How do we protect white women?

How do we protect white women?

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Who cares rabbi, simping over a womans vag is why you lost

By not lifting a finger if they get assaulted, raped, or accosted.

If they want the collective protections of the white males of their society, they can submit and defer to them.

basically this

if they want protection, time to learn their place and identify their real enemies.

Let them rot.

>How do we protect white women?
Behead all yehudim, they are the ones race baiting ever since Leo Frank of Bnai Brith was hanged by an all white judge, jury and persecution instead of the two blacks he wanted to take the fall for him.

This extreme assblasting, of hanging a precious jew over "two savage negroes" caused the ADL of Bnai Brith to be created, and since jews love 'fitting punishments', they have put whitey against blacky, and vice versa ever since.

Every contemporary racial issue between whites and nonwhites are caused by this, even if it's behind a thousand corners.

Therefore the only step required is to get rid of all the race baiting semites and their demagoguery.

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Why? What have white women done to get such a privilege?

White flight

I would say they gave birth to you, but you're a Romanian.

And my mother is a left wing feminists, that believes we are all equal and should not discriminate. So fuck her too.

Why should we? They vote to bring them in

Let them get blacked, they dug their own grave. The west is finished.

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holy shit that picture is so hot
where is it from?

Attached: k2-_17d2b998-c9b7-469a-858b-3de999d54a30.v1.jpg (800x800, 60.27K)

Stop letting them vote

I'm not in to incest myself, but I'm not going to insult another man's culture

Why should we? They're the ones who wanted countries to be diverse shitholes, let them deal with the repercussions.

It was just a way of phrasing I am not in the type of porn that keeps being made in USA that promotes family "bonding" and sexual relationship.

You don't. Make shit worse for them. Then they'll come to the conclusion they fucked up and ethno-nationalist patriarchy is the only way.

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zionist demoralization attempt sage

Import less brown men into your country?

They are more apt to submit to their rapist. Women are the opposite of a rational creature. The answer, I hate to admit it, it to prove that we are more dominant than the ones literally raping and assaulting our women. Women are the prize for conquering a tribe. If we aren't willing to prove that we are more dominant than them (in our own territory for fucks sake), they will gravitate to the nonwhites as they would (rightfully) sense that the nonwhites are going to be the victorious group. If you're married and think it doesnt apply to you, well it most certainly will apply to your kids.

fuck that looks tasty
ugh I wish I could have a beautiful petite blonde shit logs in my mouth
I'm going to cut myself now and let the open wound burn and rot for a bit
see you guys later..

we protect them by not letting them vote

Id fuck her ass

only protect the ones that do something to indicate they may be worth protecting. don't protect any white women you suspect will go right back to virtue signalling or feminist bullshit. those are the ones that need to learn a lesson the hard way.

systematically purge non Whites.

slide thread

what's going on here?

Cucked and pussy opinion.

If I saw a non-white fucking around with a white I would step in. If you don't you're apart of the problem, white people have no sense of unity because of you beta fags. They're more likely to in-group if you show them their groups.

I was seriously wondering the same thing, looks like it’s just a stock image though. It’s hot as long as she gets rescued by a white guy and the shitskins get end up with a black eye and some missing teeth.

Arm them, teach them how to defend themselves. White women are the most independent types, they rarely accept protection.

Good times. Thanks for playing.

Chastity belts

This mentality is the reason why right wing people always loose.

Why aren’t they grabbing her ass and pussy?

Looks like they are just admiring her hair, which is adorable :)

You’re a great person.


Fuck shills.

Strength in numbers #.

uhhhh hello? based department?

Touching another individual at intentionally at all should be illegal, so should cat-calling. They’re harassing her. It’s creepy.

i touch every blonde tourist girls hair and they dont do anything. they just laugh.

>white “males”

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You’re a creep. They’re laughing because they’re nervous. Leave them alone weirdo.

So many women would benefit from buying a fucking gun. They want a level-playing field and a gun gives that to them.

Sure you’d big guy

You just sound like a hopeless individual frustrated with life.

We can't because they're the ones opening the city walls to the invaders. All you can do is send them to Africa and the Middle East to die.

i cant help it.

>it’s creepy
cringe, you are talking like a retarded feminist bimbo,faggot

Why would they submit to a lazy and inactive group of men? They're more likely to submit to the rapist

Touch their pussy too

Grab them by the pussy like trump does

They're not stronger you mutt.
They have police protection and white cucks like you defend them.
If niggers lovers got the rope niggers wouldn't exist.

Toid delta levels sank so low the needle broke off.
They're now at critical simping.

I have almost this exact model- 629 classic .44mag.

internet white knight

Stroking out?

This honestly.

Protecting women from the consequences of their actions is what has exacerbated many of the issues facing the west at the current time.

Attached: GasTheRoastiesGenderWarNow.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

We kill them, then nobody can hurt them anymore

There is some truth to this.

teach them to suck shitskin dick and they'll be fine

you simply don't, white women voted for this

From what?

Evolutionary neo-trad movement with a church based on its principles. Make it fashionable and women will return to their evolutionary role.

Because you’re a subhuman. Literally, what separates you from an animal? Even animals know how to exert more self-control.

And you’re just using ad hominem buzzwords to cover up how creepy the tendencies you agree with are.