This document explains that George Soros knew that this pandemic was coming. He along with officials in the Federal government,the MSM, Bill Gates and even Dr Fauci were all in on it.

The level of corruption is huge. George Soros was part of the effort to spread the Corona Virus in China.

This was an anti Chinese plot to cause Martial Law in the United States and at the same time cause turmoil and trade in China.

Attached: download (22).jpg (225x225, 7.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

niggla i aint clickalackin ditty-ditty-dat

Hmmm. Well bump for interest. I've hated fauci since the early 2000s when I learned about his role in aids profiteering, he'd a fucking snake and this wouldn't surprise me given any of those names.

Attached: 1522265096988.jpg (905x499, 90.85K)

>omg it was the jews that did this goys

....omg no way. I would have never suspected it was the jews yet again

Attached: 1584283794637.gif (200x200, 1.34M)

i aint clicking that shit nigga


Take your prescribed medications, Steven.


Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 11.96K)

This is now a Daisy Hogg thread

Attached: 7C86C7DA-2654-4934-BCF0-111B906A72E4.jpg (472x461, 28.01K)

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Make infographs of the relevant info

You don't even have to download the pdf
It's literally accessible on the internet
It already is on an infograph

We've known that since January you fucking newfags.


not clicking that shit faggot.

But now you have "sources" that you can spread to normal people outside of Yas Forums and have it make sense to them


The post is super effective
The shills are out tonight

some of our(serbian) based real opposition on youtube has been telling us this for months, seems like we are really finally catching up on with the world in the right sense

We did it, goys
We now have a reason to nuke the US once and for all
And it was all thanks to the jew who did this

I love Daisy


you go ahead and click that then ya douchecanoe

we prefer clicksnackalacka

I am the OP you fucking idiot

Corona Virus has officially been proven 100% FAKE and GAY.

The virus is a cover for the Jewish Elite to take more control of our governments worldwide. NPC, simps, and Shills have easily fallen to the FAKE and GAY propaganda of the common flu.

>This proves they truly are correctly labeled as GOYIM by Jews.

This link has been known to instantly kill Corona Virus Shill General Thread creators because they are dumb as fuck, just like this entire stupid hoax.

>The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

This proves 100% that Corona Virus pandemic is a FAKE and GAY hoax.

Attached: Stop Shilling Corona Virus its fake.jpg (980x552, 222K)

you need to lurk moar, and there is zero chance I'm clicking that.
Make legible png's and post them.

>Corona Virus has officially been proven 100% FAKE and GAY.
nah I hear it's legit Legionnaires' disease

why are you talking to yourself

I must have clicked the wrong poster


This thread is being slid hard

No one is "sliding" your thread retard
It's just that no one wants to open a random pdf you retarded niggerfaggot

Attached: op is a faggot.jpg (700x700, 77.38K)

The annotations don't line up at all with what Soros is saying. You're just taking his words and making shit up with it.

Attached: 1559086495983.jpg (350x347, 24.6K)

The annotations line up pretty well

Take your meds

also take your meds a second time, one is not enough for you. sage

in the meantime, anyone looked this shit over yet? will it just go away?

Attached: fuuuuck.png (1920x1080, 421.2K)

It's not a clickable link, but, may I ask why you're afraid of going to that link to see what's in the PDF?

Are you computer illiterate?

I'll believe it only if Soros and Gates win big by shorting the market.

Also this document looks fake as fuck. It looks like it was a schizoposter trying their hardest not to sound like a schizoposter.

Attached: 1574964456769.png (650x663, 435.04K)

being educated in Ohio makes you dangerous, I knew it

Ohio is based

Attached: buckeyes.jpg (826x620, 62.03K)

>being this new

Been here for years. I genuinely don't understand the fear of going to a URL, unless some of you don't understand how to protect yourself online.

Soros wrote an anti China article was that moment I began to suspect he was involved in this.

Yes yes over 9,000!!!! Proxies


Attached: 1570824197291.jpg (851x853, 93.28K)

>Be 2020
>Major Corporation CEO's Be Like See Ya #ApocolypticVacation
>Everyone Else Naive Sets Life Goals; Gotta Be Perfect
>Need to set NWO in place
>Agenda: Create Worldwide Panic and Mass Hysteria
>Coronavirus and Vaccine Created Already In Lab
>Release it in the Public in Random Big Cities Around the World
>Government Tells Everyone to Stay Home and Isolate
>Social Media gets eerily quiet
>Fake News
>Nothing to See Here Folks
>Go Play Video Games
>Turn on 5G Towers; Make People Not Feel So Well
>Recall Test Kits Even Though Nothing Wrong With Them
>Insert New Test Kits to Infect the Public with Covid-19 (Herp Derp)
>People Getting Tested with Roullette Testing Kits; Some Real, Some Fake, Some Give you the Virus, Others Don't
>Virus Starts to Create Panic As it Spreads
>5G Towers Increasing Watts to Make More People Sick
>More People Go to ER; Get Tested with Dummy Kits and Become Infected
>Earth Needs a Savior
>Bill Gates Has Solution with ID2020 and Vaccine
>Issue In World Government
>Hurr Durr Barcode/Chip so you can be scanned wherever you go
>Can't Get Vaccine without it.
>ID2020 Mandatory Now; Can't Eat or Get Money Without It.
>Public Says No to Mark of teh Beast
>Marshal Law Put in Place
>Take Mark or Be Killed
>Mass Suicides Everywhere
>Civil Wars Start Everywhere
>People Are Hungry
>People Start Taking Barcode to Eat, Work, and Live
>5G now scans you to know where you are at all times
>Everyone is a Depressed and Lonely Number As Self Isolation Continues
>Noone Remembers Earthquakes Around Yosemite
>Yosemite Blows It's Top
>Mass Death Everywhere
>Wars and Rumors of Wars Everywhere On Earth
>Christians Be Like Told Ya So

Attached: 1585089930033m.jpg (612x1024, 109.05K)

Attached: 1585894066580m.jpg (1024x672, 206.4K)

yea he did it
what u gon' do bout it faggot

I've got the link here

>>Noone Remembers Earthquakes Around Yosemite
>>Yosemite Blows It's Top

fucking retard.

When in doubt always blame the jews. Even if they aren't immediately recognizable. In retrospect 99.9% of the time it'll all lead back to the jew and his loyal band of shabbos goys.

Attached: aiEJH[1].gif (500x275, 763.46K)

Where is this from? Source

Attached: 1583754052088.png (646x595, 280.01K)

Someone may want to watch all clips of Pompeo on covid19, photohelix while on awaken saints yt showed a clip of pompeo during the daily briefing saying "We're in a live exercise" then Trump whispers "I wish u wouldve told us" weird

You tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists are a threat to society. Take your meds.
Soros' labs being at 666 Gaoxin Road in Wuhan is just a coincidence. The billionaire kikes are our friends. It'll just feel like a prick goy... bring your family on down to CVS Harmacy and get your complementary Microsoft x DARPA smartchip! We'll be handing out coupons for discounted Amazon Ring cameras! Thanks to our partners at Verizon that comes with a free 5G antenna installation.

Attached: gates_epstein.jpg (900x631, 96.54K)


here is the document in the link, pussy

Attached: Screenshot_20200403-153934_Firefox.jpg (810x3931, 881.56K)

Please look into this

Is this real? Starting @28:08 Pompeo said we're in a live exercise, trump whispers i wish you woulda told me

NOT happening, get back to work

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Would you expect Yosemite to explode?
I know I wouldn’t.
It’s the perfect plan.