How are you urban retards enjoying your quarantine lmao

How are you urban retards enjoying your quarantine lmao

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What's this in the woods?

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Fucking top

Oh you.

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>people who live in cities don't have cars that they could use to drive into nature
FYI I'm enjoying it just fine. All the niggers are off the streets in my historic neighborhood so I can pretend I'm living in 19th century Europe instead of weimerica

Kek were fucked

>Imagine having to pay rent
>Imagine having to live next to niggers
>Imagine having to listen to gun laws
>Imagine living in a plague hive
Lmao fuck citites, city posters need to be range baned.


feels good I just acquired a +2 bag of looting

suburban niggers need to be range banned for abandoning our cities to feral monkeys

op is gay but also based

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i close on some ruralish land land this month boys

the challenge was to get land that was far enough away from cities but also far enough away from vacation jews

Yeah city-dwellers, what's quarantine life like in urban areas?

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>pavement apes leaving their concrete jungles

LMAO I never lived in a fucking city and none of my ansestors did and before that we lived on the isle of fucking manx.
The fuck is a city?

My dad flew from DC to LA to pick me up and then we drove across the entire country back home together.
I'm now resting safely in a suburban home in Maryland just in time as LA goes to shit.

they seem to be staying in their neighborhoods instead of roaming around in packs nowadays.

>tfw live in shithole with Japan tier population density
>on a fucking suburb out of all places

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oh snap

I thought this lure was going to be a meme, but it's still here.

they came here in the 90ies. I don't use them anymore, but got many innland fish on those. it's rare we import lures from the us or the anglo countries, but you can even still buy this one. brass, small male pike

did they flatten the area or was it just old river bed that happened to be pretty flat from the beginning, it does create almost like a painterly view tho

and stay there

wtf from the thumbnail I thought it was a woman diving into the water

trippy af

got em

when it comes to lures, this is the flag you want

Fucking queer daddy’s boy do you not have your own driver’s license? Why tf would you make your father fly across the country to rescue you

arrest this man for manslaughter

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>Maryland is safer than LA
When did you first realize you were retarded?
Shoulda stopped in Wyoming

Based and Maryland pilled.

I'm from Maryland, but I currently live in Washington state.
I hope corona BTFOs the kikes in Pikesville, the nigs in Baltimore, all the progressive globalists faggots in and around DC.


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Looks comfy.
I just came back from a trip. Townfags can't leave their homes without sending a text message to the government and showing it to cops haha

Wyoming doesn't exist, it's just a myth. Also could someone tell that to all the fucking Texans.

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There's a river, well, actually a bigger creek, running through the valley, so I guess it's the cause for most of the flattening.

>tfw I was going to buy some land right before this went down
>got my income from oil business and that is fucked now with these prices
>tfw no land barely any income and no good prospects for the future

mah nigga

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fucking lol
this (you) is on me, burger.

>nigs in Baltimore
not all of us are nigs m8. We will be the greatest city in America again

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Kekking at your life.

Terryn Quarantino

Where do you live my guy? In the process of transferring to a 100% remote position, looking for places to move once I do.


Hypothetically, if water treatment plants went down because they were understaffed or something, you would be completely fucked. Wyoming is an arid state, with little rainfall and nothing but barren fields and mountains. I don't want to be stuck somewhere like that, least of all during a national emergency.

That's a North American Bigfeet

Mepps Aglia is pretty much my go to Lure for trout around here.

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i wish my fishing spots were that desolate. it's the spring striper run and now all these people are out of work so even weekdays the beaches here are packed. i have a kayak but everyone with a boat is social distancing on one so i don't want to deal with that.
in short, it sucks

OP just blown the fuck up, kek

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This post is literally bait.

The problem with wyoming is that every NEET incel wants to move there, so the gender balance is fucked up due to lack of women

I have some good memories at that part. Getting high with friends, drinking beer. Last time I was there (a little over two years ago) I found $65 on the ground.

Parts of Wyoming have the ogallala aquifer im sure most land owners have their own water wells.

There is no bait on that lure.

unless you live and work on a farm you aren't rural. You probably live in some particle board shitbox conveniently located less than five miles from your local Walmart and Arby's.

I do intend to finish a small shelter up there soon.

Which is just even more insulting. He could have atleast put a trap on there for us.

Oh shit. Bravo lad

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However, it's still far from being done yet.

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same. Had my first kiss on one of the benches. Been going there since I was five years old with parents + siblings. I'll fucking die before I abandon this place

What's the timeline on that?

that's a spinner, and yeah those are good for trout.

for bigger ones we use what's called a spoon(skje), it works sorta similarly. it's basically a big curved metal thing, with a bit of line after it and then a hook

That river looks fantastic. Lovely tea color to it.

