Doomsday Preppers are fucking retarded

Doomsday Preppers are fucking retarded
why take the time to gather supplies but not learn how that supply is made
ex. Clothes, Technology, Building Supplies, etc.
also I haven't seen one that collects knowledge on architecture or chemistry
these things are a basic need in society, it just seems like they want to live out their little gay fantasy of a zombie apocalypse without the proper knowledge to survive it.

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What a fun 1 post

suck my coc

i said what i needed to say and ill build on it

lol show flag

>Doomsday Preppers

Preparing for doomsday.
Buying shit.
Learning to make shit.

>If just playing with yourself again ---> sorry but need to type to stay "sane". I can't hear you...

yes but learn to make shit on its most structural, chemical level, that's all im saying,

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!!!!
>Nuke'm high!!!

You go at it bro! Its not like I'm gonna stop you.
So will you?
or should I be jelly?

are you on drugs finnbro?

Why do you ask? Do I come of so random?
These are just tough times, messes with your mind. Vodka helps.
I know you know the feeling.

About this making stuff most basic, chemical level. Redpill me..?

I do not, are you okay though?

Can I learn?

Yeah everyone is hoarding clothes technology and building supplies right now

just look up how water is made, how it's filtered, and all that, if you have a favorite snack you wish you had in the apocalypse look at it's basic ingredients, it's chemistry if you would say. it's basically like putting together a puzzle. instead of just using it, break it down and learn from it.

anyone can
and they're most likely just gonna leave it there instead of actually doing something with it.

but what i'm saying is, you can learn how to make a television if you have the time, patience and effort, same with clothes and technology.

What smart store is this?

They actually know to put the packs of piss bottles near the packs of diapers

I'm just telling you guys not to be so one track minded and start thinking about how the stuff is actually made and produced

You're an idiot, nobody is hoarding those things.

dunno lol, i dont see that much wrong with arrowhead though
your sarcasm was not as clear as you intended it to be, retard

also im not saying with the current corona virus they are, im saying if along the line another virus comes people will be hoarding those things.

im saying you need the basic knowledge on most of the stuff around you, so you understand it more and could possibly recreate it.



>14 posts by this id
>dumbest thread on the catalog right now

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Because nobody was prepping for the apocalypse you mong. They were prepping for the possibility of shops and supermarkets being closed for a few weeks and draconian lockdown enforcement as it happened in China.
The only one trying to live a fantasy is (You). Did you think people were stockpiling food and toilet paper because they were afraid of a Mad Max future?

can't argue with those quints, time to wrap it up

>just look up how water is made
I'm not sure I can grasp it quickly enough...

>I'm just telling you guys not to be so one track minded and start thinking about how the stuff is actually made and produced
I hear you! I just thought that everything would be thought out for me.
The state I find myself now puts some limitations to my ability to learn how to take things apart at the basic level and how to somehow, in some distant future, put it back together from what I will then have...
I think I'm not gonna be able to carry anything too heavy with me...
At least not industrial machinery and shit.

oh well I hate it that I only get significant digits when I'm making an honest post. I wish I could get quints when talking about BBC or how whites should be genocided lel

sssshhhh! Let him speak. I find every thinking being and their thoughts valuable at this time. Not to say I unnderstand any of it.

I'm not saying you would need to carry those things all at one time, just have established areas
and see that's the problem everything is thought out for everyone for everything
Pls try to better your state finnbro

Definitely going to learn how to bake me some cheez-its in the apocalypse bruh

you have the idea

What about the British Broadcasting Company? Having a nice quarantine? Prepping for apocalypse, flu, something other? Prepped?

You seem to be mistaken. These people are buying shit because they're afraid they won't be able to go outside for a while, or because the think stores will run out of supplies. If shit really hits the fan you're going to die anyway unless you are a lifetime prepper.

what advantages do lifetime preppers have over new preppers? i think i understand what you are saying

I am /essential/ so I'm not on quarantine. Was out grafting today.

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Post cock

>that's the problem everything is thought out for everyone for everything

Yeah well I'm not saying that I expected to come to the readily finished table, but since things are how they are and you can't know how they really are it is really hard to plan ahead.
And I didn't think that I would need to carry it all with me, but even to make water in unknown environment would be difficult. Given time, I could learn if info was available.
The way I see it is that since my resources are very low atm (who am I kidding, ALWAYS) I can't prepare for all scenarios. So I thought I just go what seemed to be somewhat sane, prepare the little I could taking in account the likely scenarios and then just wing (swing?) it... Now I don't know anymore.

