Chinese 5g towers being burned down in the UK

Chinese 5g towers being burned down in the UK

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Other urls found in this thread: dangers

so friggin stupid!!! i hope they get put in prisons where they have to eat bugs for breakfast lunch and dinner (obviously against islamic beliefs, so muslims will still get real food)!!

but why doesn thave 5g high bandwith?

>America seizing masks from germany
>British burning Chinese towers
The Anglo is waking up
When do the others make their moves?

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Based as fuck, I hope this happens worldwide.

Agreed, fuck chinks

rise up Anglo chads

Based. It's only a matter of time before this becomes a worldwide trend.

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This needs to be memed
Alongside ID Chips and any other technological medium for control

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>burning your own phone towers you already paid for to own the chinks
now the phone operators have to buy new towers from the chinks
great job lol

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not funny nor ok

Proper bong that one.

Indeed, rise up!

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you don't understand anything about 5th generation warfare, and it shows


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this is what 5g does to hamsters, it's ebin

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>1 tower burning
it's a thing!
at least have more than one video if this is true.

4th generation warfare... 5th columns bro.

Here you go faggot

any proof 5g towers are bad? trusted studies?

yeah but wheres the lie

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not to slide but in all seriousness wtf

no it's not that I know of 5g related, but they are alive and well... and deflated... I found this just a few days ago

good' fuck the 5g,,
they are not building that network for humans, it's for surveillance, drones and fucking your body up

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Who cares if they "have" to put towers back up?
Keep burning the towers.

Chinese are responsible for most historical pandemics.

Peepol doownt want eeit

I thought the bongs invented English why can't they speak it ?

Every midwestern white kid I've ever met was either gay, trans and a furry.
Dude in minnesota would get fucked by black dudes on tinder or something. But apparently it's a genetic thing since they all descended from swedish people. Another was a socialist furry living in illinois that would argue the government should pay for his HRTs. Masterrace I guess.

I’m west coast. Northern California, Sierra Nevada region.
This is so true that it hurts me. You don’t know how many people I see on a daily basis who actually look like this in the cities where I work. I don’t know what’s wrong with them.

stupid shitskins ruin everything

Study, plan, execute. Come on now.

What about the West?
Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, Idaho...what about us?

read and find it yourself, just dont waste your time using google dangers

What's 5g

the chinese make money selling new towers, this is only helping them

>M-Midwest is gay
Whatever you say Hafrican

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5 senses removed, goy

i miss him bro

The money is fake, printed from thin air. Doesn't mean anything.

Afraid not, fren

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Based and Schizo-pilled.

Whatever you say sven

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Why are schizos never satisfied? 5G is literally harmless.

no one knows

they're all melted...

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Is not like they have unlimited resources

Based and redpilled but how can you even get close enough without getting brain damage from the 5g tower?


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get shit on chinks

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fuck jews and niggers

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sacrifices must be made comrade

>He thinks Im Swedish

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okay cool the majority of these results are saying studies are inconclusive but err on the side of 5g having no noticeable harmful effects

case closed for now, schizos go home

What fucking retards.
Do they not realise those towers have been since in testing since 2019 and nobody died.
This is what happens when the goyim are dumbed down enough to serf consumer goys with their education in gender studies; and no math, or science.


>We're rolling out 5G in during 2019. Check coverage at

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Since when did Brits have bigger balls than Americans?



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Why you stealing are masks and not bombing the shit out of the EU parliaments.

If you killed every single fucker in the EU parliaments Europe would worship your ass for saveing use from worst dictatorship on this earth that has ever been seen

reap what you sow

You did hear we just took over 200,000 masks that were supposed to go to germany for ourselves right?


>Why you stealing are masks and not bombing the shit out of the EU parliaments.
Cause youre on the otherside of the ocean. Not our job until our dear old dad Britain says its time to do something

>burning down comm towers
ayyyyy lmao
yes yes please burn them all down, just be kind to tell the neighboring country when the last one falls so they can invade you

>memeflaggot spreading lies

in the thread it comes from they said "they deflate"

that this is a normal hamster thing. I have never seen it before but I guess it's what they do inside their house. It's like with mouse I guess, they can squeeze them selves in the smallest of places, probably doing this

They aren't burning them because they're Huawei towers though, they're burning them because they think the lizard people are use the towers as uplink stations for their space lasers to beam chemtrails directly into your body.

none of the pussies at 3M(Americans) or their distributors(Americans) had the balls to stop them. They got as far as Thailand

show flag kike

I guess you are right.

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