Uhhhh, hello? Based Department?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I've seen bad things boo hooo hoo!
>Yeah, I've never experienced hardship myself, and my parents always gave me everything I ever wanted, but we're gonna burn down the system! GRRRRR!

He licked the boot AGAIN

America's a free country you german faggot. You can be forgiven for not knowing what freedom is, but I and every other red blooded American can tell you that Bernie people are the biggest crybabies on earth

It is pretty depressing to live in a world that has just gotten objectively worse year after year.

kecked and checked

True, but Bernie Sanders is not the cure.

But is that person still for immigration? Because, if so, they still haven't fully accepted a major issue.

>mass shootings barely make the news
well, at least the glut of nigger pray-and-spray attacks on block parties and football games do

No hell no.

fucking cringe

> Mass shootings barely make the news
They shouldn't

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Lmao @ Bernie fags thinking they know what real hardship is.

Well, he's not wrong, he just doesn't realize that every problem on his list other than mass shootings is DIRECTLY caused by Israel....


tick tock boomer

>I've watched towers fall. I've seen war start and never end.
Stfu idiot, my great grandma went through world war 2 and isn't complaining and asking for Bernie to get into power. Hell, it would be the last guy she'd want especially when she lived through a time where communism took half the fucking world.

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>I've seen bad stuff
>Now I want to line people up against the wall and shoot them en masse

>this bitch unironically thinks he has a thousand yard stare

if its a revolution he wants ill be the first to shoot him

this person doesn't have the stomach for a revolution. they want mommy and daddy gov to make them feel safe and give them free shit when they ask nicely for it. simple as that, this person is a fucking dweeb

kys commie cuck Bernie ain't winning shit

Fuck off schlomo

You wanna fight? You’ll get a fucking fight.

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And his name, was alpert einstein

>Mass shootings barely make the news

>H-here's how Bernie can still win, right guys?? Haha..

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Speak for yourself. L.a is becoming the cyber punk shithole it was destined to be at an accelerated rate.

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Ya pretty based and im 32 and feel very similar

During times of social decay and turmoil, the more responsible members of a society will nearly always be found supporting the constituted authority against the hostile or rebellious actions of disruptive elements. For the truly responsible and prudent citizen takes the long view, and he sees (in the words of the Founding Fathers) that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; that, however grievous may be the defects in any governmental policy or even in any system of government, it is nearly always preferable to tolerate those defects and to work for reform rather than to destroy the system.

Most injustices and evils on the part of a government are, after all, tolerable, but the absence of order is not. Not only is order an indispensable prerequisite for any form of society and for all human progress, but life itself cannot long continue in its absence.

Western man has been guided in his upward struggle throughout the millennia by an inherent will-to-order. It is an essential aspect of our racial soul. To many, then, it seems natural that the best racial elements of our society should be the champions of law and order, while the worst elements should be the principal proponents of disorder, revolution, and chaos.

Yet, as with most things, there are limits beyond which blind support of governmental authority ceases to be a virtue and becomes instead an evil.

The great question of our day is: How much corruption must be tolerated for the sake of order? When have things gone so far that reform of the System is no longer feasible and revolution becomes the responsible alternative? Where should the line be drawn?

>mass shootings barely make the news
only if the shooter is brown.

Fuck up and make something of yourself. Quit using societal events as an excuse for your bs. The only revolution that needs to happen is an interpersonal one where you do something usefull like Bill Gates minus the eugenics.

>no u

In times of record profits and record low taxes tax payers and future generations are once again left holding the bill for billion dollar corporations. I would bail them out and nationalize them until they paid back the country and tax payers.

fuck off commie shill

nice post and digits

So you're saying there comes a time when the operation of the machine become so odious...

So do it faget, lol.

Anything which brings down kike golem mutts is fine to me

You first, faggot. Go be a jew somewhere else.

Go on and spill your blood then, don’t wait for the coof. Our kind is being purged by virus and cultural
reprogramming. The revolution is ongoing and the result will be no more of (((you)))

These commie retards always talk about wanting a revolution. I guess they're waiting for someone else to start it?

>Cringe: The Post

Can't wait for Bernie to drop out lmao

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The US is run under a system of slavery and tyranny. The people have no real representation, no say over resources, no say over decisions. They aren't part of the country, they are the last to know. You have to beg for jobs and homes and give authority to your boss who can fire you at any time. There's no security. Communities have let millions fall through the cracks, and no one seems to care about whether others succeed or fail.
It's not functioning for many at the moment.
People have been lied to by the government, media, and churches for decades, and there never seems to be any justice, just more bailouts for the rich.

