If you are like this go fuck yourself, you’re the reason ubi will not work here.
How much is a good starting point? Is the 1200 NEETbux too little? How do we go about for higher cost living areas? Should we leave it to the states?
If you are like this go fuck yourself, you’re the reason ubi will not work here.
How much is a good starting point? Is the 1200 NEETbux too little? How do we go about for higher cost living areas? Should we leave it to the states?
What people aren't really picking up on about UBI is that it's not really for you. It's for the owners of the assets/products you aren't buying.
imagine being so degenerate you would willingly accept something you neither worked for nor deserve, you fucking disgust me faggot but worst of all you disgust your self and the ones closest to you.
Imagine being ok with being a wage cuck your whole life & dying as one, I need you to visualize that Rn
>transport during a quarintine
these people are dense aren't they
dont detract or make excuses, you do nothing thus deserve nothing, u deserve to be hungy every night and eventually perish, do something with your life you slack bitch
Automatons are replacing us and immigration too. in 10 years it will be that way. Do research if you have doubts from a random user spouting this. Tax the Billionaires. UBI will work.
You can take $400 off the total, ain’t nowhere to go.
$340 for food? No wonder everyone is fat.
>nobody understands how capitalism works but me
You are an absolute mongoloid
because it's not UBI
it's so goyim can still pay their debts in order to not collapse the whole financial system
Ah yes wanting some of your tax dollars back that usually goes to niggers.
Nice try Chink, you fucks are done when this is over, I can't stress that enough.
car payments
I eat 400 dollars a month, but it's expensive health food.
the purpose of UBI is to give the central planners total control over your life by fostering dependency on transfers of state credit. good goy consoomers will have their needs met, whereas dissidents will be cut off as will those who transact with them. if at that point you decide it isn't enough, what the fuck are you going to do about it?
1K a month UBI would really go pretty far by itself for making this system a hell of a lot more humane.
As far as cost of living is concerned, you need to fix that with other measures, usually libertarian measures of both the right and left variety. You need to stop corporate welfare. You're probably going to need a flat tax that's nice and simple so your govt doesnt shoehorn in all of this dishonest, corrupt shit with the tax code (like it is now). You do need to allow some genuinely free markets (which we don't have presently). And then on the left side you need to repeal all of the USA's unconstitutional anti-union laws.
We DONT need "trickle down economics" to do a UBI either. Remember that. We had "welfare as a human right" in this country up until 1996 when Clinton, of all people, fucking gutted it. So a small-business economy of individual proprietorships, and high corporate taxes on the big business that do exist, can pay for these programs. It worked for many decades in the USA, so it's not even something theoretical or that hasn't been tried.
>412 for transport
>700 fucking dollery doos for "misc"
This person doesn't know how to fucking budget at all
I spend $100/week on food. Meat, poultry and fish is not cheap. Food should be one of your highest costs after housing, because it’s the best investment you can make.
>gas costs $400 a month
found the retard
spend less money retards
if you're on UBI you don't need to live in the downtown core of a city
UBI will never work because we're a bunch of lazy cocksuckers. Everyone I know that is non-essential has spent the entire lockdown sitting on the couch and watching Netflix. Why the fuck would we pay asshats to do nothing? Let them die.
man shut the fuck up mutts earn enough
People in europe earn 20 k and get by fine
Maybe you have to draw back a little on your onions chai latte and cheeseburger consumption
This, what the hell are they eating?
I spent 144 earlier this month and it's probably gonna last me until next month.
>700 dollars a month spent on useless shit
lmao what
I spend $200 a week at the grocery store, and another $100 on takeout. Grass fed, Free range, organic etc. Shits pricey.
if you’re not going anywhere, for what purpose do you need transport, user?
What the fuck is "everything else" and why is it so large?
Holy shit the average individual wastes a lot of money
Maybe that's what should change
These ppl are retarted. Anyone unemployed rn can get 2400$ additional per month (600 a week). I Was laid off, still drive an M series and live in a downtown penthouse and I’m completely covered by govt financial assistance. If anyone else complains they’re shitheads
1,200 would pay my rent and car insurance.
Thats all.
>phone bill
>electric bill
>student loans
>internet bill
pretty easy to get to $750 kid. I look forward to your predictible response that no one should have student loans and also spend $0 on entertainment
Sigh... see you fucking faggots this is one of the core reasons you cannot have the government going around handing out money.
in my piss poor area due to californian developers buying out most apartment complexes people barely making 40k are having to pay 1200 plus in rent on a small apartment.
Before the cali devs came in rent was 800ish for a new (last 15-20 years) nice (updated within 3-5 years) apartment with new appliances and paint.
Yeah and Europe is all fucking mud with broken down homes, no wonder living cost over there is low
>1K a month UBI would really go pretty far by itself for making this system a hell of a lot more humane.
Fuck you.
