Why were there so many Webms of chinks but none of westerners?

How come in December there were a bunch of webms exposing the virus but now that the virus has hit the west we have nothing. I'll post my chink webms.

Attached: 1581402683075.webm (1020x576, 2.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1581406792217.webm (320x556, 957.99K)

Attached: 1580580727192.webm (320x556, 404.85K)


because the virus is a media jew hoax and doesnt exist

perhaps they just have more cameras in public places
after all, unlike west, they can manufacture the cameras

Attached: 1581406892949.webm (212x360, 2.85M)

Oh nein das is beschimpfugen kommentaren. Go back inside retard.

Attached: 1581306427224.webm (444x960, 1.78M)

Attached: 1581406486540.webm (368x640, 2.13M)

Attached: chink maimes dog.webm (476x720, 1.47M)

It's almost like the videos you're posting are unsourced. Kinda like they aren't even of the coronavirus pandemic. You know, sorta like how you just accepted them as fact immediately without any evidence whatsoever.

Can you fuck off with the demonic shit. Everyone knows about it and I don't want to see such atrocities.

Attached: 1581406991065.webm (304x640, 2.72M)

>make chink webm thread
>get all pissy when anons post chink webms

Attached: chinks butchering cow.webm (204x360, 187.94K)

So you think they're fakes ? Why wouldn't there be video footage though?

>not a camera

The thread is about why there's no western coverage of corona u niglet

I totally thought this was the Hillary vid where they chuck her like a side of beef, but edited to make Secret Service in Hazmat suits. I was thoroughly convinced that I was looking at a great fake for a split second before realizing it was China and a similar angle.

What exactly is happening here?

>the Hillary vid where they chuck her like a side of beef

Attached: Hillary911van.webm (700x700, 2.78M)

is nerve gas

I don't care if they're bug people, that's fucking adorable. tfw no chink mummy to swaddle me in shrink wrap during the plague

Nobody said fake. They are real, but with no timestamp source or context they could've happened long time ago or be unrelated to coronavirus
Also chinks record everything. In 2019 the US had 38k deaths from car accidents. How many videos of those car accidents can you find from your country? Probably just a couple

It was posted during the time corona was big in Wuhan and webms were being posted supposedly as evidence of the pandemic. It could either be corona frying his brain or unrelated seizure idk. Time stamp if you believe it's unaltered shows its when corona was over there

Attached: 1580581210858.webm (480x600, 2.23M)

No this is now a chink webm thread
ITT we post chink webms

Attached: chink construction.webm (480x480, 715.56K)

I know right? What gives?

>It could either be corona frying his brain
lol no it couldn't, what the fuck are you talking about? it's a respiratory disease

He probably read one of those threads where they were claiming that it hides in your brain stem for a while and then comes back and attacks your nervous system

lol im convinced the scandis left in their nations are the cucks and fagtards that didnt make it going viking. if you haven't seen people dropping like sacks of potatoes you haven't been watching this. they could be passing out from lack of oxygen or it could be viral encephalitis like rumors are saying it is resulting from covid.

A: Viral illness is often accompanied by fever as well as symptoms like fatigue, body aches, headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms and others, and this will depend on the type of virus. Fever is a symptom which has been described with COVID-19. Fever can lead to a decreased seizure threshold and may trigger an increase in seizures. It is important to make sure you have a plan in place for managing breakthrough seizures.


Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 14K)

Why do you have this shit? Do you get off on it or something, make your own thread for this shit.


He's mentally deranged

Oh just maybe chinese lied to scare you into thinking this flu is super deadly? Is it your first day on the internet?

It's so weird you guys already know chinese are dishonest commies, yet you believe everything they tell you cause it just has to be true.

did you even watch the vid, you fucking retard? he's having a seizure, he didn't drop like a sack. his body is spazzing out
do you have any proof of corona making this happen? we have a million worldwide cases, why isn't this documented?

Fevers literally trigger seizures idk why people are so upset over it

??? That's what I'm asking in the thread?? If we had "evidence" of corona hitting Wuhan why isn't there similar evidence of the west being hit?

lol touched a nerve? i wasnt even referring to that video and again you're looking like more of a fucking idiot because you're talking about this virus like you know something but haven't seen chinks falling over for months. we tried to warn you.

Attached: 1585340278582.jpg (1784x1200, 471.29K)

Why is this even upsetting at all I don't understand? Remember this vid?


>Why do you have this shit?
Why are you such whiny faggot?

Attached: Chinks Boil Rats Alive.webm (368x640, 2.95M)

Memeflags never disappoint in being comeplete garbage beings

Are they prepping food or something?

Im genuienly intrigued by this.

this degenerate hapooner has been spreading fake news about corona for weeks

this board gets worse by the day
Maybe it makes it easier to get the skin off I guess?
Or does that only work with tomatoes?

