Should America go to war with China? How would lead your fellow soldiers into battle?
Should America go to war with China? How would lead your fellow soldiers into battle?
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America will not go to war against China because USA only fights small country. They are a brunch of cowards.
What you gonna see now is Donald Trump kneeling to China saying "yes sir. Yes sir." Sucking Xi Jinping dick.
Or maybe because the earth would be a giant fucking crater, there will be no winners in ww3.
No, no. I think it is because America does not like to fight against someone who could stand up and fight
Oh please, china is just as scared of nuclear war as the rest of the world.
I don't think a war with China would lead to anything but China turning into a true democracy, that would like change the order of the world, several magnitudes.
Yes but they can wether it. They eat dogs and bugs if they have too. Amerimutts can live a week without soda.
Yes of course. They are. Maybe that's why Xi Jinping is shitting Donald Trump's head.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans? They think war is the solution to everything. America, not China, is the greatest threat to world peace but they're belligerent psychopaths
I bet you are from Sweden or Canada. Only being from these two countries to be so stupid and cowardly.
why chinks always hide like cowards?
If he had any balls he would drop a few bombs instead of pussyfooting around with trump.
No need to go to war. After this is all over China will be ostracized by international business community which will lead to a withering Chinese economic depression which will produce a famine, revolution and balkanization (in that order) into warring feudal states led by warlords formerly PLA Regional Army Group Commanders that might even nuke each other at some point.
It will be pottery.
China? Stand up and fight?
Hahahahahha the only thing China fights is the fight to stay alive in their own country
Uh hello? Based department? I fucking hope this happens.
Look the bomb he dropped in your economy with a vírus.
And hes scared to admit it
crying and shitting my pants
First drop the EMPs from B-2s to disable their launch detection. Follow with all out nuclear assault (100s of warheads), dissbling their missles, cities, bases. I want this.
It's wishfull thinking. Who rules will still making money using China cheap labor.
great so a nuclear and biological arsenal will be left in the hands of warlords?
good thinking brainiac.
We can only hope
>can't even defeat a flu
>thinks can defeat China
America is the real paper tiger and Rona is exposing this for the whole world to watch.
No, we should just pull all of our manufacturing out of china and make it clear to multinational corporations that they can either do business with China or they can do business with the rest of the world.
oh please, chinks are the easiest creatures to boycott on the planet. just dont buy cheap plastic chink shit or eat chink food. they cant do anything else.
Kek. Vietnam was already replacing you BEFORE your shoddy lab procedures led to the unintentional release of a bioweapon, you drooling monkey. 200 companies just relocated to India. We are repurposing vast manufacturing resources to deal with this shit. You think you'll get that production back? You were NEVER our largest trading partner, but we were yours. WERE being the operative word there. Which first world country will leave itself vulnerable to you in that way after this? Which developing nation is not licking it's chops?
You're going to starve, chink.
No more wars for Jews. Just no.
Put your money where your mouth is, you literally can't stop buying Chinese medical equipments, even resort to stealing from France
2. via remote control so I can be safe like the Politicians and Billionaires
What do you think about using the law to execute Trump?
Trump is a jink and I want him dead.
I want Trump dead.
I want Congress to act.
Pentagon and NATO commands / commanders will practice information denial against American civilians and civilians in NATO countries until those civilians demand war with China.
Trump announced this using the anti-Chinese jingoism strategy.
virus=warmonger hoax
it's neocon bullshit
same stuff we got after 9/11
This is the TJRW formula
a war against china is the only modern day war that would matter
The Chinese can’t fight, they’re good at fighting each other in civil wars but their history shows they can’t handle outside forces.
Nuke the Chinks
Enslave their women.
If it were up to me, wouldn't even have to have a war with China. It would be enough for countries around the world to buy nothing more from China.
But I doubt Trump would have balls enough for that.
You're missing the point, you imbecile. Nobody is beating the war drums. We're beating the Made In USA (or wherever it is you are from) drums. There is no moral downside. You have no bullets. Try something else, retarded communist chink.
>get a load of this nigger
Three kingdoms coming up again soon boys!
>Should America go to war with China? How would lead your fellow soldiers into battle?
You would lose since America is too multicultural.
The masks are made by an American company dumb ass
3M isn't a Chinese company
>china lies about the virus and subverts the WHO
>"Guys AMERICA is the REAL threat!"
What kind of beta Male living in the US typed this
This. Fuck china
Yes but sadly China has nukes so we'd need to be careful or find other ways to punish the Chinks.
