it's time to
Dear Americans
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Then you shouldn't have lost WW2
Make us.
Every time we leave your lands you fuck up the world
>East Germany
We gotta keep an eye on you guys after those stunts you pulled ;)
No pls stay
Kek. You're a defeated nation. Suck it up Kraut. You're occupied until you can make them leave.
only when Usa crashes and burns to ash.
Don't worry, they're on their way out no matter how much they keep pretending it isn't happening. This hysteria over corona virus is being amplified because the actual US economy is in a state of collapse due to its overwhelmingly stupid nigger population that can't maintain the empire. Germany has already sided with Russia.
You will see turks and nigger american troops getting executed on the streets of Germany in your lifetime and soon. Total defeat of the Anglosphere and african race is coming soon.
fuck yeah it is. Germany has fallen anyways from within.
If I were you I wouldn't be talking shit. You backed the wrong horse and with that comes consequences.
you should have minded you own business, race traitors
Right? They literally went to their great grandparents and burned their home and then felt proud about it.
O.K. Hymie
it's just not americans, maybe we all should isolate germany economically, politically and culturally, from cost benefit calculations I bet we are in great benefit on this lads
this actually.
Don't worry, they will.
Canada was in the allied alliance too faggot
Mutts jump from "we're protecting Yurop, it's for your own good we're sacrificing and paying" and "lmao make us leave, we're occupying you lol we so stronk"
Indeed would be a very good idea.I wish we become a hermit kingdom like north Korea.
the more i think about it the more i realize how awkward it would have been to only fight the Japanese while our allies were being pummeled by the Luftwaffe.
Dont blame me i never joined the zionist forces
I've accepted the holocaust is fake but what about the invasion of poland. How was that justified?
Why are you begging for the us troops to set up bases in poland if you think this is a sign of occupation?
Rest assured. We have no negroes in our military and your women will be perfectly safe.
We lost it to the Ruskies though, and even they left.
Burgers are life fucking ticks.
Poles are low IQ scum
Based Bulgaria will play a strong role in getting them the fuck out of Europe. Your military knows what's up.
>get bombed by japs
>a few days later Germany declares war on us
Damned meddling America
this is why we had to fire-bomb you into submission.
Imagine acting superior to a country while subsidizing their entire defense budget
Listen to freedmans 1961 speech - he was there every step of the way from before ww1, sat at the table when the versaille treaty was made and signed etc.
poles were fucking with germans in east prussia. look at a map pre-invasion. poland was annex through part of germany so germans had to travel through prussian territory to reach their lands in east prussia. obviously this brought problems
yikes you shouldnt talk pole
*travel through polish territory
fine with me
Who’s gonna make us? You?
Thank you for bringing JWO like a good golem.
US must stay.
Germans are no different than vile animals and there needs to be someone taming them
Don’t start and then lose two different wars, then the rest of the world might care what you think.
you could start the holy roman empire again and be like vatican, that would be cool, you could build massive cathedrals and be led by a holy figure
Shut up and keep taking our dick europoor.
Maybe next time try not losing the war you start. You lost, deal with it.
The % of Germans who’re catholic has remained very stable throughout history. It’s the % who’re mainline pr*testants who’ve been declining
You should have continued and toppled the Soviet Union like George Patton said, however the Jew York bankers told you not to do it.
Losers dont get to call the shots
NATO unironically asked your country to remilitarize REPEATEDLY so we can "fuck off" and your government said no because it was more profitable to be pacifist and fuck over your neighbors politically and economically. Maybe the jihadis can run your military for you instead.
To be fair, we just sat there and watched them lose their culture to a flood of sand niggers funded by kike terrorists... While the EU cartels robbed them blind of all semblance of freedoms...
They were crossing the border, kidnapping Germans and hanging them in public.
Poland deserved everything it got.
It was Truman’s state department, all
Jews basically, who let the Soviet Union expand into Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and China. Not bankers. They were more worried about creating Israel which they did with the help of the U.K
If you don’t want those bases then just ask them to leave.
I’m sure Greece will happily become the new home for US forces in Europe.
Closer to the action in the desert. Should be a welcome move.
Turks are going to get fucked six ways from Sunday. Cleansed inside Germany and Constantinople retaken and ceded to Russia for its trouble.
I was reading about the great awakenings just few months back and that was something I noted too when I was googling figures around
Greece is going to side with Russia. You're not reading the tea leaves.
>imagine unironically thinking that
Im sure you are of pure Germanic stock, own many fedoras and swords, and totally have had sex.
I tried to drive into the base at Mannheim in 2013. Asked for a tour around. They basically told me to fuck off.
Stupid fucking yanks.
that was when that faggot tsipras was around, the current government isn't that malleable
You should ask them to get East Prussia back for you.
How cute, the Canadian cuckold is trying to sound tough like an Australian.
They aren't going to side with the niggers for the long haul. USA is a nigger country. It's not European. This is a natural split because niggers are hostile to European civilization.
Ok. Have fun being invaded by Russia you thankless fuck.
We'd be happy to, but every time we float the idea you faggots scream bloody murder.
Or what? You can't own the guns Americans can or tanks or jets or helicopters.
But Russia is a joke and they can’t do shit.
The only country that obsesses 24/7 over the USA's Germany military bases is Russia.
Your great communist friends you mean?
Because the bongs would have accepted Hitlers cobstant peace requests with tears of geatitude if yoz hasnt propped them up. No “pummeling“ needed. No dead white people.
If we look at this map, we might see that places with these bases have more infected people, than places without them. hmmm
Mainline Protestants were too liberal with their kids. Half of Catholics are European still till this day. Evangelicals are only 26% European and another 4% white but that was because missionaries set out into Africa and China and converted 25% and 10% of the populations respectively.
Make us.
Why would Russia invade their best customer?
you were in the war before us Chang
Ok greatest ally.
>it's another episode of Americans teaming up with Germans and Jews to destroy the great rampart of European civilisation.
You really are like Isildur with the One Ring.
Based Croatbro
The Anglosphere is the nigger here. Only in the Anglosphere do you have the level of population replacement and especially elite population replacement with non-Whites.
China will save you.
it's peculiar that if memory serves, this has been the pattern of every great awakening, the popular rapidly spreading denomination or sect, and then an expansion later for the more established branches, and now that we seem to be closer to the next great awakening it's interesting to see what will happen in the short and long terms
This, BULLgaria will defeat America by sending their gypsies to germany to steal all our supplies so we will be forced to leave. Then they will return to Bullgaria and team up with the pomaks to rejoin Turkey, as is their rightful homeland.
request them to fuck off and see how there will be "sudden" terrorist attacks that they will use as an excuse to stay.
Why do europeans even allow this shit? Imagine if germany or the uk had military bases here, that would be fucking weird.
>tfw you're a kike but israel is going to get destroyed
Burn in shalom, jew
The word based and croat do not belong in the same sentence
Go ahead and fuck us off then Muhammed.
I wish we would.
I would also like to say no to all you Europeans when you ask us for help.
Bulgaria's military is hip to the corrupted US-aligned political elite in the country. They have pro-Russian sympathies and understand that energy security through Russia is a better deal.
fpbp. Fuck the krauts. I lived in Europe for almost 5 years and everyone was great except Germans. They're enemies of the US pretending to be allies, same as the Turks.
Europe unite!
Hahaha European FAGGOTS SWALLOW OUR YANKEE COOM. Worthless Eurotrash
We'll have to work on peeling off Quebec in North America so the niggers have a direct military force on their borders.
>anything through russia is a better deal
Jew just keeps posting.