Attached: chink eating bird.webm (480x640, 2.39M)

I don't think we will ever fucking know the truth. Maybe China is the one who did their own "Project Zephyr" and all posts freaking out about that shit are actually ChiCom 5th columns, doing the classic China tactic of accusing you of what they are doing.


These are people collapsing from the first trial of the CV19 vaccine.
There are no rules on trials over on CCP or they ignore it.
The vaccines first trial will 100% kill more people. So be very careful.
The vaccine will be ok when it's full proof but not in the testing trials.
People lined up to get "shots" and "injections" in Wuhan at its peak. So yes, the vaccine must have killed thousands.

that guy is so fucking dead

Kek that dude in the back is fucked, check out the giant tear.
Suit integrity = 0.00

Bigger question is how were these all recorded with webm cameras. They aren't even popular with consumers.

Really makes you think

Are they just taking a dead body away or what,?

here is a webm with an american in it's habitat

Attached: americun.webm (1052x592, 2.43M)


>dont worry we are the doctors

The narrative is that it was a fever induced seizure.

it's "americanism" not an american, but the deutsch have been taking a lot of cia bbc and have been transformed, isn't it beautiful!?

Attached: whiter than you 1.jpg (1367x1526, 252.08K)

Same with Ecuador. A number of videos on Twitter showing dead people in the streets and body bags filling hospitals...

that person is german

seizure, bro after head trauma gets similar each few months; guy probably wake up few minutes later

there had to be something unusual about the virus, otherwise how would you notice that it was a slightly different type of flu?
this was the first thing we saw in the west - chinks keeling over out of the blue
after the "novel strain" was identified and everyone started testing, the public collapses were no longer required - and they stopped
did it happen even once outside of china?

Based. Keep posting my man.

Attached: chink skinning animal.webm (466x358, 2.93M)

because westerners aren't chinks, chang

Because they're all recycled shit from the past decade re-contextualized as Corona related. As for why so many exist - China is a police state that records absolutely everything, while simultaneously being a country that sprouted from extreme poverty into wealthy gains. So a lot of really really stupid impoverished people are working jobs they really aren't qualified for, so make stupid mistakes.

Also their health standards are fucking abysmal. I'm staying with my gf's family during the lockdown. They came from China like 30 years ago but still have old stupid habits. They leave leftover food out on the counter for like 2 days straight and offer me some as if it was freshly cooked. I reject their hospitality and her father ends up gobbling up the old contaminated food like nothing because he refuses to let food go to waste. There's moldy cheese in the fridge, when I pointed it out and was about to toss it, her father said it's still good because cheese lasts a long time...he scraped off the mold with a spoon and ate the entire block. I told him that's not how mold works - the visible part only a portion of it, but once mold starts growing it's definitely spread throughout but its spores are too small to see by the naked eye...He said it's fine because the cheese is expired milk anyway...

They cook a bone broth but then just leave it on the stovetop with no flame for days because "it gets more flavor when it's cooled down." And they cut raw meats on the same cutting board as the veggies they're serving for the same meal.

I'm just glad my gf is American born and doesn't follow their poor food handling standards.

jesus christ! this shit just broke me :( I wish I can beat the shit out of that piece of human garbage.

Attached: 1584980002454.jpg (1024x763, 124.95K)


Attached: china 56.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

Chinks falsely believe that different kinds of animals have different medicinal properties, and that those properties are stronger when the animal is fresher.
It's primitive animism.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is anything but medicine.

>when the gore is too much for mexico

The virus is manufactured. Here is a video of super fever incinerating a plant worker when he gets exposed to the atmosphere enriched with virus particles that super infected him. He just burned up instantly.

Attached: 1579150941468.webm (640x360, 202.35K)

Is he a famous actor or something, shit looks really fake, like most of the webms here.

your gf is a subhuman

Attached: chink eats bat.webm (640x360, 1.76M)

cant your fucking country pressure them into stop this shit? jesus, this is the worst shit ever, worse than jews and niggers combined.

Attached: 1585346332583.jpg (700x547, 53.85K)

this video stood the test of time, actually she looks even worse now. never noticed back in 2016 that she was already propped up on that post. weekend at hilldog's was the best.


That's what I call her in the bedroom before strangling the shit out of her and filling her cunt up like a balloon. But if anyone else calls her that to my face I'll knock their teeth out.

a defenceless dog is a innocent being, beheading a traitor or an enemy is easier to watch than this.

Attached: 1585599399647.jpg (700x923, 474.9K)

Rumors are founded in some sort of truth.
Ever hear of hammering a nail into a fruit bearing tree days before the harvest? Stressing it out causes it to send chemical signals to its fruit, which eaters of the fruit interpret as added flavor, it's part of us being part of the environment together, one letting the other know that something is wrong in the environment. It's just the more vicious people, like jews, drink blood of children while chocking them. Or others who torture animals before killing them. Chemical messaging changes the taste of the matter. Stress gives more flavor.
Although this can be done withotu torture, such as forcing the animal to fast 72 hours.

Attached: china 24.webm (360x392, 2.5M)