Nasim memorial thread

Two years ago today she was taken from us.

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Other urls found in this thread:!aNUnHZxQ!UCLQFkYD9fAN4QY7ni_9WQ

Where is all her stuff archived? I remember a bunch of servers having photos and others having some of her videos

Here is some of it. There is more out there though.!aNUnHZxQ!UCLQFkYD9fAN4QY7ni_9WQ

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playlist of archived vids

This place is lost, don't even try.
Rip in peace Mother

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>taken from us
more like she was given to us

Queen Nasim is eternal.

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brave enough to boog up, too compassionate to murder

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NYC bump

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Epic thread.
Let's get comfy boys.

the day pol officially ded

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Earth Angel!

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into the trash she goes

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Memes aside, does anyone have any info or redpills on the relationship between YouTube and Nasim? I have heard rumors of some sort of coverup or misinfo, but I can't imagine what YouTube would be hiding.


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>Two years ago

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shit i screwed up thats not the playlist

We are one with the dream

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She was too kind for this world

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is that her original work or did someone remix it?

She's still working her magic, should consider this a happy day.
It commemorates her ascension.

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i love her, lads

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Dictatorship exists in all countries but with different tactics!


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It's her original work, It even got on Iranian television.
Just wish I had a version with better quality. You can hear a snippet with better quiality in this video.

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God damn Persian women are unstable. In this country I’ve met a total of 3, the first overdosed on heroin out of “nowhere”, the second was in and out of hospitals for chronic health issues, third was insecure and had to cling to an explicitly white dude to boost up apparently low esteem. The meds meme applies to many people, and ethnic isolation definitely makes them needed in many damaged minds

Explicitly meaning she’d repeat around me and my circle “I only date white guys” - many such cases!

inb4 t.

Why are shitty Russian propagandists posting these Nasim slide threads constantly?

its a shame
she could have been successful if she just kept at it

russian propagandist here, ama
beep boop

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It's her anniversary you dumb fuck

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I always thought she was hot, but then I have a tendency to fall for crazy.

Respect. She stuck to her guns. Literally.

Dictatorship exists in all countries but with different tactics!

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I saw someone describe this particular kind of autist as having soft, neotenous facial features with hawk eyes. Thought that was a decent description.

Whoever sold her a gun should be proud.

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"Dictatorship exists in all countries but with different tactics!"

did you see her physique? honestly makes me question my skepticism about vegans.

that was all regarding the tranny storyline which I think was bullshit.
the real story may be that MbS was there that day heh...
Vegas shooting 2.0 nearly avoided.

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Did that woman ever smile? It would seem as if she always had worn that ice cold face all the time. Is there any clip of her smiling?

Persians are like Russians they do not smile in photos.
It is thought of as making one look dumb. It kinda makes sense honestly.
This applies more to portraits than informal photos of course.

she looked freakish but I'm more likely to believe she was an alien than a tranny.
Also sexual dimorphism isn't always 100% or 0%, look at Jews for example their women look manly and their men looks feminine. Persians have some of that sometimes I'm sure, it relates to inbreeding.

Dictatorships exist in all countries but with different tactics!

her physique, bruh are you retarded? she's built like an emaciated teenage girl.

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She was earning a living of youtube but they suddenly started messing with her channel, silencing her message of veganism and costing her her livlihood.
She was only making pennies on videos with hundreds of thousands of views.
Her exercise videos got age restricted for being to sexual.
Her videos were no longer being reccomended by youtube.
She tryed multiple times to contact youtube but she was never able to talk to an actual person. All she got were automatic email replies that ware not even relevant to what she was trying to ask them about.
She appereantly had an argument with her father before the event. We can only speculate what it was about but she definitely not in a good place.

It's hard to find sources on her since she has been memory holed but here are some that might give an insight into what was happening.

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she had a dancer's body and if you knew anything about dance you'd know those muscles are stronger than gymrat muscles.

It’s a man

>This place is lost, don't even try.
Best advice ever to the tranny lovers.
He killed himself over money and you fags worship him.

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>faceapp watermark
I have that pic too, it was doctored sadly.

I don't think we will ever find an actual pic of nasim ever truly smiling.

old thread from last night

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>anyone who won't fuck me is a tranny!

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Don't forget, her bday is April 5th, that's in 2 days

She died for us.

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