Who's your favorite Christian?

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." Luke 19:27

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Billy Graham. Any rebuttal to his impact on spreading doctrine to the world is unwarranted. Great man - F.

Saint Louis IX

The Lord Jesus Christ

The pharisee Paul who created it

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hitler was a jew


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how is this politics faggot

>he didn't read table talks

Hitler was a massive atheist behind closed doors.

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how is this not, jew

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My favorite Christian is the user shitposter reading this.

Thank you.

I try.

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Martin Luther

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Father Coughlin


Leo Tolstoy (founder of Christian anarchism)
George Fox (founder of Quakerism)
Martin Luther King, Jr. (American civil rights leader)
Desmond Tutu (South African civil rights leader)

>martin luther

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he was worse than useless. he spread heresy which drove millions of people away from Christianity.

its true
i have no reason to say this other than its a fact and OP is stupid to put him in christians list

wtf is up with the growth of protestants on this board

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Isaac the Syrian


E. Michael Jones


Based. Would add Marshall Mcluhan

baptists are not prots tho

Take a wild guess nigger

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St. Thomas Aquinas

I’d probably add Miguel de unamuno as well. And Thomas à Kempis, there’s a lot

Based af pic, saved.


Fuck off shlomos

Every Christian is based and redpilled

lol ok retard

>Who’s your favorite Christian?
A dead one.

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Either Paul Washer or John MacArthur. Both preach the pure Gospel without adding or subtracting anything from it. They are true Biblical Christians unlike most larpers who claim the faith.

lmao who tf thinks he was remotely Christian?
Btw Luther and all the other pr*testants are heretics.
Pic related are my favorites.

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Fuck you orthodox and Catholics are the heretics

you know what your countrymen once did to pagans like you, right hans?

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absolutely based

I am protestant you Catholics and orthodox are the pagans.

plebbit rapeugees
they will figure it out now they are here
give them a year or two to put things together

you are a discord tranny running a d&c ops
you shuld just kys moshe

the prot tells you that Luther hated jews, but he never tells you that he started hating them when they refused to help Luther fight the Catholic Church,after being asked for their help.

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Repent heretic

>I am protestant you Catholics and orthodox are the pagans

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>by the sweat of their noses

Brother Nat, by far

He was not a Christian, he was jewish. Cheiatianity did not exist back then, few cenyuries later it became its own thing in councils and all that

repent and leave

Repent heretic. Jesus loves you and there is no one like Jesus. Stop praying to your silly idols or saints or whatever you call them. And stop worshipping Mary.

Yes,Peter and his successors are the heretics.
A German retard born 1400 years after Jesus and all the 9000 sects with contradictory doctrines are the real Christians.

you have no idea what you are talking about
about 3 years before he died everything became very clear as to what had transpired
so he wrote his last book on the kikes
they were kicked out of spain and forced to march to the north where they couldnt collude with the muslims anymore
once there they caused a revolution, which we call the reformation, in order to spilt the church in two and using one half to destroy the other half, and they did it by crying that the church was pagan and mean to jews so thats why they wouldnt convert and be saved
read the timeline

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come back to the faith brother]its time to wake up from your golem spell

John Wesley

Jan Hus my guy cause the Hussites were a bunch of peasant farmers and city folk and cucked a bunch of crusader armies tryna put them down. Get fucked Pope Martin V.

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cope more moshe

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Says the catholic lmao

>Stop praying to your silly idols or saints or whatever you call them. And stop worshipping Mary.
How about you stop following a guy who literally censored verses in the Bible that contradicted his doctrine?
Btw the same bible that is a collection of book compiled by... the Catholic Church.


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which of his "successors" was the real one? The one in Rome or the one in Antioch? Did he ever actually name one? Did people say "I'm his successor" and get away with it?

>Stop praying to your silly idols or saints or whatever you call them
>And stop worshipping Mary
its all so tiresome

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im Anglican you silly crypto

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Keep sucking on rotten feet and praying to images. I'm sure you're right.

its like he doesnt even know calling christians idolators is right from the talmud

Yes it's all so tireless to argue with heretics. We need another war to sort things out and get rid of heretics like you. I know that the lord is with me

What about St. Mercurius? He was a legit warrior and fighter. He was more popular in medieval times when Christians had to actually bear arms.

Yes, I know that europe was destroyed by this stupid division in Christianity. And who did it? Luther and the German princes.

>E. Michael Jones
He thinks race doesn't exist and Christianity is the cause of European civilisation. Actual retarded boomer.

You pray to idols stop lying about it. Christ wants us to speak the truth


Catholics did it with their corruption

Schizo tier post.

You are afraid because you know I am right

d&c kike d&c'ing
how typical
hows it working for you this time moshe?
finding it is a bit harder without demon powers?
>no more brother wars ;)

I guess Jesus was wrong when he said Peter was the stone in wich His Church would be built.
And the Bible (only source of faith in protestantism) is also wrong by telling this history.

Stop being a heretic and there would be no problem you jew

jews tricked our brothers and probably put baal shem spells on them, same as the have done all over since

heretics aren't our brothers. they're kike and larpagan brothers,wich are burning in hell now with their daddy satan.

Last Eid we had a gathering with many family friends, one of them was a Syrian Christian family. Their daughter was smoking hot.

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Jesus thus does not declare the primacy of Peter, but rather declares that his church will be built upon the foundation of the revelation of and confession of faith of Jesus as the Christ

you glow like a nigger moshe

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You Jews always accuse other of what you are guilty of.

So you don't know how to read retard? Look up the verse and he explicitly says Peter is in charge.

Read this: carm.org/catholic/is-peter-the-rock

all Christians who profess the creeds are my brothers
it would be silly to hate my brother when he is in error, thats when he needs me most

Absolutely heretical