Mask thread

I got pic related from work. Will I be spared from the coof?

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do you have spare filters?

virus are 1 micron in size... does the filter do 1 micron?

Are there any masks out there that block the 'rona but don't block me from smelling my farts?

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Not with those filters, you need particulate filters. But if you're gonna use organic filters anyways, make sure they come with the particulate filter add-on, or the bayonet adapter


I have no idea. How do I tell?

Can confirm that this mask does block farts. I can literally smell nothing when wearing it. Its meant to block chemical fumes.

one side says 3m 60923 ov/sd/hc/cl/hf/hs/p100 and one says 3m 6003 ov/sd/hc/cl/hf/hs

Thats a 2 or 3 micron mask, could be 5 or 4. It looks like a vapor mask. By the way, if you don't have a decontaminate room thd second that mask comes off you are exposed.

Whats the size of the virus?

If you take off the mask will you die?

>one side says 3m 60923 ov/sd/hc/cl/hf/hs/p100 and one says 3m 6003 ov/sd/hc/cl/hf/hs
No this isn't a sufficient filter to stop the coof

It's a big virus.

the virus is carried by droplets

if they gave them like that to you they want you to die, or are utterly retarded

This. The virus cannot fly in the air by itself. Give me a source if i am wrong.

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Its a vapor filter mask wich will stop alot of particulates as well, but only down to a specific size.

Lol, big.

It's a p100, which is like an n100, which is better than an n95

pic related doesn't have any particle filters on it, you need something like pic related, which has N95 particle filters that sit on top of the organic filters.

Check your filters, it tells you what model it is, and N95 filters always say they're N95 on them. You want something like an N95, an N99 or a P100 for this. P100 are the pink ones that are very basic. These type of cartridge filters are used for organic fumes such as in chemical laboratories, they have carbon in them that essentially neutralizes any dangerous organic vapors. These are not filters for viruses, but you can get filters that sit on top of them that do filter viruses but they are hard to come by now.

You have to show pics. Pic related are the only filters or combinations that protect you from corona-chan

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>3m 60923 ov/sd/hc/cl/hf/hs/p100

This is the one that will protect you.

P100 filters 99.97 % of airborne particles

I googled it but doesn't say micron size. Yes its for fumes.

which filter should I get? i already know I'm fucked as far as getting the m80 whatever masks but maybe filters are still available? I can also get my work to pay which is good.

its for work inside aircraft fuel tank. we had to get the mask fitted and smell checked ect. they didn't just give this to me for coof proof

What kind of filters did you get? Anything's better than nothing. A T-shirt will stop the big droplets. Only HEPA will stop a dry virus, but I don't think they would survive anyways. I also don't think there are HEPA face masks.

unlikely since you can be transmitted through gay sex

Do you have goggles as well?

Just get the coof. I got it and yes it sucked. Fever, extreme body aches, loss of taste, trouble breathing and soar throat is what I got. After like 5 days it’s over. After this Tuesday my doctor told me I’m good to go. I’ll be walking around as normal while you guys still talk about masks. Just get it over with.

N95 or P2

Also, if says 3m 60923 ov/sd/hc/cl/hf/hs/p100 but looks like your pic, then someone took the particulate part out (the pink cover). It's useless like that.

T shirts or cloth masks also protect from subconsciously touching the nose and mouth with dirty hands which is a method of transmission. I wear a bandana around my face at work just to stop myself from touching my nose and mouth, which I do a lot.

The blue masks prevent liquids from getting through, like if someone haucked a loogie on your face. N95 should be more than adequate if you can find any. Proper seal matters. Shave your beard or clamp down so hard you have bruises.

masks improve your chances of avoiding the virus but are no guarantee
Avoid humans is best policy
When you must leave home, unless you stay in open air and avoid all humans, wear mask and goggles, wash hands.

then you need pic related and 3M 501 plastic covers

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Meanwhile, you are going to be shedding virus for the next 20 days. You are a fucking walking infection.

A study done by the Lancet showed that one person was shedding active virus for 37 days

I got a 3m N95, goin into work in a few, 7 hour shift. Will it protect me that long? Will it get really humid and shit from my breath or will it be fine?

