Coronavirus 5G connection

What is the connection between 5G and the coronavirus?

The coronavirus is real, its just a cold/flu, but if you are old it can still kill you.

>5G link
Most of the 5G networks are 60GHz.
60GHz is strongly absorbed by oxygen.
This reduces patient oxygen capacity, so people are more likely to die from hypoxia related symptoms: acute respiratory distress, shock, arrhythmia, acute cardiac injury.
Hypoxia is normal with pneumonia and lungs filled with fluid, but a lot of deaths do not have this - dry coughs not wet coughs.

5G, lots of deaths, guess where the 5G pilot started? Wuhan.
Italy and Spain:
5G, a lot of deaths.
lots of cases, no 5G, low death rate.
crowded, polluted, many cases, no 5G, low death rate.
Cruise ships:
MedallionNet 60GHz internet, lots of deaths.

Event 201:
(((They))) literally practised for a worldwide coronavirus pandemic, but what do governments and media do when it happens for real less than a year later:
1) we have to keep borders open, muh economy, don't be racist you have to hug all chinese people, don't wear masks, ignore the deaths in other countries, don't worry about other countries going into lockdown, we don't need that here.
>Isn't that just incompetence?
Maybe, but it makes perfect sense if the media and governments are using the coronavirus to hide the number of old people who will die because of 5G:
1)They needed to keep the borders open so enough people catch the coronavirus, or they can't use the virus to hide 5G deaths.
2)They need a complete lockdown after, so people don't notice symptoms reducing away from 5G.

>so you're saying 5G causes coronavirus?
No, go back to the top and read my post again.
>so you're saying 5G is killing us?
No, it has a very slight negative effect that will only matter to the old and sick.

Attached: oxygen_60ghz_5g.jpg (425x314, 60.96K)

Other urls found in this thread: coverage map&oq=5g coverage map&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCAAQgwEyBQgAEIMBMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCABKJggXEiIwZzY1Zzc3ZzQ5ZzYzZzc3Zzg2ZzU3Zzg3ZzU5ZzU4ZzU1ShsIGBIXMGcxZzFnMWcxZzFnMWcxZzFnMWc1ZzFQowlYnS1ggjBoAnAAeACAAUyIAcQGkgECMTWYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwi64eiIic3oAhVwk-AKHUHVDg0Q4dUDCAg&uact=5

They pushed out Q17 posts for these 5G threads? Am I winning at bingo or are there all only schizo posts these days?

So are you suggesting that they chose 5G frequencies specifically because it has this effect on Oxygen? Why is this not common knowledge, and the main detractor of 5G? Why aren't independent scientists raging out on Twitter about this? Why is there silence from everyone in any sort of authority even if it would save them?

What frequencies does 5G use in the USA as it is deployed today, schizo?

>Am I winning at bingo or are there all only schizo posts these days?
Remember when they were freaking out about smart meters?

Stop asking questions, retard!

I hate you fucking schizos. If you knew anything about technology you would know that mass market 5g isn’t even close to available, to say it affects a virus on a national/even state scale is ridiculous

If 98% of the signal was absorbed by atmospheric oxygen, it wouldn't be a good communications signal, would it? If anything this 5G=cancer is BS to either shed light to or off of perhaps maybe a surveillance tracking system for a proto total police state. 60 Hz is like, what, 5x less the wavelength of your microwave, which is at ~12.5 cm? Meaning 2.5 cm. Which is enough resolution to discern people.


>What is the connection between

There isn't one.

Fucking 5G posters should get autobanned.


Being absorbed by oxygen is a feature they advertise: it means the signals don't travel too far and overlap.

No don't think they chose these frequencies on purpose, but discovered a correlation in deaths and now they have to cover it up or take down all the networks setting the surveillance project back by years.

Attached: 5g_millimeter_coverage.png (891x597, 38.46K)

This 5G nonsense is just a psyop to make us look like retards isn’t it?

Attached: A5158FFE-9F7B-42FD-A80A-2CEC822E5618.jpg (828x813, 353.58K)

>what is the connection between 5G and the Coronavirus?


Explain then why indigenous Brazilians are nt getting coronavirus. They have the best 5G in Latin America.