You not wanting to work for a living is not humane.
no, you should divvy the costs of the ubi to the party that is responsible for the costs of goods and services the ubi is covering, for example, the local government is handling the zoning and building regulations, that is controlling how costly housing is in that jurisdiction so they should cover the cost of housing in the ubi
Go away, chink, nigger, spic, jew.
If you want to do any solving of cost of living, you need to halt immigration other than at the very, very high end (
In my country, I spend about $400 a month on food, but my doctor has chastised me for being malnourished. I generally survive on a serving of lentil rice, and some ground pork every few days.
Imagine the money the average person could have if we didnt have a huge tax burden.
who here rdy to /raid/ thier neighbour :-)
412 for "transport" isn't completely ridiculous if you're considering full coverage car insurance + gas. It's still higher than it should be.
Mnuchins response:
"how about instead of 1200, we give you nothing?
fucking bitch."
>universal basic income
>basic income
$75k is way above basic income in the US.
$50k is the average for HOUSEHOLDS (2 parents working w/ 2 kids = $3400/mo).
I’m going to receive sex as soon as I get my handout. In fact, every single penny from that stimulus check will go towards my sexual exploits.
hell student loans can easily be over 750 a month.
thats because you are retarded. I can make it 40 dollars a week by getting local grassfed organ meats. But no, you want expensive steaks with less nutritional value.
>phone bill
30 a month for me, unlimited everything
>electric bill
60 a month for me
>student loans
>internet bill
pay $70 a month for 100mb/sec
My "misc" costs are 1/4th this chuckefucks even if I spend $100 in a month clubbing
>its not enough
so give things up, balance your budget, or fucking work you lazy stupid cunt
when was it decided that gibs were a virtue?
why did we let these sub humans have a say?
You extreme food costs are not the norm.
nobody's saying it's going to pay for everyone's shit. it's called "better than nothing" bitch.
>$400 transport
>$750 misc
remind me again what god has not gassed the burger yet?
How’s your flip phone grandpa
I spend ~$600/month on food, family of four tho
>>phone bill
60 bucks max.
>>electric bill
100 bucks max.
You're a slave wagie, entertain yourself by throwing rocks.
>>student loans
HA, wagies are slaves.
>>internet bill
See phone bill, sell your laptop and pc.
why is it that expensive?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to bitch about a free $1200 check?
Imagine signing yourself up for something so retarded and not spending the 6 grand worth of FAFSA everyone gets on 3 certifications that would make you 80k a year EACH EASILY and debt free
>Imagine being ok with having and maintaining a job and a budget your whole life & dying as an adult and not a sponging parasite, I need you to visualize that Rn
>$340 a month on food
>average per person
>earning less than $75k
How in fucking blue blazes
I budget for £65 a month, which includes a consistent stock of non-perishables. What are you people eating?
Don't forget 770 for everything else!? Wtf!! Live within your means first of all, second try not consoooming
Moto X Gen 2, Verizon prepaid plan
in non retard land here is my basic breakdown
500 mortgage
transport including insurance and gas, no car note because im not a fucking idiot-150
healthcare-The thing they deduct from my paycheck for boomers? I dont understand this
everything else-maybe 400
water is about 30, power is 60
so ill just round up and say 1300 a month.
if I were really trying, it would be way less. these people are stupid as fuck.
Having an extra grand would pay my rent and car payment, id still have to work to feed and clothes my self.
Daily trips to Starbucks and avocado toast.
Why does somebody earning $75k have zero savings? Quit living like a fucking retard and get your shit together.
Car payment, insurance.
No, you can’t. Your cheap lean ground beef is made from cattle that is sick
$15 phone bill
$75 electric bill
$65 internet bill
$30 gas bill
$0 student loans
$565 funko pop fund :)
340 sounds about right on the food desu, I spend 150 on food every paycheck. The transport and misc costs are asinine though
So body pillows?
>making this system a hell of a lot more humane.
Leftist whargarble..
its made to be spent.
if you make 75k a year and are looking for this podunk 1200$ handout youre a fucking tard and need to be laughed at.
Housing for 1 person is 1100?
Fuck you.
What are you talking about? I literally go to the farm and buy it myself.
It's healthy organ meat.
Hey man without corporations how would you spend that rent money?
>$1.1k average monthly housing cost
Who pays 400 a month on transport???
>Yeah and Europe is all fucking mud with broken down homes
Be American mutt, live in poverty.
European countries have less crime and way nicer homes my dudem.
Not sure what state she is in, but in CA they really fuck you on car registration and insurance.
However, it's not terrible, and the bitch probably has either 3 cars or 2 expensive ones, because my early registration is ~$10/mo. and insurance is pretty cheap too.
>t. '03 Camry master race
>Candles $3600
>no kids
Wow, how do you not gave kids? Incel, neet or just a general loser?
Everything else.
> 1676.18
- Everything Else
> 906.79
- Transport (because lockdown)
> 493.2
Live with your fucking means, cunt.