The only thing Europeans had over Africans were potatoes

The only thing Europeans had over Africans were potatoes.

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Why are the Irish pretending to be African niggers instead of bogniggers?

But the Frank people came from Troy? This is very small brain.

Cope harder faggot

They ARE niggers. They would have ruled the world, had the white devil not stolen their potato with their tricknology.

and an IQ over 50

wait a second, the potato is from the Americas...

>forgetting the IQ over 100 bit

White people had x
WE had Z

Maybe if you spent a fraction of the amount of time researching and experimentation as you did bitch and gripe, your race would have actually achieved SOMETHING of accomplishment.

pic related is an african potato. fuck off nigger.

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The potato is from Peru.

Now wait a minute...

pretty sure the potato was imported to europe after it already was full of globe spanning empires


Belarus masterplan

Boil'em, mash'em, stick'em in a stew.

Blacks got different potatoes.
God dam muritard education.
One is sweet

>White people bad because
rolls dice

Here's the link since OP is a colossal faggot.

another month another cope

Look at me, We the natiwz now!


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Thank you, potato-chan!

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Potatoes have only been part of the diet for a few hundred years, they are not an evolutionary human food. Wild potatoes will literally kill you. In south american tribes they dip wild potatoes in CLAY in order to neutralise the anti-nutrients in them otherwise its so toxic it can kill you in one meal.

When Europe was great English would juat sail to China and bombard their cities till they pleaded for a deal.
Only one who acted this way untill recently is America and that is partly why it became a superpower.

Potatoes were imported into Europe from America. There's also some weird type of potatoe that grows in Africa too.
Up until corn and potatoes were imported the main crop was wheat, which absolutely sucks in terms of nutrition per square foot of land.
So if anything, Europeans were at a disadvantage for most of our history.

Ducking ignorant know-it-alls like you should be sterilized.
> potatoes were domesticated approximately 7,000–10,000 years ago

Even the argument being made in the article doesn’t make sense, because to get access to the potato Europeans had to discover and exploit America. If you said that the discovery of the Americas was responsible for Europe’s domination, then you’d be saying the same thing as the article. But god forbid anything that isn’t pure happenstance be attributed to Europe’s rise.

We also didn't eat each other like barbaric animals.

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yeah it came from the globe spanning empire fueled by potatoes before evil white men stole their potato tech

that's some insanely hard cope

Potatoes are not from Europe

The article is just about how the potato saved Europe, nothing bad in it. Stop being such little fucking divas. You are worse than the leftists.

Potatoes are from South America

How aren't we living in a world dominated by south Americans?

Reminds me of when the German settlers of Namibia got there and were initially disappointed that it was too dry to plant wheat for bread and the natives were like "yeah exactly, that's why we're starving". But the Germans just used the African cassava that grew everywhere to make bread, and a lot of African Germans even preferred it since it was very light tasting and a perfect vessel for honey and jams. It fed millions of Africans until the nigs took the nation back and let the crops rot due to mismanagement and are back to starving.

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Aren't potatoes a garbage crop in terms of caloric density?

WHAT? are you really this clueless. The potato is better in virtually everyway than the old world staple foods. More calories, more vitamin C, less labor, easy farming. The potato is arguably the greatest crop for humans in colder climates.

also complete protein.

The global dominance of white people is thanks to their determination in advancing the art of sailing and recording the topography of the world.

Very high in B6, iron, potassium, vitamin C and Magnesium

Obviously. Thousands of them willing to pile up and use gunpowder.

thank mr potat

Kek that’s hilarious. Reminds me of my South African buddy’s story. They used to have great citrus plantations in SA, very profitable. However, the kangs took over and needed firewood so they burned down the Nazi lime trees. Now no money or firewood

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Potatoes don't even originate from Europe. They're from South America.

fugg forgot I had a meme flag on

Don't forget that wheat is also not native to Europe, it was introduced from the middle east like most crops grown in Europe prior to Columbus.
Europe had turnips and salsify (bet most of you have never heard of salsify because it is historically insignificant, not even recognized by spellcheck)
Asia had wheat, barley, rye, oats, rice, pears, apples, citrus, olives, spices, tea, peaches, and many more
Africa had teff, pearl millet, sorghum, African rice, fonio (makes quinoa look like boxed white rice), African potato (member of the mint family), yams, coffee, and many more
Americas had potatoes, corn, peppers, tomatoes, chocolate, vanilla, wild rice, sumpweed, and many more

Also low levels of phytic acid. Other starches are higher and this inhibits nutrient absorption when levels are high.

indeed IDAHO is the most powerful state in the world

lmfao. the absolute state of "journalism."


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Mental health & neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.

Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feels Guy,MD, PhD.

Every five or so threads created on the board witnesses one discussing Negroes, and even threads with nothing pertaining to them will usually have an user who feels it necessary to drag them into the discourse.Behind all the hate; the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone"sheeit" comics,gifs,demotivational pics,and webms -Yas Forumsusers secretly have a grudging respect,bordering on admiration,for the Negro.Although if one were to ask them directly,they would vehemently deny the claim with all the passion of a demure,besotted teenager.

The nature of their fixation?The raw brass confident masculinity they possess which is quickly compared to feral animals,and yet at the same time acknowledged is what women truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.The intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical endeavor.The amazing sense of rhythm they naturally seem to possess,derisively likened to ape gesticulations,and yet is oh so majestic to witness and enthusiastically imitated.

Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a prodigious protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and BLACKED generates anger and solemn disdain.For,to the Yas Forumsyp,where the Asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness;for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that, of all the races of men,it is the Negro whose virile masculinity has become a meme that literally cannot be completed with?
Based on our assessment Dr. Wojack and I have concluded that Yas Forums is a board populated with manic depressive autistic schizoid individuals afflicted with a Jungian-Pavlovian psycho-pathological Negro-complex.

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Europoors never had their own food. Every "staple" European food is from somewhere else
>bread is from near-east
>potato is from Peru
>tomato is from South America
>kidney beans are from Peru
>corn is from Mexico
>apples came from Central Asia
The only thing they can claim for themselves is cabbage

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idaho sucks dont move here nigger faggots

Nice bait, faggot.
Unironically kill yourself.

>The Evil black doctor Yakub stole the cash crop, the potato, from his melanin-rich kinsmen
>With the almighty potato, the White Devils aggressively asserted control over the geoplains and conquered and enslaved the passive and diplomatic ethnic groups
>God's Chosen tried to make peace, but the pale monkeys only responded with bloodshed
>Had the ebony people still have the supreme spud, such events wouldn't have unfolded

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nice argument moron

Comes from Israel. Europeans mostly survived off of hunting and fishing.

>The potato is better in virtually everyway than the old world staple foods.
Yes, that is why tribal natives in the Americas would have been so much larger than the Romans right?

Potatolets can suck my dick.

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You misspelled civilization

But the classical world is all pre-potato.

>nothing to eat
>still conquers the world

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