Do they talk about politics? Philosophy? State of the country? When men aren’t around or participating, what do women talk about?
What do women talk about when men aren’t around?
Their feelings and their bodies. Being completely serious.
men, food, other women, tv shows, sometimes politics
Their love for satan and mortal sin
mostly they discuss their vagina problems, then it goes to breast problems, then it goes to kid problems then it goes to men hating that's about it
Usually about other people.
boring meaningless shit
The most banal bullshit imaginable
I've mostly had male friends so I'm not sure. One on one conversations with people of both genders tend to be about life stuff and interests, but I've never interacted with a group of female friends in my life.
Who is fat
Who is a slut
Whose bf is a loser
in that order
t. never touched a woman
They laugh at incels.
>imagine talking about politics and philosophy to your mates
lmao fucking nerd
Chad, Tyrone, themselves, celebrities
The pros and cons of coffee
I've touched too many, this is the problem...
Can confirm though, en masse they don't critically think outside of work
How long their pet dog’s dongs are
>"Ugh, I can't stop farting. This diet totally sucks."
Themselves, shit they dreamt about, other women and their lives, their relationships, their kids, shopping..absolutely nothing of substance ever
Their feelings, most of which involve hatred and anger for other wormen.
Virgin detected.
And other people. They sit around and pry into others lifes to se what the herd is doing and if they are on top of their game. i herd Rebecca got a new dresss fuck that bitch sally lets get dresses ok linda. Hay rebecca come over girl and look at our nice shit
That was fast
you know
being a slut goes both ways
not learning to lead meaningful, strong, long and loving relationships where you learned to compromise and work together will fuck you over in ways you can't even imagine and will never accept to be true (statistically) blaming the other, just like the rest of the cunts
it's a skill that can never be learned if there's years experience full of the opposite
Instagram. They talk about Instagram.
literally dicks and self improvement nonsense
I don't get the appeal of animal style fries at In-n-Out. I get the fries are bland as fuck normally, but you can still just get the burger without any fries at all. Hell, the burger itself isn't that bad for you, it's cheap protein if you're in a hurry after a workout. I used to do McDoubles pretty regularly after hitting the gym in the middle of the week. The fries offer you nothing at all, and In-n-Out's animal fries get real soggy real fast.
>What do women talk about when men aren’t around?
Can you losers please fuck off and die somewhere?
Seriously, dont you get tired of being so constantly hateful and bitter towards women?
Every single day, multiple times per day, incels feel this incessant need to post negative things towards women.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE, if you stopped being hateful and started treating women as, jeez I dont know, HUMANS, you might find a woman who gives you the time of day?
Pic related, my face when you losers rage over women for the umpteenth time in a row
They talk about other people.
>gossip about other women
>talk shit about woman who is with guy you like
>talk shit about any woman prettier or smarter than them
>talk shit about any woman uglier or stupider than them
>celebrity gossip
>gossip about which women are whores and who has most recently stolen someone's man
>gossip about guys and their dicks
>trick you into watching porn then laugh about it
>makeup you bought, then talk shit about women who aren't good at makeup
>if there is someone in the friend group with a good relationship, talk shit about their husband and tell the girl how much he "doesn't appreciate her"
>if they are a mom group, talk about how great your own kids are, gossip about the children of women you don't like
>tell you how pretty you are and then tell you about how fucked up you look
I don't have friends who are women anymore.
>tl;dr A bunch of bullshit with no substance
This desu. itt teenagers and single children
Nice cope roastie
Have you ever fucked a woman? Because if you spend the night together she wakes up wanting to talk about make up and shoes like a fucking toddler.
>responding to forced meme shills
Complain about other women, their bfs/husbands and nails/hair/if they gained or lost weight etc with seamless transitions, with no direction or conclusion on any topic in between. The goal isn't to find solutions, it's just to show off or complain
their hair
Thy fail the Bechdel test, i.e. they talk about men.
The people around them. Women are community builders. When they are young it can be a bit gossipy, but as they get older it’s more about what’s going on with other people and who needs help. Also, stuff about parenting issues and homemaking. Women should never have gone into the workforce
transgender woman here. we talk about pretty much the same things men do. don't act like millennial men are less gossipy and catty
Sex, men they hate, friends who've "wronged them", celebrities and more sex. Without exception your gf/wife tells her female friends every single detail of your lovelife.
Males have such tiny pea brains LMAO.
She got her fries animal style and her double-double protein style. She understands in-n-out's hidden menu items well.
This it’s all they talk and think about
Dicks we've done and dicks we want.
Seriously tho, friends, life, movies, going out. You know, stuff you talk about because we're HUMAN BEINGS.
Other people and current events, just like the 99.99% of dudes who arent shut-in autists.
it's a secret
rule #1 is to NEVER tell boys
About their friends, problems with female colleagues/bosses, shoes, nail polish, children, complain about boyfriends, sexual stuff, husbands, parents having health issues, food, bags.
