Lmao, probably already been posted but worth a watch.
Jews ignoring lockdown
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope the orthodox Jews in Israel spark a civil war against the Zionists.
Absolutely based.
Miki is a faggot, he's afraid to put a lock down on there UOJ
Jews are jews
No they aren't. Enjoy your civil war Likud Shill.
wait...Israeli jews are calling their own police nazi? Wut?
Orthodox Jews don't consider themsselves Israeli or Zionist.
They call everyone Nazi, we all are, I go to a store and ask the clerk if he has my favorite ice cream, he doesn't? Boom I call him a Nazi. Well you can actually get a years jail time
...I know that your pilpul usually works on twitter or whatever faggot shithole you came from but you won't convince a single person here that a Jew isn't a corrosive parasite, a fucking blight on this planet..
now if you want to post in an echo chamber where kike faggots like you jerk each other off day and night you can head over to /ptg/ and make yourself welcome..
Yes, yes they are.
>Civil war
As if Jews would ever actually fight a battle
>I hope the orthodox Jews in Israel spark a civil war against the Zionists.
Shut up Muhammed.
Every nation deserves an ethnic homeland
Including Jews.
So get fucked
Orthodox Jews aren't Israelis or Zionists. Enjoy your civil war.
They are occupying Palestinian land.
Lol someone needs to do this again
And then one day... For no particular reason... The Jews started voting Hitler into power.
>I hope these spoiled teenagers punch their mommies.
Fuck both of em, let em kill each other.
Truly a cursed land.
lmao 3:16 just listen to them scream like animals
what's the context of this?
you're right about that, but only because they stole the land. If they submit and admit their errors things would be much more peaceful in this world.
They're still Jews regardless of their sect
If there's a Jewish civil war I'd be watching it live with popcorn
They can have their ethnic homeland in Germany they were the ones that lolocausted them. Or send them to Texas and make Jewish state for them there they seem to love kike cock in their mouths. We on the other hand DON'T WANT ANY MORE KIKES IN ANY OF OUR COUNTRIES.
Ultra-orthodox Jews are based idiot. They despise faggotry, feminism and race-mixing.
It is the American leftist ashkenazi Jews who are a stain on this planet.
>Israel quarantines diseased jews in Bnei Brak. Literally Hitler. "Achtung! Seuchengefahr" ("Attention! Danger of Infection")
Imagine how Hitler's personality was shaped having to deal with them on a daily basis.
You're all welcome
I fucked that up the whole thing is gold
Good they have notoriously shitty immune systems
There's supposedly a gathering at a synogauge in my town tonight
Probably gonna get a couple friends and shoot them all with paintball guns
This but Yas Forums will continue to bitch about 90 year old billionaires and Arabs
It's all the inbreeding.
Not the brightest bunch.
>Imagine the smell
you can't really expect a jewish nose to fit into a mask
Inb4 this bitch never ever gets the virus.
"Fucking Jews." -Jews
Don't discourage them from congregating. Any other time I would say use frozen paintballs and get video
Rabbi demands Telegram, other social media remove coronavirus posts to ‘kill Jews’
Where's your God now?
If Jews are so high IQ, why do Israeli cities look like any other arab city?
Literally, let them congregate and spread it among themselves if they so chose.
There's no room for the magic herbs and spices.
top kek
Silly jews
My sides bro.
>being that big of a kike that you get banned out of your own homeland
corona is based
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Why did you write “literally” here? Take your onions this morning?
>Jews Jewing Jews
Holy Fuck
Those police are literally Hitlers! Another 6 million incoming.
it means he is speaking nothing but the truth. literally means no other way of perceiving it. that user is totally based.
if he's REALLY being totally fucking honest with you he will use caps here and there to emphasize just how correct he is.
>Literally calling the jewish israeli police nazis
The jew really does cry out in pain as he strikes
Judging by that picture I thought it was a Brazilian favela
Are those even human?
Even the homeland wreckers deserve a homeland?