Forgot to add: OP picture is the percentage absorbed in O2 out of the total absorbed in the earth's atmosphere

Yes, I do believe that "5G causes coronavirus" is a psyop to discredit the very real safety concerns with 5G that I have stated in OP

take your meds

At least this is more believable than that 5G nanosand thing that was being posted a few weeks ago. I wonder if that German user got vanned or something.

>60GHz is strongly absorbed by oxygen.
>This reduces patient oxygen capacity
You're a retard. Oxygen absorbing a microwave frequency doesn't make it not oxygen.

The coronavirus is real, its just a cold/flu, but if you are old it can still kill you.

100% false people ages from 0-110 have died. Including teens and people in their 20s

Fuck off agent chang

>17 replies
Fucking SAGE this shit is so retarded. They're showing healthy people who are dead u fuckong retard.

>its not the flu on ANY LEVEL

Sage stupid fucking threads.
Also places with no 5g have deaths which 100% debunks ur fucking stupid theory.

south korea/tawain they have 5G?

Thanks for making a valid point unlike all the terrified shill in this thread.
Yes, Oxygen that absorbs a microwave frequency is still oxygen. What we don't know is how being bombarded with microwaves will affect haemoglobin or cells in the body over a period of months.

this lol

South Korea has 5G and I think has a lowish death rate, for a 5G area.
As far as I am aware, they are also the only country treating patients with hyperbaric oxygen, so it still fits with my theory.
I'll see what info can find on Taiwan 5G/deaths (if any anons know, please post what you have)

Yes we do. They're microwaves. They will cause your body to heat up, slightly. If you stand right next to a powerful microwave emitter, it will be more than slightly, and you will die. You will know if you are being negatively affected by microwaves based on whether or not you are too hot.

Say psych right now, Britbong

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Look here first.

It spread in countries that don't have 5G yet fuck off schizo

more like 5G waves over time causing severe dehydration

most covid-19 symptoms can also be symptoms of severe dehydration

hydroxychloroquine can also ameliorate symptoms of radiation poisoning

Microwave ovens are 2.45GHz and are most strongly absorbed by H2O.
60GHz is most strongly absorbed by O2.
What makes you think these will have exactly the same effect on a human body?

People are dying from bacterial infections caused by weakened immune systems and damage caused to the lungs from COVID-19.
Dry cough = COVID-19
Pneumonia & hypoxia = Bacterial infection

Lmao what a retard, 5g has proven to have zero effect on the human body. How about you open a science book or at the very least look up a video or two on the subject instead of these crazy theories you come up with.

>Oxygen absorbing a microwave frequency doesn't make it not oxygen.
It bumps it into a higher energy state.
Your microwave oven bumps water molecules into a higher energy state, causing it to boil.
What are the physiological effects of all the oxygen in blood and other cells being bumped into a higher energy state?
Possible cell death?

Imagine not understanding basic principals is electromagnetics to this level. Read a book schizo.

Because it's still well below the frequency required to have a chemical effect.
>It bumps it into a higher energy state.
For an instant, until the oxygen releases a photon.

nice damage control. hope you enjoy your shill money before we come for you

O2 inside the body is surely almost always bound to something though, thereby no longer making it O2, right? How does that affect 60GHz absorptivity? I know that even phase changes can massively influence electromagnetic absorptivity, which is why, as a well known example, ice is only a single-digit percentage as likely to absorb 2.4-2.5GHz radiation as liquid water, despite being the same molecule. It seems likely, to me, that chemical bonds may have a similar effect, though I haven't the faintest idea which direction that would influence it.

Time for meme production
make the normies burn the towers!!!
5G KillGrid is kill

make em spread em!!!

Attached: 1234567.png (984x984, 768.74K)

Listen your smooth brain retards, 60ghz will only be used for tower to tower communication so they don't have to lay fiber for every tower. The signal is sent over a very narrow beam and a person would have to purposefully figure out a way to get in get in front of a beam. This is like saying electricity is dangerous and should be illegal because a dumbass climbs a pole and grabs onto a wire
Jesus fuck this place is full of retards

sure thing moshe.