Nah it’s the herd mentality. Theyre buying shit because everyone else is buying it.

>doomsday preppers
>panic buyers (your pic)

choose one

This is where community comes in play, you can't learn it all by yourself, but what you did learn you could trade knowledge. Hopefully people are more friendly instead of just edgy violent retards during a bigger virus event. But it would be good to learn combat right now, in the case you would need it.

"Preppers" didn't need to buy anything. They already had it.

You have posted this pic before, right? and boasted about your essential status? If so I could say I "know you". Love you anyways!

Would hate to spend my time working. I could, and what I understood there would be as much work as one could do in my workplace... But I just rather see this through, focus on what's important aka post to this NIGGERFAGGOT forum.

Yes but you can't really blame the sheep for being sheep
Preppers are prepared only to live in shitty environments, they aren't prepared to rebuild


What would you expect from a guy who wears form fitting pants and white soled sneakers (like the one in your pic)?

Guys who dress like this are more feminine than masculine, so they worry and overreact to things like women do.

this, also panic buying water and toiletpaper
zero calories. nothing that keeps you alive, when supermarkets close.

yeah buying 100 cases of water is retarded. Living in a city is also retarded. If you live near natural water sources or have a spring you only need a water filter

I have been led to swallow some really really heavy pills lately and thought that I would be in such a level of enlightenment that combat and shit wouldn't matter.
But my flesh is weak. I've been put to test once and I didn't freeze but I don't think I have enough time to learn any combat skills. Tho I always see the benefit of understanding such scenario possible. I'd rather not go into fight I didn't know I could win. That's why never learned any fighting. If you only have to throw one blow, other than pure fighting (physical, shooting etc) skills can get you there as well...

Here's my Survival PDFs so you faggots can survive the coming collapse. Enjoy.

More Downloads -

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There are permaculture people that are subtle preppers and who realise that FOOD is the one most important thing to be able to produce in survival situation

they are very smart people, but technology offers advantages too, it's only people with ego/attention issues that minimize their potential greatness.

Nopreppers seething even though the conditions in China were being posted for weeks on Yas Forums before western governments chose to react. Enjoy scrambling to get a delivery time for Amazon Fresh only to get coofed on by your delivery man while I remain comfy and isolated LOL

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Are you saying people have to learn metallurgy in order to buy a knife? Or making canvas in order to buy a backpack?
You sound mostly like an NPC that thinks they’re intelligent.

Handsome bastard, I’d give you one of my famous bj’s

>water right next to adult diapers

there is just something funny about that

>no eye protection

One of those I have seen is all about keeping it as simple as possible.
Technology is not doable in a post-apocalypse scenario, as we have seen now, the distribution chains for advanced tech like solar panels is fragile as fuck
Can't rely on running water either, dig some ponds and make some swales, collect rainwater, use wood for fuel and heat, all that jazz

Man you're fucking retarded.


A prepper is a guy who goes hunting, and camping, and practicing with his gun.

A panic buyer is a guy who sees there is a crisis and buys a gun last minute.

Try to meditate, that shit is amazing
And although I don't disagree, and definitely encourage the weapon skills? don't know the name but i don't discourage it at all

Why would you need Amazon Fresh tho. My big supermarket is still open and there is enough food to feed half of Africa, don't even need to queue.

I just do one trip every couple of weeks with half-mask/goggles.

Full on prepping for this was autism-tier.

Imagine selling what comes out of the tap at a 1000% markup. Bottled water is the jew of soft drinks.

Real doomsday preppers have been living on a self sustaining homestead since January. You are talking about panic buyers.

How do I possibly sound like an NPC?

Why would you want to keep it as simple as possible though? That would only lead to boredom.

Panic buying isnt Prepping for one. If you are in the stores right now, risking infection to get water, you clearly werent "prepared" were you? Preppers finished prepping back in january and early feb. AKA they were prepared before it happened.

The crisis is in full swing, panic buying way more than you'll need is not prepping, its being a clown.

I saw my neighbor's garage just overflowing with block-and-tackles, pulleys, levers, buttons- all kinds of technology

>Here's my Survival PDFs so you faggots can survive the coming collapse
Thanks, going to check it out now!
Any tips? Do I need to memorize it all etc? how would you approach it?

never stated in my original post that i was talking about panic buyers i was linking panic buyers to preppers which might have been a mistake on my part