T. SIMPson
I like to think of my wife as an intelligent woman, she reads constantly, she can beat me in debates, and she has some pretty reasonable interest.
When she is with other women she becomes dumber than a fucking stump.
Women have no interest socially.
Oh I forgot
>your reproductive system to a ridiculous degree
>compare bodies
>complain about your own body in a way that solicits compliments and reassurances from the friend group
I could go on. I have years and years and years of putting up with this bullshit.
This and ghosts
They shit talk other women or men, or they brag about the accomplishments of people in their family to other women
its all just prattling about social stuff
Unironically they just parrot stupid shit they see on Twitter and repeat meaningless platitudes. Occasionally they’ll talk about hot guys but only if they’re very comfortable around the girl so they aren’t perceived as a slut, funnily enough when one girl leaves the group the rest immediately talk about how much they hate her. Women are evil but it’s a really boring and predictable evil unless they’ve been sexually abused, in which case it’s a chaotic evil
Tbf most of these guys in spite of all the talk generally will give a woman the time of day to prove they're not like that. It's just that people tend to speak in generalizations because it's easier. I mostly have male friends and in my experience even guys who "hate women" are generally actually really sweet and just don't like being stepped all over by entitled narcissistic cunts.
spoken like a true cunt, go fuck yourself bitch.... yawn...
Yes this it’s 90% gossip 5% how are you doing updates and 5% chad talk anybody care to weigh in with their theory?
>talking to woman
>in 2020
This poster is a chink:
>roastie has the audacity to assert its "humanity"
So they talked about you?
Yep. It's a drive to protect and build the community but idiots brush it off as "gossip" not realizing that a woman who can SUCCESSFULLY navigate social systems would make a great wife and mother. Do ya'll really want a woman who's just a genderswap of yourself?
women aren't humans....
>What do women talk about when men aren’t around?
They would be talking about important things, if they weren't living in chutzpah world.
Greet the ADL for me.
You can post BBC diatribe all you want.
You will not unhang Leo Frank.
Leo Frank who we hung instead of the two black guys he wanted to take the fall for him.
It's such an old thing now, but the assblasting it caused in jews still rings fresh today.
How does it feel that a precious yehudim and his all star jewish defense team lost against two niggers.
How does that feel, Shmul? How does it feel to look at Frank dangling from a rope with his neck broken.
Ohhh, to think how he must have pleaded and squirmed before the drop.
I wish I could have been there.
hey bro, good bait pasta
it was tasty even if it was reheated
They talk about which man has the most money and how they can trap him.
Imagine the smell... O-of the food of course!
theyre normal people retard. They talk about girl shit, (clothes, youtubers, music, friends, etc). Just like guys talk about videogames, random shit, etc. Yas Forums idiots never interact with girls, and then act like they understand them. Women can be a pain in the ass sometimes and I don't understand their logic sometimes, but fundamentally they are the same as you and me
From what I have seen it is shopping. like OMG NEW SALE ON PANTIES etc
Bad stuff about women not present
General gossip
Passive aggressive “compliments” that are actually dead serious insults
Trying to brag about who’s boyfriend is the tallest, richest, handsomest, strongest, most virile, coolest, highest status, most exciting, etc.
Complaining about EVERYTHING but not actually wanting a solution to the fun drama
t. Boss of mostly female branch
Having spent time in and around a sorority house for near two years, this stuff is all true with shades of nuance. It’s like a different brain language, like Spanish and Portuguese trying to communicate
ITT: losers guessing what women discuss.
Maybe if you were hot you'd have experience and wouldnt need to guess. Spoiler: its the same shit u guys talk about.
Based on the people in this thread, they literally don’t understand that. There view of women is created and molded by propaganda and media. You can tell none of them actually talk to women. Its like hearing someone parrot something they heard elsewhere.
No original thoughts in this thread. Just a bunch of followers reciting incel takes they read on Reddit.
Who cares, faggot.
Women discussing politics:
>"Vox said...."
>"Did you hear about that innocent black guy that got shot"
>"So empowering"
>"Muh body muh choice"
each other. all they do is gossip and talk shit about each other. any other answer shows that you dont actually know anything about women
Don't need to touch one to hear one.
From what I've seen : mostly about men, also about sex, periods, contraception, make up, nails, travelling, holidays, progressive tv shows, celebrities, feminism...
tl;dr : the most stupid shit you could imagine
99% of women don't have any other mode other than
goals that are just selfish things that they have no concept of how to work for, get or maintain and want someone else to provide them and then get bored of them and set new "goals"
there women solved
your fucking welcome
huge waste of time i know
like this thread
social media
she cute desu senpai
Imagine being such a genetic dead end you can’t reproduce. You have failed thousands of your ancestors.
Depends on the women.
They talk shit about everyone. Literally that's all they fucking do. Even if they are talking about new ideas for a company, it's because they are changing something because they hate someone. It's never for the company. They're retarded children.
hey bro i heard they are gonna start playing muslim prayer over the radio in KEKistan
hahaha your country is done