Thoughts on China Uncensored and Chris Chappell?

Thoughts on China Uncensored and Chris Chappell?

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Another creatura trying to stir up an external enemy so the Pentagram can draft Whitey. No thanks.

Eceleb faggots on some glownigger's payroll

Tryhard memer, makes good point some times and has good detective journalists behind him. Could be a shit ton better channel


This sums up his channel.

Isn't he funded by the Falun Gong?

Who cares? Let these mutts and coalburners go fight their own war. Tired of their inception schemes.

CIA but sometimes right by accident.
Completely onions.

Lol, I was actually just joking, but then I looked it up, and he is funded by the Falun Gong.

my fave youtube glownigger

100% GAYOP
like the bald jewtube kike

I find his dad humor comical, but he's about as trustworthy as SouthFront.

That said, I think he's right about this.

funded by falun gong sect and has never been to China

Yes he has, he's been to Taiwan many times.




no thank you

Go shill ur channel on facebook shill, also eat shit faggot.

He has another show talking about america, he isnt a raving jew hater but has criticized israel

Based and redpilled. Fuck commies.

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He's based and fucks a really fat chink.

>Implying falun gong isn't based

China uncensored glows to the max

Never change, burgerfriend.

I like his jokes occasionally. He has good detective work on his show and does show a lot of crap that goes on in China as well as in the US.

Falun Gong stooge & CIA asset

the channel is based and glowpilled

Branch of epoch times.

China has been shittier to them than they deserve, and among cults they aren't so bad, but they're still a cult.

Chang here.
His job is to reassure Americans that China is collapsing soon. We love his work!

>Chris Chappell?
I'm confuse. The other day I read his name is Chang and, as the name implies, he would be a hapa.

It all started to make sense and now I doesn't.

Taiwan's like his home base, but has he actually been to China?

based just like serpentza

i just hate chinks a lot

I highly doubt he has stepped foot in the PRC, he's probably not allowed.

He'd probly be killed by CCP if he did get inside China

Just buy an ad, nigger.

>because the country he lives in is a saint heaven

too screechy and strident for his own good

Pretty much. I just wish he didn't try so hard to be funny, it clearly isn't his strong suit.


just another butthurt white male who couldn’t get an Asian gf

I like him.
Look at all the Beijing shills in here trying to shut him down. That's all the proof you need.

I'm pretty sure he dates a fat asian lady

He did live streaming from Hong Kong during the riots but you're right that Hong Kong is basically another country too. Can't wait for them to declare independence and finally join Taiwan in the modern era.

Looks like that Smith guy from the Matrix
the original glownigger

I'd be dissapointed if he wasn't CIA at this point

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If the US propagates the idea of the 2nd amendment as a human right around the world

buying guns will be viewd as the modern thing to do
and China with their psichology will be the first to stockpile on guns like they do now on toilet paper
thus the end of the communist party

They have had to deal with their own armed citizens and it's "thankfully" a rare situation for them

>If the US propagates the idea of the 2nd amendment as a human right around the world
The amount of potential a US world hegemony has is immense and we have failed to use any potential whatsoever

Depends on how and what exactly you try to implement

the whole world listens to the US right now
Declare the 2A as a human right and singlehandedly end communism / socialism world wide without war or battle

You try to use force people will naturally will resist and whatever you try to gain the resistance forces will only need to cause more trouble than it's worth

Also the Kikes took full advantage of all would be hegemony the US had in installing their socialist (satanist) republics world wide
China is one
the USSR was another but then Stalin kicked them out more or less

Love it. Awesome

>declare independence

Lol, never going to happen.

Taiwan has done it
I mean china doesnt respect it
but China doesnt respect Germany either so what's the deal

Taiwan hasn't done jack shit.

Even the UN is supporting the One-China policy.
It's officially a Province of China, lmao.

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He’s not bad. And fuck commies.

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Is that an actual religious sect or is that CCP propaganda?

Just like Germany is a province of Russia ...
If putin wanted he could push them and do it for the lolz

UN doesn't mean Jackshit

It's so easy for you mid europians to be surrounded by decent christians and respect each other and circle jerk each other in how easy you have
you've never really had to fight for your freedom or the lives of your nation
WWs don't count
You lost on both accounts and you are still there

Literally funded by a retarded scientology tier scam cult who tried to overthrow the CCP but played their cards too early so got BTFO'ed.
In fairness though, Falun Gong is the most fucking bizarre CIA op which makes it pretty interesting.

He's okay, but just another propaganda tube, thou it's ok because we need strong voices to mute CCP propaganda. Probably on some glowagency payroll with HATE CCP and friends™.

He's been to Hong Kong if that counts.

>Probably on some glowagency

Why problably?
They don't even hide it that they are all part of the Falungong network.


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What time is it in to Tianeman zhao? Shouldn’t you be studying math or practicing your violin rn?

Besides obvious Falun Gong.

>random nerds With zero political power who like yoga are a power bloc