Bullshit. As long as it's properly sealed, the 2091/2097 filters will filter airborne particulates and are sufficient to shop. Obviously you want 7093s + adapter with them but it's disinformation to say it's the only thing. We're talking about walking through possibly contaminated air, not being 2ft away from infected patients.

You don't need M or P masks, those are for oil droplets like paint. N means it doesn't have oil protection and it's easier to breath in.

lol what. the left filter adapter is just for one time. if you remove the filter you have to trash the adapter

You will be fine. Decon it with dry peroxide and set it somewhere warm to dry

It comes down to microns and p. Vapor filters do block some particles but only down to a certain size. P100 are one to the vapor handles both. Just remember, without a full decon sealed wash room and clothing hold and wash unit the second that mask comes off you are exposed. To a lesser degree, yes. I used a vape mask like yours during the ash fallout from forest fires and from a burning junk yard. It will filter particulates, again, only down to a certain size. Check the label.

For you

You don't know that. It could be layered together.

dude, the 2091 filter is in the pic
I didn't know that. Still a better alternative than an organic filter.

This, even with a full face respirator you want to have a chemical sprayer or outdoor shower setup with a 1:10 bleach ratio. You don't want to go anywhere regardless of what PPE you have without proper decontamination, it will serve you no purpose and the worst part about this virus is the long incubation period, you wouldn't know where you fucked up after 10-11 days.

My bad, apologies. I thought you said the combination in pic related was the only thing that worked.

Dude, just seal check it.

I’m not going to be going to the beach or visiting old folk homes. I’m going to be able to go get groceries.

it isn't

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Guys i have a Honeywell 7700 halfmask respirator with filters that does solvents/gas and a P100 particular filter combo. I wanted to get a full mask with visor, are there any decent off brand ones on Ebay or something that would fit my filters? I wear lab goggles with em in supermarkets but still have dmall air gaps

A simple face mask and hand washing should be plenty. You're not going to get infected from a single virion. Doctors die because they get a huge load to the face with every patient they visit. Their immune system doesn't have time to ramp up.

Isn't that just activated charcoal though? I thought the white thing is the particulate filter then the charcoal is for smells, not so much particulates?

Lol, no purpose, he said he can't smell farts.

This is wiy the mask for virus is funny. No decon room, you get exposed.

Yeah, that won't do you much good. Great thing to wear if someone has bad gas.

>Whats the size of the virus?
100-150 nm

>Will I be spared from the coof?
Yes, but you have to wear the mask for the rest of your life.

Yes if you’re worried about sanding spackle and spray paint.

no its just going to go in your eyes you retard

see that thing in the middle of the mask? that diaphragm opens every time you breath out. So it you are infected you are releasing the virus. Also I would say because the seal is opening and closing the virus could get in right there. Really guys face masks are only going to give you a false security.

Spreading is the key

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This. No goggles, you're doomed.

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I’ve washed my hands more times in the last month than my entire life. Also I never knew how much my face itched so much.

It's unlikely a virus can survive without any water. The only thing that can filter particles of that size is a HEPA filer. The hardest particles to filter are 2nm. Once a filter gets fine enough, the sub 2nm particles that make it through drops to near 0 due to Brownian motion.

It would be extremely painful

See that white part above? Thats a particle filter. There is another below the charcoal, otherwise you would be breathing charcoal dust. Black lung anyone?

you still have ,eyes,ears,and Anus exposed,

The activated charcoal is for the organic gases and the white layer is just for holding the charchoal. You need to add the particulate filter to that cartridge, either a 5n11 filter (rated n95) or a 2091/2097 filter (rated p100)

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N95 respirator master race reporting in

Pic related has VAPOR filters, not particulate filters like N95 or P100

Buy n95 cloth filters that go around your filters

the old command n conquer vibes

The surface area of your lungs is like 800 sqft. Protecting your eyes from droplets is a good idea. A face shield or safety glasses are enough

You could always get some large swimming goggles.

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Ahh okay thank you, I had my respirators/filters before this all happened so didn't research the others mostly because you can't find them anyways.

