What goes on in /ptg/

They post like 50 threads a day, what purpose does it serve?
I looked in there and it's just anime pictures and people saying AWOO. There never seems to be any real discussion, ever.
Has ANYTHING interesting ever happened there? I don't understand why it's so active yet so dead at the same time.

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They are all based.

What started as a joke 5 years ago, some people never got over it and now take it serious. We’ve tried to stop them, but we found out it’s just like 3 retards continuously bumping and posting

It's the same autists who post the same retarded shit everyday; and if you disagree with them, they call you a shill.

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I wonder why the CCP mercilessly murdered the Chinese whistleblowers

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>HOES MAD x 24

4 more years, faggot.

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I like trump but I hate PTG. Like you say, nothing of value happens there.

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A bad joke that should have been moved to /bant/

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He doesn't know

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It was fun during the lead up to the 2016 election, I have a feeling it will either end this year or after the second term.

That said, I miss 2015-2016

You must be a newfag.

/ptg/ is the most popular general Yas Forums will ever have - I think there's been over 6,000 continuous threads so far with zero slowdown.

Keep bitching though. It just makes their existence so much sweeter

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>lowIQ leftwingers

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Amazing, isn't it?

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*Opens up /ptg/*
>It's low quality spam
Ever heard of quality over quantity?

Fuck off

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Why is that retard spamming the thread?

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i wonder why pelosi wanted to legalize voter fraud last week?

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Oh Lordy. Your cope is real.

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It's a cult. NOTHING is ever Trumps fault and they have an excuse for everything.

Trumptards are pathetic

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>6000 continuous threads since 2015/2016
Rookie numbers. /cvg/ is up to nearly 3000 in two months. Oh and there's actual discussion, not just "MAGA" "AWOO" "ANYONE WHO GOES AGAINST THE NARRATIVE IS A SHILL"

It's mostly bots.

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/cvg/ is nothing but schizo screeching and porn. it deserves to be nuked from the board.

>relevant in six months
Why are NeverTrumpers always wrong about everything?

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/ptg/ niggers get upset if you don't blindly follow their cult.

Yes, (((study))).


You guys know they get paid right?

It's literally a 24/7 advertisement for the ZOG emperor king to keep goy trapped in the kosher sandwich disguised as an organic general.

Holy fuck where do I sign up to get paid?

>anyone who disagrees is a shill/leftist/nevertrumper
I love that you can't accept that there are people on the right who criticize zion don lmao. You're still in grief stage 1. Most magapedes have moved on to bargaining.
>so what if there's higher immigration than ever and no deportations it's the DEMS fault!!

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I assume half are paid and half are Pajeet software where all that needs to be done is for Ramesh to fill out captchas incessantly

What a pathetic sack of shit. This is who I envision when I see someone say they came from /sp/

MASKCHAD detected

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They are all hillbilly welfare recipients who haven't got much thing to do but shitposting and following cuckservative shits online.
These are the same people who thought Reagan was based back in the 80s.

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/ptg/ is cancer

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>implying i ever said you cant criticize Trump
Whats it like to project your own political bootlicking subconscious onto others?

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>what goes on in /ptg/

Denying reality mostly.

Extremely accurate pic

I swear 3/4 of all shitty short replies like "OK shill", " fuck off Chang", "nice try tranny" come from these tourists.

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Its 30k not 6k

Lmao, still in denial. You're low IQ even by migatard standards. Go to /ptg/ and make some minor criticism of trump. Watch how fast they call you a shill/democrat.

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Didn't this slamhog post a picture of her asshole

Its basically pic related and a couple of boomers who copy memes to spread on facebook.

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I read that study, the guy was coping by stating that the classically liberal faction of the republicans made up for the lower intelligent social conservative republicans

now include autism and anger issues lmao
>not including the N of the survey

Paid Kushner shills.

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Reminder that the best way to MIGA is through a nigger's cock.

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>links a single study and not a meta analisys throughout a decade
this really tells you the level of Yas Forums when it comes to comprehend statistic

It's literal idiots who thought a billionaire with a gigajew son in law was going to fight off the kikes

Lmao how can you seriously look at Kushner's face and think "yeah, this guy is on my side". He looks like a reptile who stole a human skin and wears it around uncomfortably

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All these anti Trumpstein shills ITT are here to shill against one of Trumpstein's greatest achievements.

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Drumpf is tossing every boomer that voted for him in the furnace. Fuck Trump and Fuck China.

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Reminder that there is no MAGA without MIGA. MIGA means MAGA.

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America wouldn't even be here without guidance from God's Chosen People.

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Aren't you ptg boomers also anti Nazi?

>you now remember pic related

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Just went on a quick adventure there. Looks to be the exact same as the rest of this board, a bunch of dumb migatards saying nothing interesting.

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>22 posts of random leftists with some vague implication that the ZOG emperor will "do something about them"
Who the fuck does this even work on?
Literal children?

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>But we're anti NatSoc LEGALLY.

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I want to believe that was just an incredibly clever shitpost

based orange man
this triggers the nazi
face it, you'll die with israel even stronger than now :)

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It works on Yas Forums. Atleast modern nu/pol/.

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I like how this thread immediately turned into




Literally children bant with the pictures lmao

what happened that day? LMAO

>There never seems to be any real discussion, ever.
Because they have absolutely nothing to say.
It's just a cult of personality. Literally the lowest common denominators. The bottom of the barrel retards.

>still projecting 4 posts later

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it's a containment thread

This. The wh*te man was built to serve circumcised jewish cock.

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To be fair, everything of substance was already said 4 years ago. Now it’s just waiting to see if Trump wins again.

This. /ptg/ is just a bunch of Trumpniggers awoo posting

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Drag QUEENS are a-okay as long as they wear a MIGA hat while they molest children LEGALLY. That's what makes us the greatest country in the world.

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Boomers are literally dropping like flies yet they still defend le god emperor. They unironically believe Trumps stupid "deep state" joke and now they think believe Fauci isn't a real doctor and just some shill who is trying to divide the country LMAO.

Nuke China and Nuke Israel

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it’s possible, but then again, there was fairly entertaining shit like pic related happening on a regular basis kek

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Lol...shills are completely demoralized & flatlining right now...
So creatively / morally bankrupt they have resorted to countershilling /ptg/,lolllll
I just may get bored enough on lockdown to open a file on ActBlue & see who they hired in the last 90 days...
I'm getting nostalgia for the salad days of buttfucking
Ben Fischbein
Oliver Willits
& the rest of David Brocks'Booty Boiis.
>stay frosty OP, might wanna private your socials asap;)

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