When did you realize coronavirus was fake news?

When did you realize the coronavirus was fake news?

I started off taking it very seriously. I prepared, got masks, got food, got all the necessary supplies. I followed /cvg/ daily. I saw the numbers going up and thought it was the happening.

Then I started to look closer. The numbers of infected versus the numbers for various other illnesses. Coronavirus just didn't hold up. The numbers were too low. It was just a flu.

What really drove the point home was when I started to see normies talk about "flattening the curve". The truth is Yas Forums you were all duped by the MSM and Dr. Fauci (a guy who literally wrote love letters to HRC). Your constant interaction with sensational news and the constant threads duped you all into believing somehting that was not true. Most people are just following along with a herd mentality. If you guys stop taking it seriously the herd will follow.

So lets stop with the nonsense already. It's literally just a flu.

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Other urls found in this thread:


About the same time I realize america is babylon incarnate


Early to mid February

It hit me the other day as I was in line waiting to pay for coffee beans when the mid aged out of shape white cashier lady yelled at me to stand behind the blue line or else I wouldn't be served.

>Dr. Fauci (a guy who literally wrote love letters to HRC)
Sauce pls. I want to hate this man.

>most positive tests are people with no symptoms
>most people with symptoms are negative tests

>media ignored it while /cvg/ was intently listening and compiling data
>suddenly media reacts way too late and panics
>you have been duped

Preparing for the worse, coronavirus help me stock up piles of food because I can't buy at the local market.

I want to belive its not true but our government is too strict. Can't go outside

The minute every news agency went fucking crazy and wouldn't shut up about it 3 months ago back in December / January

>millions of people with no work
>economists say it’s going to create a depression
>people trying to kill each over paper masks
>get arrested for paddle boarding at the beach
Just the flu

When it become a government game of simon says. I'm suppose to wear a mask when I go outside in a county with 360k people and not single one has died from the chink flu. If its fake/real I don't care this is all about control.

I followed this from the start. CVG has become a glow nigger operation. If you can't figure that out yet you are as clueless about this as the media was 4 months ago.

In my area today at least people are starting to come back out. There's hints here and there that normies are starting to question things too. Walmart in my area is roping off the doors and trying to only let 10 people in at a time. This shit is ridiculous! When the fuck did the WORLD economy start shutting down for a fucking germ?? A YouTuber I watch quite a bit told us some startling news, and he doesn't openly check in to the conspiracy theory crowd. He said that in Europe where he's at, they're starting to demand that no more than FIVE people in a group, and they were trying to pass laws that would allow them to track your phones to make sure you were meeting up anywhere with more than five people. Of course, America has been monitoring people to years now, thanks, assholes that voted for Patriot Act! But for other nations of ours to start physically breaking up groups with more than five people? We need a fucking world wide uprising. And we need it now, in my opinion.

Yes, I've always believed that we are in fact Babylon. It all fits.

>has become a glow nigger operation.
when did it become that? The exact date? Nothings changed since January

The moment I turned on the news

True the Argentinian on there is online 24/7. Who is paying him?

Obvious glowie. He speaks in a North American dialect of Spanish. So he is not actually Argentinian.

The guy is a glowie spreading panic and disinfo. Much of the links with info cannot be verified.

Oh, and by the way, folks: #filmyourhospital all of these fucking places that are supposedly swamped with patients have been empty. SEVERAL people here have filmed theirs empty, and now others in other countries and territories have been finding the same thing.

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Great video.
Shit burger brain though.
Outside of America, this thing is ravaging. It is much more infectious than flu and much more deadly.
Our understanding of the matter is significantly weakened by China's vastly understated fake figures.
Now stop being a Holocough Denier. China shills, perhaps you are one of them, are deliberately trying to make people be unprepared.
Buy food, buy masks, but vegetable growing supplies etc. If it all blows over, you can still eat it, engage in kinky BDSM and have a healthy new hobby.
Not preparing is the worst option.

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The date when doomers hyped up every possible detail.
>causes brain damage
>neuroinvasive qualities allow the virus to hide in neurons indefinitely
>HIV genes allow the virus to disable your immune system
>causes organ damage even in "mild" or "asymptomatic" infections
>30% CFR outside of china, in line with MERS
>leaves men sterile and cuts their testosterone in half
You faggot are unwittingly shills for boot licking government goons.


We must not hate my fellow user. Only love. But that doesn't mean we have to tolerate bullshit.

Dr. Fauci is literally driving this country into the ground. This guy is a hack.

I bet when that fag is finished larping in his backyard he walks back home to use his 5G ready dishwasher, to see what cycle it's running.
He's gotta stay "connected"

Not only fake, but also gay.

