


Attached: 85173380-3CDB-457E-BB7C-41AE84B83F87.jpg (640x445, 184.21K)

top fucking kek

regardless of his opinions, you cannot force him to take medications. that is his decision

They just wanted to draw blood for a coof test

you can put a bullet in his head for free, in fact, i'd be happy to volunteer.

Muh freedum

you cant compel someone in the usa to do a medcial intervention unless it was some retard denying their kid life saving medicine/procedure or something like that. the guy is in his rights whether or not hes being irrational. however they said deemed medically unfit to make decisions. I dont know why they did that but in non cucked states you can only do that if they are seriously about to kill themselves or someone else/to that degree of intensity.
>take this medical test to confirm you have the right to speak publicly cant have diseden- er crazies speaking in public ;^)
let the fucker die if he wants and do research on him

>let the fucker die if he wants and do research on him
except the fucker will continue hanging outside and infect other people, a bullet to the head is much cheaper and safer.

Why do you care? You sound scared.

Shouldnt those people be inside?

Also there's not even enough tests to find out the total amount of infected. The numbers we have a fraction of the real numbers. Who cares about one guy? Virus isnt disappearing untim vaccines and herd immunity.

Nowhere in the video do the nurses say they are explicitly testing him for covid19

This seems like he was in for a drug test or something maybe due to probation. Without his name to check his rap sheet we cant know.

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I agree
Let's shoot all the Jews breaking quarantine too

I dont blame him at all. The test doesn't require an injection. It requires a nose swab.

90% of how the U.S. operates is secrets in the shadows and the dumbing down of it’s people. You reap what you sow.

i'm really not, i just think these people deserve to die.

>Shouldnt those people be inside?
but they aren't, deniers don't want to be inside, they are essentially stupid and will keep touching things and infecting people, they deserve a bullet.

He's a based patriot resisting the deep state

he should've murdered everyone in that room

>go to hospital for help
>"ok user, we need a blood sample to know how to help you"

Im glad corona is purifying the world from the american mutt stupidity

I like the fat guy who shows up. He cant even fit into his scrubs

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>you cant compel someone in the usa to do a medcial intervention
Yes you can if the patient is a danger to themselves and others, which a potentially infected person who's uncooperative very much is.

it's a cops

my favorite part

"how do you know I'm sick if you haven't tested me"

get the fuck out of here retard, watch the first 10 seconds of the video and its obvious its about covid 19.

Attached: FEMA PHONE ALERT(3).png (1275x1650, 1.65M)

> almost 20 minutes long.

Yea, fuck that.

this whole video is fake nonsense. especially when he starts crying like a baby at the end


What a bitch. He was so scared of that needle.

>im not sick bro

Why you come here?

>i felt sick
>Shit needa change bro

Optics video production. Faker (((and gayer))) than those shitty isis videos burning people alive with their Hollywood production values. C'non Yas Forums, not all of you are boomer tier.

this is why people wont take lolbertarianism seriously

At some point you have to be a team player and help the herd.

then get the invalid out of hte fucking hospital
>convicted felon pissing his pants at the end of the video

we should mandatorily euthanize these people in prisons

of course he has no shirt on

>the absolute state of

For patients not covered by health insurance, a kidney transplant typically costs up to $260,000 or more total for the pre-transplant screening, donor matching, surgery, post-surgical care and the first six months of drugs. Afterward, it costs about $17,000 a year for anti-rejection drugs.

>Yes you can if the patient is a danger to themselves and others, which a potentially infected person who's uncooperative very much is.
thats a fair point, Ive never seen it done. but if that were the case then what was the bit about him being unfit to make medical decisions, they cant have it both ways. do the coof test but they need to have explicit authority, I guess in this situation they do but the guy is right about not being able to be compelled otherwise. lots of lds refuse blood transfusions and die and its their belief system and the drs have to let them refuse it

occam's razor

They are holding him there against his will. There is no law that gives them the right to do that.

it is not stated anywhere by the staff that he came in for the test only.

He keeps coofing during the video. Consent goes out the window at that point.

>why'd you come here
>because i felt sick
>refuses treatment

this guys a fucking idiot

the absolute state of Muttica health system, it wouldn't happen in France and in most of Europe.

You wouldn’t do shit you soap dodging french keyboard warrior

Is that Harambe?

Attached: 2020-04-03 13_02_49-Conspiracy theorist refuses test for COVID-19, denies it exists & fights with ho.png (165x171, 43.42K)

>im not COOF sick
>yall owe me
yeah they have reason

He's right

>first words in headline are "Conspiracy theorist"
Yeah, this is a totally legit virus pandemic - you can tell by how rational the media is being.

A noble introvert would never disgrace himself like this.

Attached: 5_25_bede.jpg (200x233, 13.33K)

Fake and gay
>Poisoning the well

well, you're right, i wouldn't go to a third world country like AmeriKKKa anyway.
enjoy your 200 000 to 300 000 minimum deaths btw.

Attached: AFrenchchampagnetoast.png (1194x895, 1001.32K)

If he's not sick, why the FUCK did he go to the hospital?

Shut the fuk up you raging stupid faget he voluntarily walked himself in there so suck my f****** dick you stupid Mongoloid f***

Delusional /r/the_donald refugees need to get the fuck off Yas Forums and go shit on some other site

The more of these incidents I see, the more I distance myself from this "clown world", as many of the neets have referred to it.

so is this it? Yas Forums has succombed to relentless jewish shitposting?

there should be a test to let you use the internet. Some people can't handle it and think everything they read is real instead of satire.

that youtube channel isnt some news media site. its some guy who posts videos of Sovereign Citizens

>he boldly says while Africans fuck his wife

kys you actual retard

Maybe he was dragged there by police suspecting he was sick, or acting on a tip from some snitch.

oh look its the internet police
>hey stop making Yas Forums look dumb

He has rights

self censorship is a sin. you have to go back

Yes, because the very platform it's posted on isn't uses for social engineering. Next you're going to tell me the cards in Texas hold em are only the value printed on the card and do not change based on the hand your dealt as well.

But I'd expect nothing less from someone who has zero integrity.

Absolute unit

>i..it's his decision
Narrow minded mutt speaks

they can't do that... they can force you to remain at home as I understood but not drag you to a hospital, he must have entered voluntarily

>you cannot force him to take medications.
Most civilized countries have the option of using compulsory medical treatment if you are a potential danger to others.
Muh freedumbz