Its okay because he is (((Administration))), your Grandfathers and Grandmothers will just have to die goyim, WE HAVE TO PROTECT THE JEWISH COMMUNITY.
Its okay because he is (((Administration))), your Grandfathers and Grandmothers will just have to die goyim, WE HAVE TO PROTECT THE JEWISH COMMUNITY.
Other urls found in this thread:
typical, he's not even wheeling it, getting tyrone to do the heavy lifting
Nurse bitch lol
When the joo stops the skinny black lady from taking the box when he’s loading it you can see the demon expression on his face
I used to think you guys where crazy about this Jew shit. After seeing their behavior after this virus panic, I can proudly say I no longer trust Jews and they must be kicked out of all our countries
Pure evil
Of course it's always gotta be rabbi Shekleburg
someone tweet this to Trump.
>tweet this to trump
He’ll get pardoned like he Pardoned Rabaskin
Also tweet this with it to show how they hate black people.
This is literally theft. Those supplies are coming from the US government and he is stealing them.
Look a thieving Jew with his Nigger Golem.
Fucking lol every single time
I'm ethnically Jewish and I agree
"NOW ON ALL THINGS CONSIDERED: How an innocent man is horribly accused by white supremacists of STEALING much needed masks from a nursing home"
And now this
heh hes probably paying that nigger on the left 1 dollar an hour
>muh Trump administration
>the minister of elf
Haha jews are so cartoonishly evil its hilarious at this point.
>fucking over old Jewish Boomers and niggers to save young Jews
Pretty based desu
The Chabad are afraid to die, and with good reason. They will all burn.
>typical, he's not even wheeling it, getting tyrone to do the heavy lifting
Looks like they are going back to their roots of how they treat black people.
>he thinks They put their old jews in homes
Those are you and your neighbors grandparents.
>deliver PPE to all retirement homes
>then withdraw them
Trump is King Jew.
I am so fucking tired of kikes. There really needs to be some sort of solution to this.
It's Regalcare in Greenwich CT. The CEO is Eli Mirlis. He's an Orthodox Jew I believe.
Huh, he's still wearing his yamulke, this means he acknowledges his imaginary god watching from above, and therefore he sees absolutely NOTHING wrong in his deed.
Well, not that infinity transgressions against the human race haven't already condemned the yehudim to be eradicated, but, you know.
It's the little things that matter.
>>he thinks They put their old jews in homes
>Those are you and your neighbors grandparents.
Yes, exactly. They're taking the masks to give to people of their own kind.
G*ds chosen are above the goyim. Have some respect
everyone of you with a twitter acc should be pointing out this mans race
>Those are you and your neighbors grandparents.
Most of my neighbors are gooks so they're already dead
>everyone of you with a twitter acc should be pointing out this mans race
No. At least don't do it blatantly. People's "antisemitism" programming will kick in. Ask a question or something that makes them come to the conclusion on their own.
sad pedophiles they are
Oh look at that, A license plate...
call the FBI. They take calls for shit like this to act on. I'm calling the Greenwich mayor now
The FBI will likely deliver them to Israel themselves.
Crisis allows for critical, extreme social views to permeate and solidify. Be as anti Jew as you feel is necessary.
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:
Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country
Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:
Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers
Waking up
>"No dont point out the obvious"
okay jew
He probably owns the facility and is packing up masks to distribute among his tribe.
Fucking always, when will niggers smarten the fuck up?!?!?
So kick yourself out? Go live in Israel the containment country.
>>"No dont point out the obvious"
>okay jew
Point it out without saying "Oh look it's a Jew" dumbass. Subtlety works you autistic fuck.
>I agree
Then why don't you leave?
The regular flu that everybody gets every year is a coronavirus. Every year it kills hundreds of thousands around the world.
Not a surprise.
Subtly is for fags. Explicit, autistic cataloguing is ideal.
Subtlety is only required when some amount of coaxing necessary, this video doesn’t need any of that, it’s a Jew walking out of a nursing home with all the masks and putting them in his trunk.
>Point it out without saying "Oh look it's a Jew"
He will pardon them and give them free money and additional masks to fight the antisemitism created int his incident
>Point it out without saying "Oh look it's a Jew"
No. No need for subtly. Call a spade a spade
the closest apostles of jesus were jews; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good
Yeah, it's called SARS and MERS, both of which were prior coronavirus strains.
This is like if a new serious ebola strain started wiping out people and someone posted a story
oh now Yas Forums loves niggers? You don't know the whole story. there is probably a really good reason they are taking the masks. and who cares if some nigger nurses get sick.
Spoken like a Christcuck
fuck off chaim
He's going to die from his underlying health condition
Look what I found.
Anyone else getting tired of Jewish shenanigans?