>asked me to bailout corporations

Well i guess its worth it to nosedive the entire world to make LA more interesting


Nobody but greatest generation knows hardship in the first world.

Bernie doubled down on praising far left autocrats. Maybe the reason he's losing is because nobody likes "bootlickers"

Same. Except I'm a white man that doesn't hate himself.

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Says the guy who probably supports an entire political movement off being a bunch of cry babies.
>waahhhh china is better at business then us wahhhhh.
>wahhhh the Mexicans work harder then us wahhhh
>wahhhh canadian dairy farmers are smarter then ours wahhhhh.

Fucking americans.

>Yet, as with most things, there are limits beyond which blind support of governmental authority ceases to be a virtue and becomes instead an evil.
>The great question of our day is: How much corruption must be tolerated for the sake of order? When have things gone so far that reform of the System is no longer feasible and revolution becomes the responsible alternative? Where should the line be drawn?

The next part of what you quoted gives voice to the reason of when: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Freedom is a judeo Masonic enlightenment meme for faggots.

Booooootlicker seething

>bad things happened in the past so you can't complain about anything being wrong now
fuck off

Anyone who uses the phrase "bootlicker" lacks sufficient intellectual substance to be eligible to have an opinion.

Try proffering an actual argument instead of parroting nonsense buzzwords you saw some other autist post online.

The boomers gave China our business. And they'll hire a Mexican regardless of the quality of his work, because much like China, he's cheap.


Wow, you're completely devoid of substance

Then you should have voted Ron Paul, faggit

Do you prefer CEO Goldstein's cock holster?

>MUH Grandma walked through WW2
What harships did she endure?
Waiting a few months for her husband while he chilled in Europe and watched Soviets and Brits fighting the Nazis?

Among racially conscious Americans there is widespread awareness of the destructive role of the System, but an equally widespread paralysis of the will where any remedy is concerned. Part of the fault lies in the fact that with Blacks and Jewish liberals and the spoiled, hairy brats of the Establishment shouting for a revolution, everyone else is inclined to regard revolution as a dirty word. To most mature and thoughtful patriots it is an abomination.

We keep looking for easier ways. But there aren’t any easy ways. Maybe there were 70 years ago, but not today. It is no longer possible to cure the System by Constitutional methods.

The line has been crossed.

The governmental structure which our forefathers built up to serve and protect us has been turned against us. Its strength is no longer our security but our peril. Its weaknesses are no longer our misfortune but our opportunity.

We do not need to reason with the monster; we need to put a bullet into its brain and hammer a stake through its heart. If that means blood and chaos and battling the alien enemy from house to house in burning cities throughout our land--then, by God, it is better that we get on with it now than later. If “responsible” citizens have no stomach for it, then the task must fall to our radicalized youth.

Your 'President' has spent the last four years blaming everyone else for his failures.

You literally dont have a leg to stand on

Iceland said fuck off and survived. How about that?

>t. English teaching cuck

Having to clean up after Germans ruined the world for the second time in a century


Still as relevant now as it was in 1976, if not more so.

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shut up shit skin


Fucking retarded.

>30 years old.
Get off twatter
Almost like they create jobs
>Mass shootings barely make the news
What do you watch, Cartoon Network?
>Worried about insurance during CV
Two things can happen at once
Just a lazy fag

So if a reasonable marker for action be a despotic state, what then is the sound measure of despotism?

>Cleaned up
You mean earning the profits for entering a war that others have already won and portraying America as the hero lol

What failures? Post examples or I won't Belize you.

Jokes on you, my brown french moroccan criend

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As a conservative, I am against socialism. Therefore, I disagree with a lot of policies like medicare for all, UBI, etc. However, I do agree with stopping socialism for the rich. That's one thing that conservatives and liberals should agree on.

Being against socialism for the rich doesn't imply that one is in favor of socialism for the poor. I don't want ANY socialism! How can it be that so many people run around saying they support free market capitalism and then support this crap?

The neocon mantra must be "Taxation is theft... unless you give it to someone richer than me"

this guy sounds like a real keyboard revolutionary
>yes, I do want a revolution...just not a big one..I dont wanna get fired from my job

Do you think a more centralized and more powerful government will fix that?