Those googles are shit, you'll get virus particles on the skin right beside your eyes. Good way of being infected when you take them off

Imagine you’re walking down the street full face mask and visor
Someone wrestles you to the ground and coughs into your anus
Minutes later you fall over in extreme pain and lungs fill up with fluid

Such is life

Ahh okay thank you, I had my respirators/filters before this all happened so didn't research the others mostly because you can't find them anyways. Can anyone suggest goggles that could still be gotten?

How could it filter gas molecules but not virus/bacteria which are significantly larger than molecules? I think you're spreading disinfo, p100 masks work

As long as you don't touch your eyes. Goggles are good at stopping that.

I do have swimming goggles actually

Only time I ever wear one of these kinds of masks is when I have to spray paint a house or the interior of a house.. also cutting concrete and jack hammering concrete. Aslo used them for refinishing hardwood floors and applying polyurethane to hardwoods. a regular N-95 mask will be good enough for virus prevention as long as you are not touching everything then touching your face afterward and wash your fucking hands.

You are like babby.
>tfw new manufacture 3M P3 Master Race and 62 grain steel core
Feels comfy man.
Also this.

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The standard filters on OP's pic do not filter viruses, with those alone air moves through much easier, they are not particle filters, they are meant to absorb organic vapors. They are just a very thin layer of filter that is just meant to keep in all the small carbon bits that are inside. Again, you need the clear or pink covers with the shaped filters that sit ON TOP of those for them to work.

LOl 8.5 size boots.. you are a safe manlet..

not an option. i still live with parents. they will definitely die if they get it. ill probably have to move out

it definitely works. my work had me fitted and smell checked by an OSHA lab. I go inside aircraft fuel tanks, which smells like kerosene, and I can't smell anything while wearing it.

it seals I've had it checked by osha

I can get the attachments but sadly the filter says 'reserved for healthcare professionals' or some shit. guess I'm fucked

this is what i figured. Im not standing around +infected all day. its just to go to the store and such

its just what i have from work. its p100

i dont have anything like that. i guess i could just take off all my clothes outside and wash them right away. i dont work around many people and definitely no one that has coof for sure.

Those are vapor cartridges OP. While not as good as actual P95/100 masks better than nothing.

Because unless a sick person is coofing beside you, or you're in a closed space(eleavtor, bus, etc) you're 99% fine. Since it'll protect your face and likely trap any airborne virus if you're in contact with it(fucking bandana's can trap the virus over 50% effectively).

These would be cartridges you need, since they're your cartridges(vapor/oils+particles).

Else the paper looking ones, which are impossible to find. Apparently they make adapters to slap onto vapor cartridges, which you might actually be able to find since nobody probably knows they exist. But looks like you chewed it open like a sperg.

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Scratch that, i wear prescription lab goggles, or ski goggles with glasses. My vision isn't terrible but i don't wanna be squinting looking for shit at supermarket

3m 6300
>p100 OV filters
tipped off to a supplier from ironworker user early feb, stocked up.
BTW if you are looking ironworker user, THANK YOU

Full face is the way to go. /k/ has had a respirator general running almost nonstop lately. Either that or check for a gear general if your looking at surplus stuff.

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3M earmuffs/mask/goggles?

Old lady's boots.
I only wear Danner, and Ariat shit kickers.
The pink polka dots are my shit though, that's my bugout bag.

Those are just very thin foam pads, there's 2 on top of the charcoal and 2 on the bottom. Not rated for anything, they even let some charcoal through if you shake them hard enough.

Attached: open cartridge 2.png (1290x1012, 1010.67K)

I think he was talking about the carbon filters

Particulate masks
>droplet protection
>airborne protection

Surgeon masks
>droplet protection

M, P masks
>Petroleum protection (paint, burning trash)

N Masks
>No petroleum protection
>easier to breath

Carbon Masks
>Protection from VOCs, farts

Again, the white layer is a particulate filter or you would be breathing charcoal dust.

Can do tight hoodie tied tight, then a raincoat over that w/ hood tight tight. Then large surface sealing swim/ski goggles and mask.