Rightfully Taiwanese clay
Kek. We're gonna' watch the whole thing unfold in slow motion on Live Leak or Bitchute a winter or 2 (at the most) from now.
The US cant fight a nuclear war with China, it would destroy the world and the human race.
The US can fight an intelligence war with China, by intelligence I mean, on economics, technology, culture etc.
I second that.
Maybe all of the world's developed nations should come together to remove the CCP before it's too late? Arming insurrectionist groups among China's ethnic groups might be a decent idea too. At the current trajectory, China will be the richest country on Earth by mid-century. By that time USA will be a deficient Brazil-like country, which won't be able to defeat China.
>the US cant fight a nuclear war with China
we could. Updated Aegis equipped ships can deal with their 300 shitty copies of old ICBMs. It's Russia that is scary in that way.
But why would we? China is going to collapse and starve within 5 years.
The entire world needs to divest from China but it won't happen.
Lol. The second all of this is over American corporations will flood right back to China to produce and sell more cheap crap.
If you think otherwise you're delusional.
You are right, Russia is a bigger problem when it comes to nuclear war, cause they have as many nukes as the US has. If tensions between the US and China get really high then they could start producing nuclear bombs really fast to close the gap.
american soldiers liberate sideways pussy from communism, sideways pussy liberates american men from nagging niggerloving hamplanets.
sino-american war is a win-win. thank you mister trump!
>execute the one guy who told you we should close the border because of disease
you've reached peak TDS.
t. fellow democrat
>Updated Aegis equipped ships can deal with their 300 shitty copies of old ICBMs. It's Russia that is scary in that way.
Out of curiosity, why wouldn't have Chang updated his nuclear arsenal when he has a mighty 9 trillion GDP? Why does Ivan have a modern nuclear arsenal when he only has a GDP of 1.7 trillion? If Chang fired off his 300 old style nukes, would it be enough to put the planet into a nuclear winter?
Sorry, dude, the entire west called the chinkflu a nothingburger, therefore the chinks are free of any blame about the nothingburgervirus.
I've got a heat seeking missile for her chinese boat
Is it bad I want war? I hate them . I fucking hate China. I've never been "redpilled" on anything. Never went on Pol. But, with the chink flu, I've realized how disgusting the Chinese are. I hope we give them what they deserve. Revenge for the doggos
Hope they nuke your shithole in return if you try something. Well deserved karma as well.
>The second all of this is over American corporations will flood right back to China to produce and sell more cheap crap.
If you think corporations place no value on the security of their supply chains, it's you, fren. China was never the US' biggest trading partner anyway. But US was China's biggest. You're going to starve, chink.
race mixing is promoted by the kikes. kys for believing that it would be best for the us fuck the chinkoids. we need to just nuke china and use the land for lebensraum
You admit that, ultimately, China will be responsible for murdering millions of non-Chinese, just to take down one enemy country?
No. We should have an internal National Socialist revolution because its the best ideology period.
>China get really high then they could start producing nuclear bombs really fast to close the gap
Mirvs and delivery systems aren't iphones, memefren. China can't even make an engine to power it's crappy not-too-stealth fighter knockoffs. They have to import inferior Russian ones. China has no military option vs the USA.
But you're missing the point entirely. We don't need to war. China has done it to themselves. All we have to do is wait and watch. And laugh.
Oh memeflaggot, everyone knows the kikes created 5g
Yeah! You like this don't you!? Look how stronk 'n' huwhiiiite she is! (unless you're in the top 20% of sexual market value, this is all you're most likely gonna be able to get).
We have nothing to gain from any war. Anyone who thinks we should is probably trying to profit from one.
We do need to keep essential industries in our borders.
dumbass, we're guys. we can do both blondes and bleaching.
Only of Europe stays out of it.
at least show a half decent looking blonde if you're going to promote intraracial
None of this will happen
Fuck off kike.
Holy shit you're fucking retarded.
China makes cheap shit for cheap.
US corporations would rather pay slave wages then pay their own citizens a decent wage.
If you think that the virus is going to change anything, it wont.
We didn't care about Tienanmen square, we didn't care about their dictator regime, we don't care about their human rights violations and we don't care about their concentration camps.
I guarantee we won't care about some fucking virus.
The EMPs are surely already in space.
Should it? Probably not a great idea
Will it? Inevitably
Hopefully mutts and insectoids will nuke eachother and free the world from their presence
Women would be drafted too, so it will never happen. A Texas court confirmed it last year.