Also: this happened to China right after their protests strangely and abruptly ended in Hong Kong; it happened here directly after they tried to completely ban guns, right at election times, right when the US Census is due..

I am not:
(and all the threads in between not mine)

Last Tuesday

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When Drudge started posting daily about it being the end of the world back in January. It stunk then as if DR got tipped-off this would be the next crazy thing for normies to flip out about. It still stinks. When I see faggots driving alone in their cars with masks on, it's confirmed to be a retard virus that turns every cell into bullshit.

Immediately, but I knew the Dems would milk it for all it was worth and create a panic in the sheep so I stocked up like it was an actual pandemic. When the shortages hit, no problems for me.

The problem with Trump outlasting them this long is people who pay attention are now wise to the moves they make. We can see behind the curtain and predict their future actions. Trump has been very damaging for this reason alone. He's taught people how to anticipate dirty tricks. We're gonna win this thing. Even normies are starting to come around as they realize, hey, why the fuck are we DOING all this?

I can't wait for the new impeachment hearings in the House. I'm psyched up to see Fauci and Birx torn to shreds by Republicans who use their contradictory statements against them.

One of my mates from uni had it

Fuck off glowie. You're fucking radioactive.

You’re glowing

>HIV genes

>disable your immune system

I never added a mortality rate to the OP

It always was a glownigger operation.

And you're a hipster: >guys I was totally with you when the media was hiding it, but now that the entire world is on lockdown and the media can't help but talk about it, I invented a new narrative to stay unique

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I don't think it's 100% fake news but it's being extemrely sensationalized by the media, so probably around 75% of what we hear is fake news. Hospitals are not being overrun (media psyop), healthy people are not dying from it, and they are likely counting deaths from other causes as covid cases.

I'm just ahead of the curve. I'd be more inclined to believe you if you could prove that you are Argentinian.

This is what started to activate the almonds for me.

tfw corona was a false flag to get normies in position for the real virus

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I can speak Spanish, and I have done it lots of times, even translating stuff, but that obviously isn't proof that I am Argentine because clearly I am a Mexican-American working for the CIA and under a VPN. Talking about the current state of Argentina with other Argentines is all a facade too. There's no winning with you when the goalposts are moved infinitely.

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The supposed outbreak in my small town in SoCal at an acute care facility looks totally normal. No hazmat teams, no blockades, when I drove by there was a nurse standing out front smoking a cigarette. What’s funny is when I looked it up on Twitter all the response were niggers complaining and saying good because my town is so racist lolol

>The corona is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere
THIS IS A POWERGRAB BY THE PRIESTHOOD OF BAAL aka synagogue of Satan "jews". Also the the sun is a symbol for worldwide communism. They are seizing the means of production.

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yes but they probably just didn't want to risk infection by going to the hospital.... I'm using satire, but that was actually a response to this when it was a thread. Like the mental gymnastics involved, "trust the media goy"

>working for the CIA and under a VPN

It's like you're connecting the dots for us in the way the MSM does when they tell the truth in sarcasm.

Lots of those are true/partly true/require more resarch, your point?

What the fuck, this white dude is smarter than the entire continent of Africa

The Corona

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When I saw this:

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>When did you realize coronavirus was fake news?

The same day this faggot and the entire NBA got it

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About over a month ago

Mate you are an actual schizo, take your meds.

All throughout jan and feb the media and every gov was trying their hardest to downplay the virus, CCP and America especially. Now its in our countrys and is a genuine threat to national health everyone is reacting to it.

NOTHING changed from jan/feb to march aside from normies (including media and gov) waking up to the virus being a legitimate thing. You are just trying to be the ultimate contrarian and its incredibly painful to everyone who was around in the Jan/Feb coronavirus threads.

I have been accused of it dozens of times. There's even a couple of posters that do it regularly. Because just using an American flag and going unnoticed wouldn't be a better strategy, right? It has to be a flag that makes it notorious.

my aunts parents have it, her mother died 2 hours ago, doesnt look great for her father. Neighbour is a nurse, she's been crying alot. Thankfully i live in the middle of nowhere

>When did you realize the coronavirus was fake news?
Because I've been fucked in the ass by anything bad that has happened in this country and I haven't felt this one yet.

of course we were overreacting however the footage coming out of china drove that narrative. now it's here and we aren't seeing any of it

>so many sun symbols in communism

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what's the OG story and symbolism of babylon ? it's like sodom and gomorah ?

My boomer father just got his test results this morning and it came back positive. Yesterday, he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Chances are my mother and I have it too. I have slight chest weight/pinching, and she shares a bed with him. It's not fake.

I realized it was real when the autistic sperglords came out of hiding and started calling it a "Hoax" and a "Nothingburger" with demoralization-style threads.