Attached: download (5).jpg (1024x768, 287.84K)

>damage control
>calling others shills
It was da JOOOS wasnt it? Its honestly pathetic how smart you guys try to portray urselfs but believe wild fantasies like the jews all have a hive mind to have world domination. It's like hearing a 5 year old coming up with a story with the bad guy being evil because hes evil. Try to apply some critical thinking please

This place has become worse than reddit

>Cruise ships:
>MedallionNet 60GHz internet, lots of deaths.
cruise ships can't have 5G you brainlet. they use slow ass satellite internet then regular wifi routers to send it. fucking moron

Lol never going to happen, your beliefs are too far fringe for anyone to take seriously. Normal people dont believe in shitler or his white supremacy nor these crazy whacked out theories that cell phone towers causes viruses. You know how dumb you sound when you think a cell phone tower creates viruses? You're basically saying these phone companies discovered how to make life out of nothing, that would be a bigger story then this crazy kill all people because of some nebulous reasons

you are a little filthy coward, that is the truth.
If the normies start burning down the towers, they destroy their phone service.
they are already on edge but if they loose their precious phones we are closer to a boogaloo.
I want to see riots
I want to see groups form
I want chaos
I want deleted shitskins in minecraft

But you are a little fag not willing to do anything scared of everything around you you trust the plan, they take your rights inch by inch.
They take your culture day by day.
But let's just cry about it on 4chins and not do anything.

>more like 5G waves over time causing severe dehydration
>most covid-19 symptoms can also be symptoms of severe dehydration
Possibly, maybe the different frequencies have different effects?
Some USA 5G is 30-40GHz which is more strongly absorbed by H2O

>>It bumps it into a higher energy state.
>For an instant, until the oxygen releases a photon.
And this will definitely not have even a tiny effect on any cell processes?

No idea about this one.


I am fairly certain that is not true.

No MedallionNet isn't 5G but its still 60GHz. Google it.

Attached: spectrum.jpg (425x272, 58.51K)

Attached: 1585862353727.png (500x306, 85.93K)

Smart meters are bullshit though.
The electric company (or anyone else) doesn't need to know "what" my electric is being used on.
As long as I pay my bill its none of their business

i googled it and theres absolutely nothing about it. it doesnt use 60 GHz at all. its fucking regular satellite internet with the brand name of MedallionNet for princess cruises. zero 5G or 60 GHz or any related bullshit on the ships yet people are dying on them. youre a fucking moron just spreading disinfo with zero proof

>mass market 5g isn’t even close to available coverage map&oq=5g coverage map&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCAAQgwEyBQgAEIMBMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCABKJggXEiIwZzY1Zzc3ZzQ5ZzYzZzc3Zzg2ZzU3Zzg3ZzU5ZzU4ZzU1ShsIGBIXMGcxZzFnMWcxZzFnMWcxZzFnMWc1ZzFQowlYnS1ggjBoAnAAeACAAUyIAcQGkgECMTWYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwi64eiIic3oAhVwk-AKHUHVDg0Q4dUDCAg&uact=5

>teh JOOOS are using smart meters to hurt me!!!

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 17.57K)

Nooo don't accelerate, that is scary.
Just be nice to everybody.

go neck yourself faggot

Attached: current.png (1000x948, 318.25K)

citation where I mentioned "DA JOOOS" in my post

Never said be nice to everyone, i think we should throw your crazy ass in a prison cell to protect society
Oh please, yall use jews as some scapegoat for everything bad that happens in your life.

Oh please, you're a moron so be quiet and let the grownups talk

>be quiet and let the grown up talk

Talk about what? How cell phone towers create virus out of nothing and infect people? It astonishes me how you people even get out of bed in the morning, the mental deficiency is staggeringly high.

Attached: brainlet-neet.png (605x459, 17.26K)

OK, I thought I found that on their website before but can't find it now.
It says they're using f the Ka-band which is 26.5-40GHz not 60GHz. It is still a 5G frequency though...

Ozone Poisoning :)

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The big issue is that 5g is making people gay. You have seen an increase in homosexuality and approval of homosexuals.

now now goy, maybe you use more electricity on non essential things like vidya, tvs, clothes dryers, we're gonna have to tax you on that

remember guys, Uncle Ted was right

You need to go back shill , dont ever come back

Yikes , cringe and bluepilled

They don’t create the virus they trigger it, we are all infected already

Anytime you wanna compare online IQ test results, say the word

You are fucking retarded.

Unlike ionizing radiation, microwaves cause damage through heat. Unless your exposure to them is literally causing your skin to burn, like with the Active Denial System, there is no chance that they are somehow affecting deeper bodily tissues, or causing amorphous 'flu' symptoms.