fucks everyone up but darker skin moreso

New Yorkers

>demand reparations
>whites say no
>pass reparations
>whites revolt
>never get reparations
>then get killed

Did they think this one out or are they just playing politics? Why do they want to start a civil war that they would clearly lose?

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