Going fly fishing tomorrow.

doesn't matter. Even if it's 200 years from now. It'll still happen

Cityfags are pathetic.

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>it works sorta similarly
well no it wiggles back and forth it doesn't spin

Fuck cityfags

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Actually it's pretty comfy lol.. I have a trampoline and a ghetto home gym. Learning me some calculus and getting in shape while I eat better because of rationing to make sure my food lasts 6 months or so. I get to do what I want, when I want. I've caught up on so many things. Until riots start this is comffffy with a capital COMFORT

Nigger, are you seriously trying to get them to move in next door? Erase this post. Never talk again.

fucking kek

fly fishing even.that's pretty fun

I rarely do that my self. it's been ages since last time, so long I'm not even sure where my pole is

Nice. Went yesterday, it was amazing.

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eat a dick city fags

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My province banned fishing as part of the lockdown measures

how the hell is a trampoline going to catch a fish

fucking tourist!

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I suck at fishing but rapala is best

Oh it matters alright. Personally, I wouldn't hold my breath on it not sucking, let alone being the greatest city in america.

Power bait my nigguh

>cherry picked rural view
>ignores pic related spammed five miles away

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rofl what gay province was that?

I false-flag as Native and nobody gives me trouble when I run around innawoods. Just exercising my natural rights, officer.

I don't consider myself racist, but

I'm glad I live in a white area far from big cities. From what I've heard, black areas are going to absolute shit. People walking into stores and casually looting.

Things are going to get nasty when folks don't get their gibs.

Fuck you I didn't choose to grow up in a city. It's practically impossible to go live in the country once you're here. It's like a fucking prison.

>flag Puerto Rico
>not realizing Puerto Rico is a US territory and therefore Puerto Ricans can legally move next door to you as they are already considered US citizens
Retarded Yas Forumsddit magapedes.

gonna die of Bearonavirus

our white neighborhoods are already the greatest. Once the niggers get pushed out to the suburbs or die off from corona we will be undisputed

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Nova Scotia

the same way i enjoy every day.

I never catch anything with lures--spoons, spinners, crankbait. Feels bad

Bears are bros, it's those giant cats you have to watch out for.

That's Europe. Everyone packed into dense cities that abruptly turn into countryside. Odds are you are in a dense city.

if that was nunavut, you are going to have riot... in the tundra... where nobody sees it

in greenland they knew how to handle this
>it's lockdown
>illegal to travel between settlements
>only fishing and hunting is permissible reasons to leave town

but ffs they are going all nazi on beer there, that is regular beer you can still buy the light beer ones. But they are arresting people for selling regular beer, just today they seized 50 beers, it's all over the news see

Don't believe me?
The police have seized 50 beers in greenland mate

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Is that central oregon

Fuckin hell, LUL

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Looks comfy

It's fine because I have real hobbies. It sucks that the weather is getting nicer and we can't go outside, though

>pose heroically for
>fly across country on empty plane at a bargain price
>spend a week beating the shit out of a rental car with your boy roadtripping across magnificent country with gas prices at historic lows
You utter retard, the boy didn't make his dad come pick him up. His dad made the boy wait for him.

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I mean, 90% of the population of Greenland is alcoholic, so this is either a good thing or the beginning of societal collapse.


NZ the same. no tramping or fishing or surfing. Shameful display.

I'm great at fishing and it's all because of Rapala

How do you get good at fishing when you didn't start until 30 years old

That's retarded. Why? Social distancing is pretty much guaranteed if you go fishing in some remote area. Seriously, retarded.

Nothing has changed for them. They are still desk chair champions.

European type "dense" cities are still better than american suburban hellholes that are just neverending soulless urban sprawl and soulless downtown CBD, and you spend your life between your mcmansion, your car, and your office cubicle.
Most americans live in such horrible cities.
Lucky you if you live out in the country.
But at least our cities have some soul.

I have rapala lures & still never catch shit

How locked down are you? I'm in a low density suburb area. We are technically "locked down", but we can still go out for walks. I see people playing tennis, just no groups of 10+. There is about 1/3 of the usual traffic.

Also I meant that because for someone who grew up in the country it's impossible to really get into country life. You can't get work there, you need a lot of money and know-how to build a farm, and so on.
If I were loaded with fuck you money I'd live in a cottage in the country.

Fuck that, kiwi. Go fishing anyway and also throw tea in the harbor

>who grew up in the country